Latest News from: Baylor Scott and White Health

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Released: 16-Apr-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Two Physicians at Baylor Elected as Heads of National Organ Transplant Societies
Baylor Scott and White Health

Michael Ramsay, president of Baylor Research Institute and chief of the department of anesthesiology and pain management at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas and Göran Bo Gustaf Klintmalm, chief and chairman of the Baylor Regional Transplant Institute and director of transplantation services at Baylor Dallas and Baylor All Saints Medical Center at Fort Worth, have been elected as the leaders of two renowned organ transplant societies.

Released: 14-Apr-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Is Bottled Water Any Better than Tap Water?
Baylor Scott and White Health

How much do you spend on bottled water? If you buy certain brands thinking the water is cleaner or safer, experts say you may as well be pouring money down the drain. When it comes to some brands of bottled water versus tap"”there may not be a sip of difference.

Released: 11-Apr-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Spring Clean Your Diet
Baylor Scott and White Health

Ever thought of improving your eating habits as a spring cleaning job? Just as you give your house and garage a thorough once-over every year, you can do the same with your diet.

Released: 11-Apr-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Flip-flops May be Stylish, but Can Cause Serious Foot Pain If Worn for Long Periods of Time
Baylor Scott and White Health

They're no longer just for the pool or beach"¦nowadays flip-flops are a fashionable footwear staple. But experts warn if you're not careful"”those flip-flops can lead to just as much foot pain as your stilettos.

Released: 11-Apr-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Allergy Alert--follow These Steps to Breathe Easier This Spring
Baylor Scott and White Health

If you're buying antihistamines in bulk in an effort to keep your allergy symptoms in check, it might be time to rethink your strategy.

Released: 7-Apr-2008 12:00 AM EDT
Shiny Lip Balms and Glosses May Actually Attract UV Rays
Baylor Scott and White Health

Wear sunscreen on your face everyday? Think you're covered? Well think again. How do you protect your lips from the sun? Most women think their balms and glosses have got them covered, but experts say they're dangerously mistaken.

Released: 1-Apr-2008 9:00 AM EDT
Stroke Patients Re-learn to Walk Correctly Again Using Special Treadmill
Baylor Scott and White Health

For the more than 700,000 people who experience a stroke each year, many never regain the ability to walk like they did prior to their stroke. But physical therapists, using a specialized treadmill, have discovered a new way to help stroke patients walk again"”correctly. The results of their study, conducted at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation (BIR), appear in the April 2008 issue of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Released: 17-Mar-2008 12:45 PM EDT
Baylor Stroke Program Named Center of Excellence
Baylor Scott and White Health

Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas has been designated a Stroke Center of Excellence according to Chicago-based think tank NeuStrategy.

Released: 3-Mar-2008 3:00 PM EST
Innovative, Reversible Solution Treats Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Baylor Scott and White Health

Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a common spinal problem suffered mainly by people over 50 and is often associated with leg, buttock, groin and some times back pain. A new, less invasive procedure helps bring patients relief from symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). The 45-to-90 minute, reversible procedure can be performed under local anesthesia and involves implanting a titanium alloy device into the spine.

Released: 28-Feb-2008 12:00 AM EST
Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas Takes New Approach to Joint Replacements
Baylor Scott and White Health

Patients undergoing joint replacement surgery at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas will no longer go it alone. From pre-op education to post-op recovery they will be joined by other patients having the same procedure in a "camp" type atmosphere that promotes wellness, camaraderie and friendly competition to help ensure that each patient has the best possible outcome.

Released: 12-Feb-2008 1:00 AM EST
Why So Many Children Are on the Road to Heart Disease
Baylor Scott and White Health

We teach our children how to walk, talk and go to the bathroom, but do we teach them how to eat right? National statistics show that many of us do not. According to the American Obesity Association, an alarming 15.5 percent of children between the ages of six and 11 are considered obese, putting them on a collision course with the nation's biggest killer: heart disease.

Released: 17-Dec-2007 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Letdown: Tips for Beating the Post Holiday Blues
Baylor Scott and White Health

The houseguests are gone. The gifts have been exchanged. The decorations are down, and so are you. If you're feeling blue following the holidays, you're not alone. Why is depression so common after the holidays? You can beat your post-holiday blues.

