Latest News from: Ohio State University

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Released: 9-Sep-2021 3:50 PM EDT
Transforming ‘sewer gas’ into clean hydrogen fuel
Ohio State University

Scientists have found a new chemical process to turn a stinky, toxic gas into a clean-burning fuel.

Released: 9-Sep-2021 1:35 PM EDT
Study links free radicals to heart damage caused by cancer
Ohio State University

A new study in animal models shows that a cancer tumor alone can lead to cardiac damage, and suggests the culprits are free radicals interacting with cells in the heart. Adding antioxidants to food consumed by fruit flies with tumors reversed the damage to their hearts.

Released: 8-Sep-2021 3:55 PM EDT
Minorities hit hardest by student loan debt during recession
Ohio State University

Student loan debt affected people’s ability to pay their bills and meet their basic needs during the Great Recession – and the burden of that debt was disproportionately placed on Black and Latino families, a new study has found.

Released: 8-Sep-2021 3:40 PM EDT
Officials leading hurricane response need ‘risk literacy’
Ohio State University

New research suggests that emergency management officials often do not have the numeracy skills needed to make the best decisions based on data they receive about which residents to evacuate during a hurricane and when to make the decision.

Released: 8-Sep-2021 8:50 AM EDT
On social media, foster families shared their pandemic worries
Ohio State University

An analysis of what foster families talk about on social media showed how the COVID-19 pandemic ramped up their anxieties and concerns about the children in their care.

Released: 2-Sep-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Getting to the core of a more nutritious apple
Ohio State University

A new platform housing data from over 100 apple varieties could shave years off of the breeding process and enable data-driven assessments of how to boost the health benefits of America’s favorite fruit.

Released: 31-Aug-2021 8:25 AM EDT
Groundbreaking ideas from women scientists get less attention
Ohio State University

Scientists are less likely to adopt important new ideas in biomedicine introduced by women researchers, a new study has found.

Released: 30-Aug-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Want to play college sports? A wealthy family helps
Ohio State University

It takes more than athletic talent to play varsity sports in college, at least for most young people, a new study suggests.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 2:45 PM EDT
Ending prices with “.99” can backfire on sellers
Ohio State University

Setting a price just below a round number ($39.99 instead of $40) may lead consumers into thinking a product is less expensive than it really is – but it can sometimes backfire on sellers, a new study shows.

Released: 26-Aug-2021 1:55 PM EDT
Dust collected from campus buildings will help track COVID-19
Ohio State University

Researchers are collecting dust from 50 buildings on The Ohio State University campus this fall to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 and track the virus’s variants. Their analyses and experiments are designed to help the university understand where COVID-19 pockets might exist as the campus opens to near-pre-pandemic levels this fall.

Released: 24-Aug-2021 9:35 AM EDT
With short course of TB prevention for people living with HIV, completion soars
Ohio State University

People who are HIV positive and living in high tuberculosis-transmission regions of the world are much more likely to finish a TB-prevention regimen lasting just three months – half as long as the standard treatment, a large clinical trial in Africa has found.

Released: 23-Aug-2021 8:30 AM EDT
Think leisure is a waste? That may not bode well for your mental health
Ohio State University

Feeling like leisure is wasteful and unproductive may lead to less happiness and higher levels of stress and depression, new research suggests.

Released: 18-Aug-2021 1:55 PM EDT
More mental health services not linked to fewer firearm suicides
Ohio State University

A new study comparing adolescent suicide rates with the availability of mental health services has found that more resources may contribute to fewer suicides, but don’t appear to have any role in reducing suicides involving firearms. The findings support efforts to bolster mental health services by increasing providers and reducing wait times where services already exist, and highlight the need to continue to focus on stricter gun laws, said senior researcher Thomas Wickizer, a professor emeritus at Ohio State’s College of Public Health.

Released: 17-Aug-2021 11:20 AM EDT
New project brings AI to environmental research in the field
Ohio State University

A new 30-foot tower has sprouted on the edge of The Ohio State University Airport, but it has nothing to do with directing the thousands of planes that take off and land there each year.

Released: 12-Aug-2021 8:30 AM EDT
Batters Move Their Heads to Keep Their Eyes on the Ball
Ohio State University

Do baseball batters actually keep their eye on the ball? A review of the few film- and lab-based studies on the subject suggests that yes, indeed, batters’ eyes are watching the pitched ball. But they’re moving their heads, and not their eyes, to direct their gaze.

Released: 11-Aug-2021 8:05 AM EDT
A COVID-19 vaccine strategy to give the body ‘border protection’
Ohio State University

A simple addition to injected COVID-19 vaccines could enhance their effectiveness and provide “border protection” immunity in areas like the nose and mouth to supplement antibodies in the bloodstream, new research suggests.

