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Released: 18-Jul-2018 12:30 PM EDT
Study First to Confirm Where Baby White Sharks ‘Hang Out’ in the North Atlantic
Florida Atlantic University

A team of scientists is the first to confirm the movement patterns and seasonal migrations of baby white sharks in the north Atlantic Ocean. They put the New York Bight shark nursery theory to test by deploying satellite and acoustic tags on 10 baby white sharks (less than 1 year old) off Long Island’s coast. Results provide novel insights into the distribution of this vulnerable early stage of life that complements recent work on larger white sharks.

Released: 17-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
FAU, Collaborators Receive $1.68 Million NIH Grant for Sleep and Metabolic Disorders
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers are working on this collaborative project that utilizes genomic and transgenic technology in Mexican cavefish to identify genetic loci that contribute to sleep, feeding, and metabolism.

Released: 5-Jul-2018 9:00 AM EDT
‘Skinny Fat’ in Older Adults May Predict Dementia, Alzheimer’s Risk
Florida Atlantic University

A first-of-its-kind study has found that “skinny fat” – the combination of low muscle mass and strength in the context of high fat mass – may be an important predictor of cognitive performance in older adults. Results show that sarcopenic obesity or “skinny fat” was associated with the lowest performance on global cognition.

Released: 20-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Report Provides 24-hour View of Cyberattacks in Florida, U.S.
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers have scrutinized more than 5 terabytes of Internet-scale data to produce a report that provides a unique 24-hour glimpse of cyberattacks and threats in Florida and the U.S. FloridaSOAR, a first-of-its-kind, large-scale analysis of the magnitude of compromised Internet of Things devices, pinpoints malicious attacks and infections in near real-time by targeted sectors and providers. It can detect exploitations as soon as they are encountered, and store and share that threat information with IoT operators worldwide.

Released: 19-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Deep-sea Marine Sponges May Hold Key to Antibiotic Drug Resistance
Florida Atlantic University

FAU’s Harbor Branch houses more than 1,000 strains of actinobacteria, one of the most prolific microbial groups for the production of natural products. Derived from sea sponges and other macro-organisms, several strains were identified for their potent antifungal activity, for anti-MRSA activity, and for both antifungal and antibacterial activities. A key finding was the identification of a strain that produced metabolites that are more potent than the bacterial antibiotic, vancomycin, against C. difficile.

Released: 18-Jun-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Virtual Reality Headsets Significantly Reduce Children’s Fear of Needles
Florida Atlantic University

Almost anyone can relate to being afraid of needles and injections. A pilot study is the first to use a 3D virtual reality headset to test this tool as a distraction method in a pediatric setting. Children were given the choice of a roller coaster ride, helicopter ride or a hot-air balloon ride. Results show that anticipated versus actual pain and fear were reduced in 94.1 percent of the pediatric study subjects.

Released: 14-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
FAU Receives $2.8 Million HRSA Grant to Enhance Role of RNs in Primary Care
Florida Atlantic University

With this latest grant, FAU will establish a primary care workforce of students with a bachelor of science in nursing degree who are practice ready and willing to serve veterans and patients in rural and underserved communities.

11-Jun-2018 10:00 AM EDT
Study First to Show Antipsychotic Medication Use in Youths Increases Diabetes Risk, Body Fat
Florida Atlantic University

A study is the first to use gold-standard methods to test the hypothesis that antipsychotic treatment in youths adversely increases body fat and decreases insulin sensitivity. All three antipsychotics tested – oral aripiprazole, olanzapine, and risperidone, which are common first line use medications for children with nonpsychotic behavior disorders – increased not only total body fat, but also visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, associated with long-term risk for cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Released: 4-Jun-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Leading Neuroscientist Responds to Common Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease
Florida Atlantic University

Approximately 47 million people worldwide are living with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias. One of the most prominent neuroscientists in the country has developed eight myths and truths about AD to shed light on this form of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

Released: 24-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Lack of Paid Sick Leave Increases Poverty
Florida Atlantic University

A new study has quantified, for the first time, the relationship between lack of paid sick leave and poverty in the U.S. The data indicates that, even when controlling for education, race, sex, marital status and employment, working adults without paid sick leave are three times more likely to have incomes below the poverty line. People without paid sick leave benefits also are more likely to experience food insecurity and require welfare services.

Released: 23-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
FAU Awarded $1.25 Million by U.S. Navy for Research in Support of Unmanned Marine Vehicle Platforms
Florida Atlantic University

Research for the five-year project will support autonomous unmanned marine vehicle platforms for coastal surveillance, coastal surveys, target tracking and protection of at-sea assets. The project will entail developing unmanned surface vehicles that serve as “motherships” for unmanned underwater vehicles and aerial drones, thereby enabling multi-vehicle, multi-domain capability that may serve as a mobile coastal monitoring system.

Released: 17-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Scientists Propose New Way to Diagnose Dopamine-Linked Disorders Using Mouse with ADHD Traits
Florida Atlantic University

If the “eyes are the window to the soul,” then a series of studies suggests that they may also be a window into diagnosing and treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other dopamine-linked neuropsychiatric disorders.