Released: 6-Dec-2007 12:00 AM EST
Healthy Holidays: Tips for Making Smart Food Choices
Baylor Scott and White Health

The holidays offer tempting challenges to your healthy-eating plan. Parties have you eating away from home more often, and sweet treats appear unbidden at your office or doorstep. It's enticing to relax your efforts over the holidays, but your health depends on your diet. Here are some tips from Karen Klatte, M.D., a cardiologist on the medical staff at Baylor Medical Center at Waxahachie.

Released: 4-Dec-2007 12:00 AM EST
Pediatricians Offer Tips for Parents Before Buying Their Kids Wheeled Shoes This Season
Baylor Scott and White Health

You see them roll by in schools and malls"”kids are head over heels for them, but before you buy your kids a pair of wheeled shoes this holiday season, pediatricians have a warning. These ultra-popular shoes that seem to give supernatural abilities to kids are now creating big concerns among pediatricians.

Released: 19-Nov-2007 4:30 PM EST
Transplant Program Hits National Milestone
Baylor Scott and White Health

Baylor Regional Transplant Institute has announced that their programs"”located at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas and Baylor All Saints Medical Center at Fort Worth"”have performed their 3000th adult liver transplant"”only the nation's third such program to reach this milestone.

Released: 19-Nov-2007 12:00 AM EST
Holiday Survival Guide for Diabetics
Baylor Scott and White Health

OK, it's not as if you've been dropped into the Sahara Desert with only your wits to rely on, but surviving the holidays with diabetes can still pose a challenge. Pam Davis, R.D., L.D., CDE, certified diabetes educator at Baylor Medical Center at Garland, offers some advice on keeping your diabetes regimen from going astray.

Released: 12-Nov-2007 12:00 AM EST
Try Adding These Superfoods to your Thanksgiving Dinner This Year
Baylor Scott and White Health

Tired of spinach, bored with broccoli? Experts say there's a new generation of superfoods that promise to do double or triple-duty when it comes to preventing illness.

Released: 5-Nov-2007 12:00 AM EST
Not Sure How to Treat Your Child’s Cough Or Cold This Year? Tips for Parents Concerned About Medications
Baylor Scott and White Health

It's been a few weeks since the FDA recommended that all infant cold and cough medications be pulled from shelves. But as cold and flu season rolls in"”parents are asking, "˜What am I supposed to do now for my sick baby?'"

Released: 18-Oct-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Baylor Research Institute to Collaborate with Mount Sinai School of Medicine to Develop Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines
Baylor Scott and White Health

Officials with Baylor Research Institute and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine announced today that the institutions are collaborating to develop therapeutic cancer vaccines for patients with lymphoma and myeloma, both cancers that affect the immune system. Additionally, the researchers will investigate ways to better diagnose autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and lupus.

Released: 15-Oct-2007 12:00 AM EDT
What You Need to Know about Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Baylor Scott and White Health

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare and little-known form of breast cancer that produces no lumps and can not usually be detected with a mammogram. Experts say thousands of women develop it each year, but unfortunately, many of them miss the early symptoms.

Released: 15-Oct-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Baylor Health Care System Recognized for Quality Initiatives
Baylor Scott and White Health

Baylor Health Care System (BHCS) recently received two grants awards for health care improvement research related to communications in cancer care and patient safety in ambulatory care. In addition, Paul Convery, M.D., chief medical officer at BHCS, was elected to a leadership position for the National Quality Forum.

Released: 12-Oct-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Baylor Health Care System Recognized for Best Practices in Influenza Immunization
Baylor Scott and White Health

The American Nurses Association (ANA) has recognized Baylor Health Care System with a "Best Practices in Seasonal Influenza Immunization" award as part of a program designed to identify organizations that successfully increased vaccination rates of their employees. Baylor is one of only five organizations nationwide that were awarded.

Released: 9-Oct-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Fear a Mammogram? Follow These Tips
Baylor Scott and White Health

Fear of discomfort is one reason women may choose not to have their recommended annual mammogram. Yet, there are a few simple things a woman can do to ease any possible discomfort she may feel during this brief imaging procedure.

Released: 18-Sep-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Healthfully Navigating the Aisles of Your Grocery Store Is Easier than You Think
Baylor Scott and White Health

When you're trying to manage your weight, a grocery store can offer plenty of tempting treats, but there are many healthy options to find as well. Next time you go shopping, arm yourself with these simple strategies.

