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Released: 14-Oct-2009 8:30 PM EDT
Products Aren't Contagious, but Research Shows We Act as If They Are
University of Iowa

Urban legend has it that Las Vegas casinos hire "coolers," mopes who ease up next to players on a hot streak hoping their bad luck cools the table down. A new study by a University of Iowa business professor suggests people make choices in ways that show we think such a thing is possible, despite our reason telling us it isn't.

Released: 9-Oct-2009 1:00 PM EDT
UI Children's Hospital, Iowa Hawkeyes Honor Kid Captains
University of Iowa

University of Iowa Children's Hospital has teamed up with the University of Iowa Hawkeye football team to make game day an unforgettable experience for thirteen current and former patients of UI Children's Hospital who have been selected as "Kid Captains" for the 2009 UI football season.

Released: 7-Oct-2009 2:55 PM EDT
Handshake Expert: Job Interviewees Should Still Shake Hands, Despite Flu Fears
University of Iowa

Yes, it's true that there's a flu pandemic thanks to H1N1, but University of Iowa business professor and handshake expert Greg Stewart does not advise using that as a reason to avoid shaking hands during a job interview.

Released: 28-Sep-2009 2:40 PM EDT
Researcher Finds Nader Likely Helped Gore in 2000 Election
University of Iowa

New research from a marketing professor in the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business suggests that Ralph Nader's maverick presidential candidacy in 2000 likely helped Al Gore's campaign, bringing voters to the Democrat who might otherwise have voted for George W. Bush.

Released: 10-Sep-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Researcher Points Out That Health Insurance Really Isn't Insurance
University of Iowa

Lost in the debate over a public option health insurance plan, says University of Iowa insurance researcher Ty Leverty, is the fact that health insurance differs in many ways from other types of insurance.

Released: 27-Aug-2009 10:30 AM EDT
Researchers Improve Delivery of Cancer-fighting Molecules
University of Iowa

Researchers have modified siRNA--genetic material that can block harmful cell activity--so that it can be injected into the bloodstream and impact targeted cells while producing fewer side effects. The findings could make it easier to create large amounts of targeted therapeutic siRNAs for treating cancer and other diseases.

Released: 24-Aug-2009 2:15 PM EDT
Law Professor Suggests Giving Legal Leeway to ‘Trespassory Artists’
University of Iowa

University of Iowa law professor Randall Bezanson thinks artists should be given greater legal leeway in the use of public and private space. He has developed a legal theory called "trespassory art" that urges courts to interpret the law in such a way that protects artists from trespassing, nuisance and other laws and ordinances.

Released: 21-Aug-2009 2:20 PM EDT
U. Iowa Dental Continuing Education Program Oct. 2
University of Iowa

Dental professionals may enroll in a University of Iowa College of Dentistry continuing education course on evidence-based dentistry.

Released: 21-Aug-2009 1:40 PM EDT
Gene Discovery Reveals Protein's Function in Hearing
University of Iowa

Discovery of a deafness-causing gene defect in mice has helped identify a protein that protects sensory cells in the ear. The mutated gene fails to produce normal claudin-9 protein, which normally maintains the proper distribution of potassium in the inner ear. Researchers are screening for the gene in people.

Released: 11-Aug-2009 8:25 PM EDT
Professor Relives Child Hood Humiliations for New Book 'Do-over!'
University of Iowa

Robin Hemley decided to do over the experiences he botched as a kid. So at age 48, the director of the University of Iowa Nonfiction Writing Program went back to kindergarten and summer camp, joined a fraternity, attempted to take the ACT, and finally asked the girl of his 16-year-old dreams to prom. Hemley describes his adventures in his new book, "DO-OVER!," published this summer by Little, Brown & Co.

Released: 28-Jul-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Study: Being Active as a Preschooler Pays Off Later in Childhood
University of Iowa

Being active at age 5 helps kids stay lean as they age even if they don't remain as active later in childhood, a new University of Iowa study shows. It's an effect the researchers call "banking." The study appears this month in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Released: 24-Jul-2009 1:35 PM EDT
Sticky Protein Helps Reinforce Fragile Muscle Membranes
University of Iowa

A new study shows why muscle membranes don't rupture when healthy people exercise. The findings shed light on a mechanism that appears to protect cells from mechanical stress and also help explain why muscle damage is so severe when this mechanism is disrupted in certain muscular dystrophies.