Released: 5-Aug-2021 1:15 PM EDT
The First Real Snapshot of Algal Bloom Toxins in Lake Erie
Ohio State University

Remote-sensing technology produces detailed images of the size and density of the harmful algal bloom (HAB) in Lake Erie’s western basin each year, but determining the bloom’s toxicity relies on research that – literally – tests the waters.

Released: 4-Aug-2021 9:50 AM EDT
Built-in Vibration Control May Help Soundproof Spaces
Ohio State University

A different kind of design for absorbing vibrations could help better soundproof walls and make vehicles more streamlined, a new study shows.

Released: 2-Aug-2021 9:45 AM EDT
Stinkweed Could Make a Cleaner Bio-Jet Fuel, Study Finds
Ohio State University

A common farm weed could make a “greener” jet fuel with fewer production-related environmental impacts than other biofuels, a new study indicates.

Released: 29-Jul-2021 8:05 AM EDT
City-Living Bees Benefit Most From Specific Types of Urban ‘Greening’
Ohio State University

Converting vacant urban lots into greenspaces can reduce blight and improve neighborhoods, and new research shows that certain types of such post-industrial reclamation efforts offer the added bonus of benefiting bees.

Released: 21-Jul-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Exoskeletons Have a Problem: They Can Strain the Brain
Ohio State University

Exoskeletons – wearable devices used by workers on assembly lines or in warehouses to alleviate stress on their lower backs – may compete with valuable resources in the brain while people work, canceling out the physical benefits of wearing them, a new study suggests.

Released: 21-Jul-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Biodiversity, Climate Change and the Fate of Coral Reefs
Ohio State University

In a paper presented July 20 at the International Coral Reef Symposium, an international group of scientists said that the coming decade will likely offer the last chance for policymakers at all levels to prevent coral reefs “from heading towards world-wide collapse" and recommended specific policy changes for international, national and local policymakers.

Released: 21-Jul-2021 8:10 AM EDT
Blocking How the Malaria Parasite Suppresses the Immune Response
Ohio State University

The parasites that cause severe malaria are well-known for the sinister ways they infect humans, but new research may lead to drugs that could block one of their most reliable weapons: interference with the immune response.

Released: 20-Jul-2021 8:05 AM EDT
15,000-Year-Old Viruses Discovered in Tibetan Glacier Ice
Ohio State University

Scientists who study glacier ice have found viruses nearly 15,000 years old in two ice samples taken from the Tibetan Plateau in China. Most of those viruses, which survived because they had remained frozen, are unlike any viruses that have been cataloged to date.

Released: 19-Jul-2021 11:15 AM EDT
Scientists on the Scent of Flavor Enhancement
Ohio State University

With hopes to capitalize on the smell factor in flavor development, researchers are exploring how the route an aroma takes to get to the olfactory system, through the nose or the back of the throat, influences our response to the scent in question.

Released: 19-Jul-2021 8:40 AM EDT
COVID-19 Made Unequal Access to Food Worse, Study Suggests
Ohio State University

Long before COVID-19, low-income people had few options for buying healthy, fresh food. New research showed that pandemic only made the situation worse.

Released: 16-Jul-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Race, Politics Divide Americans on Sports Issues
Ohio State University

Although some people may yearn for sports to be free of political or racial divisiveness, a new study shows how impossible that dream may be.

Released: 15-Jul-2021 1:10 PM EDT
Even on Facebook, COVID-19 Polarized Members of U.S. Congress
Ohio State University

Facebook posts by members of the U.S. Congress reveal the depth of the partisan divide over the COVID-19 pandemic, new research shows.

Released: 12-Jul-2021 10:30 AM EDT
A Third of Teens, Young Adults Reported Worsening Mental Health During Pandemic
Ohio State University

As typical social and academic interaction screeched to a halt last year, many young people began experiencing declines in mental health, a problem that appeared to be worse for those whose connections to family and friends weren’t as tight, a new study has found.

Released: 7-Jul-2021 8:05 AM EDT
For Female Vampire Bats, An Equal Chance to Rule the Roost
Ohio State University

Female vampire bats establish an egalitarian community within a roost rather than a society based on a clear hierarchy of dominance that is often seen in animal groups, a new study suggests.

Released: 29-Jun-2021 10:30 AM EDT
Most US Adults Fall Short of Cancer-Prevention Dietary Guidelines
Ohio State University

The vast majority of American adults eat a dietary pattern that falls short of meeting national dietary guidelines for cancer prevention, a new study shows.