Released: 17-Sep-2007 11:35 AM EDT
Fear a Mammogram? Follow These Tips
Baylor Scott and White Health

Fear of discomfort is one reason women may choose not to have their recommended annual mammogram. Yet, there are a few simple things a woman can do to ease any possible discomfort she may feel during this brief imaging procedure.

Released: 11-Sep-2007 12:00 AM EDT
A Year of Living Less Dangerously: Annual Tests That Can Help Keep You Healthy
Baylor Scott and White Health

It can seem impossible to keep track of all the screenings you're supposed to have, but this helpful list can get you started on 12 months of healthy living. Start with a phone call to your doctor. He or she can recommend self-tests and help you set up the screening tests that may uncover health problems early, when they're most treatable.

Released: 17-Aug-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Halloween Safety Tips
Baylor Scott and White Health

Very shortly, trick-or-treaters will be hitting the streets and heading to your doorstep. Following are some tips on how you can have not only a happy Halloween, but a safe one as well.

Released: 17-Aug-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Time and Season Change Can Trigger a Fall Into the ‘Winter Blues’ for Some
Baylor Scott and White Health

Setting the clocks back for daylight savings time means an extra hour of sleep and shorter days for most people, but for the thousands who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the shorter days and absence of daylight can actually cause depression.

Released: 17-Aug-2007 1:00 PM EDT
A Happy Thanksgiving Meal…Keeping Your Food Safe from Bacteria This Holiday Season
Baylor Scott and White Health

By now you've heard the stories of E. Coli and other harmful bacteria finding their way into different foods and on to tables around the country. As many of us start planning for holiday meals, it's the perfect time to remember to keep food safety at the top of the menu.

Released: 13-Aug-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Are You Addicted to Lip Balms?
Baylor Scott and White Health

Do you find yourself reaching for it morning, noon and night? Apply, apply and reapply all day long? Can't go a day without it in hand? Dermatologists say many of us act as if we're addicted to lip balm. So is that a bad thing?

Released: 7-Aug-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Tips for Choosing Athletic Shoes
Baylor Scott and White Health

Style"¦brand"¦price? What do you shop for in athletic shoes? Experts say at the "˜sole' of many women's aches and pains is bad footwear.

Released: 6-Aug-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Food Isn’t the Only Thing That Can Expire--Old Makeup Can Harbor Dangerous Bacteria
Baylor Scott and White Health

Is your mascara clumpy? Your liquid foundation thickening? Can't remember what year you bought your half-used lipstick? Dermatologists say your old makeup may be causing you blemishes or even worse"”it could lead to a dangerous infection.

Released: 3-Aug-2007 8:30 AM EDT
Bags, Babies and Birthdays: How to Eliminate Or Erase Back-pain Triggers
Baylor Scott and White Health

Back-pain triggers lurk everywhere, but if you know where to look, you can help keep your back healthy. Watch for these culprits...

Released: 3-Aug-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Is Grilling Linked to Cancer?
Baylor Scott and White Health

The sizzle, the smoky flavor, the grill lines"¦barbequed meats are not only delicious, but healthy too, right? It's true"”those juicy burgers, especially the charred ones, can contain cancer-causing carcinogens.

Released: 2-Aug-2007 12:00 AM EDT
July 2007 Issue of Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Summary of Key Research Findings
Baylor Scott and White Health

The July 2007 issue of Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings features research findings on the affect of work-related radiation exposure on offspring, the use of MRIs in the clinical management of breast cancer patients, and new targeted therapies that show show promise for renal cell carcinoma patients.

Released: 9-Jul-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Healthy Travels: Your Guide to a Healthy Vacation
Baylor Scott and White Health

You've spent days packing, weeks planning and months dreaming of your ideal summer vacation. Now that it's finally here, make sure it's a healthy one with these tips.

Released: 9-Jul-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Stay Safe in the Sun: Simple Tips for a Healthy Summer
Baylor Scott and White Health

Summertime is time for sun, swimming and sports. Here are some tips from John Marcucci, M.D., medical director of emergency medicine on the medical staff at Baylor Regional Medical Center at Plano, on how to safely enjoy the season.

Released: 9-Jul-2007 12:00 AM EDT
Generation Boomeritis: Here’s How to Dodge the Aches and Injuries That Can Plague Baby Boomers
Baylor Scott and White Health

Sure, you remember the way you could stretch a single into a double, smash an unstoppable serve over the net or fast-break for an easy two points. But let's face it, you also can remember televisions without remotes, rotary phones and gasoline lines. These tips can help you keep exercising without injury.