Released: 24-Jul-2009 1:00 PM EDT
"Picture This--Don't Smoke" Poster Available for Schools
University of Iowa

Back-to-school means starting new classes and activities. But it shouldn't mean starting a bad habit like smoking. A graphic poster showing two teens and the effects of smoking can help schools deter students from smoking.

Released: 20-Jul-2009 2:25 PM EDT
Nature? Nurture? Scientists Say Neither
University of Iowa

It's easy to explain why we act a certain way by saying "it's in the genes," but a group of University of Iowa scientists say the world has relied on that simple explanation far too long. In research to be published today in Child Development Perspectives, the UI team calls for tossing out the nature-nurture debate, which they say has prevailed for centuries in part out of convenience and intellectual laziness.

Released: 7-Jul-2009 2:25 PM EDT
Law Expert Can Discuss Empathy and the Law
University of Iowa

The role of emotion and the law will likely be an issue during the upcoming Supreme Court nomination hearings for Sonia Sotomayor. Todd Pettys, a professor of law at the University of Iowa, believes the country's legal system should accept that emotion does, indeed, have a place in the courtroom.

Released: 9-Jun-2009 3:15 PM EDT
Break Room Posters: Motivational, Or Mockable?
University of Iowa

They decorate the walls of break rooms across America, lush, awe-inspiring color photos of landscapes or athletes or wildlife, with pithy nuggets of wisdom urging us onward and upward to accomplish things we've never thought possible and make life the best we can make it. But do they work?

Released: 3-Jun-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Hospitalized Patients Need to Better Understand CPR and Outcomes
University of Iowa

Many hospitalized patients overestimate their chance of surviving an in-hospital cardiac arrest and do not know what CPR really involves, a University of Iowa study has shown.

Released: 28-May-2009 12:50 PM EDT
Researcher Finds Bankruptcy Might Not Help GM Much
University of Iowa

With GM apparently on its way bankruptcy court, a new study by University of Iowa finance professor Erik Lie might not be very comforting for the company. The study found that many companies that enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings emerge too soon and with too much debt to survive long-term.

Released: 27-May-2009 4:45 PM EDT
Law Professor Argues for Role of Government in Marriage
University of Iowa

Although some commentators have argued that governments should be out of the marriage business--whether straight or gay--University of Iowa law professor Ann Estin believes that marriage is such a strong part of American culture that it demands a government role.

27-May-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Team Develops DNA Compounds That Could Help Treat Lupus
University of Iowa

A research team has generated DNA-like compounds that effectively inhibit the cells responsible for the most common and serious form of lupus. The findings could eventually lead to new treatments for this difficult disease, which affects up to one million Americans.

Released: 22-May-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Study Shows How High Homeownership Costs Harm Bankrupt Families
University of Iowa

Few Americans who struggle with high housing costs will be able to save their homes by filing for bankruptcy because of limitations in federal bankruptcy law, new research by University of Iowa law professor and bankruptcy researcher Katie Porter suggests. Porter said the fate of many homeowners is "grim" because most don't earn enough income to make the monthly payment on their mortgages.

Released: 18-May-2009 11:20 AM EDT
Elizabeth Warren, Other Bankruptcy Experts to Examine Bankruptcy Data at Iowa Conference
University of Iowa

Congressional TARP overseer Elizabeth Warren and several other leading bankruptcy experts will gather for the first time to examine data from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project, a massive database of bankruptcy survey information developed by Warren as a law professor at Harvard.

13-May-2009 11:00 AM EDT
Veterinarians at High Risk for Infections from Animals
University of Iowa

The recent H1N1 influenza epidemic raises questions about how animal viruses move to human populations. While there is no evidence veterinarians had a direct role in the H1N1 epidemic, a new report finds veterinarians at markedly increased risk of infection with viruses and bacteria that can infect both animals and humans.

Released: 4-May-2009 2:10 PM EDT
Iowa Electronic Health Market Opens Swine Flu Prediction Markets
University of Iowa

The Iowa Electronic health Market--a spin-off of the University of Iowa's Iowa Electronic Market--has opened several new markets to track and forecast trends in the current H1N1 swine flu outbreak.

Released: 1-May-2009 4:00 PM EDT
Law Student Research Finds Ministers Struggling to Address Payday Lending
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa law students examines why payday lending services are so successful in areas with large populations of evangelical Christians, whose faith suggests they should stay away from such businesses because of Biblical teachings against usury.