Released: 28-Jun-2021 2:45 PM EDT
Mountaintop Glacier Ice Disappearing in Tropics Around the World
Ohio State University

Mountaintop glacier ice in the tropics of all four hemispheres covers significantly less area -- in one case as much as 93% less -- than it did just 50 years ago, a new study has found.

Released: 28-Jun-2021 11:05 AM EDT
U.S. Presidents’ Narcissism Linked to International Conflict
Ohio State University

The most narcissistic U.S. presidents since 1897 preferred to instigate conflicts with other great power countries without seeking support from allies, a new study suggests.

Released: 25-Jun-2021 6:05 AM EDT
People across the world favor paid parental leave, study finds
Ohio State University

Although the United States is the only wealthy nation that doesn’t guarantee paid leave to mothers or fathers after the arrival of a new child, Americans endorse providing paid time off for parents nearly as much as people from other countries.

Released: 24-Jun-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Throwing Shade: Measuring How Much Trees, Buildings Cool Cities
Ohio State University

A new study is the first to calculate exactly how much shaded areas in cities help lower the temperature and reduce the “urban heat island” effect.

Released: 23-Jun-2021 8:00 AM EDT
People Overestimate Black Americans’ Chances of Economic Success
Ohio State University

Americans consistently believe that poor African Americans are more likely to move up the economic ladder than they actually are, a new study shows.

Released: 22-Jun-2021 8:30 AM EDT
Engineering Nanobodies As Lifesavers When SARS-CoV-2 Variants Attack
Ohio State University

Scientists are pursuing a new strategy in the protracted fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus by engineering nanobodies that can neutralize virus variants in two different ways.

Released: 21-Jun-2021 8:00 AM EDT
The Risks of Adopting ‘Body Positivity’ To Make A Sale
Ohio State University

Instagram users who detect self-promotion or corporate marketing in a post embracing the body positivity movement may be turned off by that dual messaging, new research suggests.

Released: 15-Jun-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Those Breakfast Foods Are Fortified For A Reason
Ohio State University

Adults who skip breakfast are likely to miss out on key nutrients that are most abundant in the foods that make up morning meals, a new study suggests.

7-Jun-2021 11:00 AM EDT
A quantum step to a heat switch with no moving parts
Ohio State University

Researchers have discovered a new electronic property at the frontier between the thermal and quantum sciences in a specially engineered metal alloy – and in the process identified a promising material for future devices that could turn heat on and off with the application of a magnetic “switch.”

Released: 4-Jun-2021 8:05 AM EDT
Preventing suicide among a ‘hidden population’ in public housing
Ohio State University

New research suggests that African American families living in public housing are a “hidden population” when it comes to national suicide prevention efforts.

Released: 2-Jun-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Conservatives more susceptible to believing falsehoods
Ohio State University

Conservatives are less able to distinguish political truths from falsehoods than liberals, mainly because of a glut of right-leaning misinformation, a new national study conducted over six months shows.

Released: 28-May-2021 8:05 AM EDT
Horror films as a reimagined space for healing
Ohio State University

A new article examines how the depiction of a "final girl's" struggle after survival in a horror film – how she has been vilified and dismissed, but ultimately proven right – might offer trauma survivors the chance to see a bit of themselves on the big screen.

Released: 27-May-2021 3:50 PM EDT
Visits to ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ common in Ohio
Ohio State University

An estimated one in seven Ohio women of adult, reproductive age has visited a crisis pregnancy center, a new study has found. In a survey of 2,529 women, almost 14% said they’d ever attended a center. The prevalence was more than twice as high among Black women and 1.6 times as high among those in the lowest socioeconomic group.

Released: 26-May-2021 11:35 AM EDT
A new ‘gold standard’ compound for generating electricity from heat
Ohio State University

Researchers show in a new study that a single material, a layered crystal consisting of the elements rhenium and silicon, turns out to be the gold standard of transverse thermoelectric devices.

Released: 26-May-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Why a vacation seems like it will end as soon as it begins
Ohio State University

Time not only flies when you’re having fun – sometimes anticipating a fun event makes it feel like it will be over as soon as it begins, a new study suggests.

Released: 25-May-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Narcissism linked to aggression in review of 437 studies
Ohio State University

A comprehensive analysis of 437 studies from around the world provides the best evidence to date that narcissism is an important risk factor for both aggression and violence, researchers said.

Released: 19-May-2021 11:55 AM EDT
A complex link between body mass index and Alzheimer’s
Ohio State University

Though obesity in midlife is linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, new research suggests that a high body mass index later in life doesn’t necessarily translate to greater chances of developing the brain disease.