Released: 11-Jun-2007 5:00 AM EDT
Health Advice for Men …And the Women Who Love Them
Baylor Scott and White Health

For some men, taking care of the house or the car might come more naturally than paying attention to their health. Regular checkups are important for men, too.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 8:50 AM EDT
The Joys of Summer: How to Have Fun in the Sun Safely
Baylor Scott and White Health

Ah, summer! Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie"”bugs, heat, accidents. Follow these tips to keep your family healthy this summer.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 8:50 AM EDT
What Women Need to Know: Getting the Facts About Women and Heart Disease
Baylor Scott and White Health

Many women don't worry about heart disease, or if they do, they are concerned it's something the men in their lives might develop. But that attitude is a mistake. While it's true that estrogen gives women some protection against the disease, at least until menopause, heart disease is still the leading killer of American women. Here's what women should watch for.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 8:45 AM EDT
Eight Steps to Prepare for Baby: A Pre-Pregnancy Checklist
Baylor Scott and White Health

Planning for pregnancy can help your baby get the best possible start in life. Here are eight valuable tips from Barbara Coulter-Smith, D.O., an obstetrician/gynecologist on the medical staff at Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine.

Released: 5-Jun-2007 12:00 AM EDT
In Search of Sweet Dreams: Getting Treatment for Sleep Disorders
Baylor Scott and White Health

Do your eyelids droop as soon as you crack open the latest best-seller? Are you literally snoring or kicking your partner out of bed? If so, here's a wake-up call: you may have a sleep disorder.

Released: 6-Mar-2007 12:00 AM EST
Don’t be Fooled by Certain “Health” Foods
Baylor Scott and White Health

If you're one of the millions of Americans hoping to lose weight by buying fat-free, cholesterol-free, or all-natural products, you may be surprised. Experts say it's those so-called "healthy" foods that often sabotage diets.

Released: 6-Mar-2007 12:00 AM EST
Fish Sticks, Frosting and Fries, Oh My! the Truth About Trans Fats
Baylor Scott and White Health

When it comes to packaged and prepared foods, trans fats are just about everywhere. Kristen Albani, M.S., R.D., L.D., a registered dietitian at Baylor Medical Center at Irving, helps answer some questions about the fat that's been grabbing headlines lately.

Released: 11-Feb-2007 12:00 AM EST
Forget the Apple a Day: See Your Doctor Even If You Suspect Your Health Is Fine
Baylor Scott and White Health

When was the last time you saw your primary care physician (PCP)? If you're not taking steps to stay healthy, you could find yourself in the emergency room facing a serious condition. And when health problems continue undiagnosed, treatment might take longer and not be as effective. With a visit to your PCP you can easily check for hidden, but potentially serious conditions.

Released: 4-Feb-2007 12:00 AM EST
Second-time Weight Loss Surgeries Becoming More Prevalent
Baylor Scott and White Health

The number of Americans getting surgery in the hopes of solving their weight problems is up nine times what it was just ten years ago. But experts say that's due in part to those patients who are now wanting second procedures.

Released: 16-Jan-2007 12:00 AM EST
Experts ‘Weigh In’ on Popular Diet and Exercise Myths
Baylor Scott and White Health

This year, millions of Americans made the resolution to lose weight. However, many will get frustrated and give up before their goals are reached. Contributing to this problem is the host of bad information regarding diet and exercise circulating through gyms, workplaces, and the Internet. Julie Bender, a dietitian with Baylor University Medical Center, and Phil Tyne, director of the Baylor Tom Landry Health and Wellness Center "weigh in" on the most popular diet and exercise myths.

Released: 16-Jan-2007 12:00 AM EST
Big Purses Can Cause Big Problems to Your Health
Baylor Scott and White Health

Was a big purse on your wish list this holiday season? It's one of the biggest fashion trends this season, but experts say those over-sized bags may leave you with back, neck and shoulder pain, headaches and possibly even arthritis.

Released: 3-Jan-2007 12:00 AM EST
Realistic Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Baylor Scott and White Health

They're out there among us"”the losers. They don't lose weight only to gain it back. They steadily drop the pounds. They look great, they're healthier than they've been in years and they have energy to spare. Want to join their ranks? Here are some tips from Julie Bender, R.D., registered dietitian with Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas.