Released: 22-Apr-2009 4:15 PM EDT
If It's Toxic, Is It Really an Asset?
University of Iowa

Banks are being hammered by toxic assets, which begs the question: if it's toxic, can it be an asset? While linguists might disagree, University of Iowa accounting professor Bruce Johnson says the term "toxic asset" describes them well, even though there is no such thing, as far as accountants are concerned.

Released: 20-Apr-2009 5:45 PM EDT
Law Students Help Jailed Abuse Victims Seeking Prison Commutations
University of Iowa

Law students from the University of Iowa are helping domestic abuse victims who are now inmates in the state's women's prison and seek to have their sentences commuted. The women were originally sentenced for their crimes under guidelines that did not take into consideration the fact they suffered from domestic abuse.

Released: 20-Apr-2009 4:45 PM EDT
Corporate Debt Sticks Through Bankruptcy
University of Iowa

As more and more companies consider bankruptcy to deal with sky-high debt and an economy in recession, new research by University of Iowa finance professor Erik Lie suggests companies that enter bankruptcy emerge too soon and still have too much debt to survive long term.

Released: 10-Apr-2009 2:20 PM EDT
Iowa Law Professor Argues for Role of Government in Marriage, Whether Gay Or Straight
University of Iowa

Recent legal and legislative decisions to legalize gay marriage in Iowa and Vermont have brought suggestions from some commentators that government should get out of the marriage business entirely, grant civil unions to all couples and leave marriage to religious faiths. But University of Iowa law professor Ann Estin said that such ideas fail to recognize the deeply rooted importance of marriage in American culture.

1-Apr-2009 10:50 AM EDT
Gene Discovery Could Lead to Male Contraceptive
University of Iowa

A newly discovered genetic abnormality that appears to prevent some men from conceiving children could be the key for developing a male contraceptive, according to University of Iowa researchers reporting their findings in the April 2 online edition of the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Released: 25-Mar-2009 12:35 PM EDT
Summer Jobs May Help Prevent Suicidal Tendencies in At-Risk Teens
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa study found that when a friend of a friend attempts suicide, at-risk teens are more likely to seriously consider doing so. But at-risk teens are less likely to be suicidal if they hold summer jobs.

Released: 24-Mar-2009 1:35 PM EDT
Iowa Law School Conference Commemorates 20 Years of Critical Race Theory
University of Iowa

The University of Iowa College of Law will host a conference April 2-4 marking the 20th anniversary of the founding of Critical Race Theory, which deals with the issues of race and the law.

Released: 13-Mar-2009 12:00 AM EDT
School Buses Among Safest Way to Travel in Iowa
University of Iowa

University of Iowa researchers recently published findings that may put some parents at ease -- school buses are among the safest forms of road transportation in Iowa. The study examines bus crash rates using actual, not estimated, school bus mileage.

Released: 10-Mar-2009 2:30 PM EDT
Study Suggests Salt Might be 'Nature's Antidepressant'
University of Iowa

Most people consume far too much salt, and a University of Iowa researcher has discovered one potential reason we crave it: it might put us in a better mood.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 12:20 PM EST
Electronic Medical Data Improves Operating Room Scheduling
University of Iowa

Study uses electronic medical data to improve operating room (OR) and anesthesia scheduling. The system helps OR managers better estimate how long a particular case will last, making it easier and more cost-efficient to schedule subsequent cases in the same room.

Released: 26-Feb-2009 12:00 PM EST
'Freaks' Help Scientist Unravel Nature and Nurture
University of Iowa

In his latest book, "Freaks of Nature," University of Iowa psychologist Mark Blumberg examines nature's oddities as a window for exploring the development and evolution of body, brain and behavior. He focuses on physical abnormalities -- how they happen and how creatures adjust to them -- to illustrate his belief that nature and nurture are inseparable and equally important to development.

Released: 18-Feb-2009 12:10 PM EST
Implant Prevents Total Blindness
University of Iowa

University of Iowa ophthalmologists and colleagues have tested and are now using a tiny surgical implant called Retisert to prevent complete vision loss and eliminate dependence on systemic, or whole-body, immunosuppression for people who have a rare, but potentially devastating, eye condition called sympathetic ophthalmia.

Released: 17-Feb-2009 12:00 AM EST
Iowa First to Have State Public Health Lab Add New Pregnancy Screens
University of Iowa

The University Hygienic Laboratory in Iowa is the first state public health laboratory in the nation to provide an important integrated screen. The Iowa Maternal Integrated Screen offers the most effective and safest method of screening for women because it uses information from both the first and second trimesters combined into a single risk assessment.

Released: 13-Feb-2009 9:40 AM EST
Professor Finds a Way to Make Money Investing in Insurance Stocks
University of Iowa

Investors have pummeled insurance and financial stocks lately, but University of Iowa finance professor Ty Leverty has figured out a way to make money trading them.

Released: 10-Feb-2009 3:35 PM EST
Law Professor's Book Brings Life to Harriet Scott, Dred's Wife
University of Iowa

University of Iowa law professor Lea VanderVelde has written the first-ever biography of Dred Scott's wife, Harriet. After more than 10 years of research, she found a "common woman of considerable gumption," with a deep well of inner resolve who might just have been the motivating force behind her husband's legal quest for freedom.

Released: 10-Feb-2009 3:30 PM EST
Finance Professor Is Optimistic About Stock Prices
University of Iowa

University of Iowa finance professor Todd Houge says he's cautiously optimistic that U.S. stocks have greater upside potential than they've had recently and that prices have already factored in a lot of bad economic news.

9-Feb-2009 12:00 PM EST
Tests May Predict Alzheimer's Disease Driving Safety
University of Iowa

Doctors may soon be able to use certain cognitive tests to help determine whether a person with Alzheimer's disease can safely get behind the wheel. University of Iowa researchers found that drivers with Alzheimer's disease committed 27 percent more driving errors than those made by the drivers without Alzheimer's disease.

3-Feb-2009 8:00 PM EST
Effects of Smoking Linked to Accelerated Aging Protein
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa study is apparently the first to make a connection between a rare, hereditary premature aging disease and cell damage that comes from smoking. The study results point to possible therapeutic targets for smoking-related diseases.

Released: 5-Feb-2009 2:20 PM EST
Education and Money Attract a Mate; Chastity Sinks in Importance
University of Iowa

This Valentine's Day, researchers at the University of Iowa have some new answers to the perennial question of what men and women want in a partner. Men are increasingly interested in an educated woman who is a good financial prospect and less interested in chastity. Women are increasingly interested in a man who wants a family and less picky about whether he's always Mr. Nice Guy.

Released: 29-Jan-2009 2:40 PM EST
Take a Penny, Leave a Penny -- Pay the Tax?
University of Iowa

How do accountants and tax people consider the pennies sitting in those take a penny, leave a penny jars on store counters? If they wind up in the till, they're taxable income, says Cristi Gleason, an accounting professor at the University of Iowa's Tippie College of Business.

Released: 27-Jan-2009 5:30 PM EST
Law Professor's Book Helps to Clear Up Poorly Written Contracts
University of Iowa

Poorly written contracts are more than just an inconvenience. They take up time, cost money and add to the legal system's burden. To help make the process of settling contract disputes quicker and less costly, Iowa law professor Steven J. Burton has written a new book, "Elements of Contract Interpretation."

Released: 23-Jan-2009 10:05 AM EST
Study Suggests Manager Bonuses for Better Mutual Fund Performance
University of Iowa

A study by University of Iowa finance professor Ashish Tiwari suggests that mutual fund performance could be improved if managers were allowed to collect performance-based performances, something restricted under current federal law.

Released: 23-Jan-2009 7:00 AM EST
Study Finds MRSA in Midwestern Swine, Workers
University of Iowa

The first study documenting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in swine and swine workers in the United States has been published by University of Iowa researchers. The investigators found a strain of MRSA known as ST398 in a swine production system in the Midwest.

Released: 14-Jan-2009 2:00 PM EST
Why Obama Won't Wear a Robe to the Inauguration
University of Iowa

Law professor Todd Pettys says that Americans have a need to believe law comes from an exalted source, not the grubby world of politics, and so we demand our judges set themselves apart from the rest of us and wear robes. Which is why nobody will notice that John Roberts will administer the oath of office while wearing a robe, while Barack Obama wears a suit and tie.

Released: 7-Jan-2009 2:00 PM EST
Realigning Federal Agencies to Prevent Future Market Meltdowns
University of Iowa

The regulation of banks and other financial institutions in the United States is a "crazy quilt" of decentralized federal agencies that need to be reorganized to make future market meltdowns less likely, according to University of Iowa law professor and securities law expert Hillary Sale.