Released: 16-May-2018 10:15 AM EDT
Predicting What Drives People to Seek, Stay in Substance-Use Treatment
Florida Atlantic University

About 22 million Americans are substance dependent, yet only 2.5 million seek treatment. Reviewing 5,443 records of adult substance use treatment clients, a new study examined treatment readiness, or the characteristics that are likely to promote treatment engagement, to predict who seeks and stays in treatment. Results show that white and black race, being male, lower levels of education, and being married or divorced (vs. never married) were all negatively related to substance-use treatment engagement.

Released: 10-May-2018 9:00 AM EDT
How Parents Cause Children’s Friendships to End
Florida Atlantic University

A new study reveals why childhood friendships fall apart and is the first to demonstrate that parents are an important source of these breakups. Researchers examined parenting styles as well as mother and father self-reported depressive symptoms to predict the occurrence and timing of best friendships breaking up from the start to the end of elementary school (grades one to six). Some of the findings were not what they expected.

Released: 26-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Bio-inspired Robotics Lands FAU Professor $500,000 NSF CAREER Award
Florida Atlantic University

Mimicking the seamless motion of fish has landed an engineering professor with a prestigious NSF award. He has developed bio-inspired flexible structures that increase maneuverability and enhance the motion of underwater vehicles and robotic systems for ocean exploration and defense.

Released: 26-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
FAU and Max Planck Team Up on First Joint Position
Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University and Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience have combined forces to form the first jointly supported position between the two institutions.

Released: 25-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Looking Past Peer Influence: Genetic Contributions to Increases in Teen Substance Use?
Florida Atlantic University

Parents and adults spend a lot of time worrying about the influence of peers when it comes to teen substance use. Using a unique sample of 476 twin pairs who have been followed since birth, a new study examines if there is a genetic component that drives teens’ desire for risk taking and novelty.

19-Apr-2018 11:00 AM EDT
First Genetic Evidence of Ongoing Mating Between Two Distinct Species of Guenon Monkeys
Florida Atlantic University

A new study of guenon monkeys in Gombe National Park is the first to provide genetic evidence of ongoing mating between two distinct species. These monkeys have successfully been producing hybrid offspring for hundreds maybe even thousands of years. Prior studies have suggested that their different physical characteristics keeps them from interbreeding. So, if their faces don’t match, they shouldn’t be mating, right? Wrong, according to this latest evidence.

Released: 17-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Study on Arthritis Trends in the U.S. Turns Up Some Unexpected Results
Florida Atlantic University

To get a closer look at prevalence and age-related trends of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis in the U.S., a study examined nationally representative data from 43,706 participants aged 20 years and older, turning up some unexpected findings.

Released: 12-Apr-2018 4:00 PM EDT
FAU Harbor Branch Co-Founder Edwin A. Link Inducted Into Florida Inventors Hall of Fame
Florida Atlantic University

The late Edwin A. Link, a driving force behind bringing FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to Fort Pierce, is being inducted into the 2018 class of the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame.

Released: 11-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Novel FAU Discovery to Treat Ischemic Stroke Will Be Developed, Commercialized by CHS Pharma, Inc.
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers have developed and patented a novel approach to treat ischemic stroke combining three distinct classes of drugs to create a multi-drug combination therapy, and have joined forces with CHS Pharma, Inc.

Released: 10-Apr-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Study Says Charisma Trumped Narcissism for Voters in 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Florida Atlantic University

A new study of the 2016 U.S. presidential election suggests that narcissism and charisma are both important predictors of voter choice. Researchers found that attributed charisma may serve as a balance to narcissism. Thus, followers of a candidate potentially look beyond negative leadership qualities to select those leaders who they perceive to have redeeming positive attributes and values.

6-Apr-2018 12:00 PM EDT
Spoken Language Reveals How People Develop and Mature
Florida Atlantic University

Examining 44,000 brief text samples collected over 25 years, a study of ego level and language sheds light on ego development, its relationship with other models of personality and individual differences, and its utility in characterizing people, texts and cultural contexts. If ego development can be scored from everyday language, then text from Twitter feeds to political speeches, and from children’s stories to strategic plans, may provide new insights into the state of moral, social and cognitive development.

Released: 5-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Like Human Societies, Whales Value Culture and Family Ties
Florida Atlantic University

Through a detailed genetic study of kinship, an international team is the first to demonstrate that just like human societies, beluga whales appear to value culture as well as their ancestral roots and family ties. They have demonstrated that related whales returned to the same locations year after year, and even generation after generation.

Released: 4-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
FAU Named a ‘Research Center of Excellence’ for Lewy Body Dementia
Florida Atlantic University

The Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA) named Florida Atlantic University as a LBDA Research Center of Excellence (RCOE), a nationwide collaboration of 24 pre-eminent academic medical research centers.

Released: 4-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Mutation of Worm Gene, Swip-10, Triggers Age-Dependent Death of Dopamine Neurons, Key Feature of Parkinson’s Disease
Florida Atlantic University

By visualizing dopamine neurons in a tiny worm's brain, scientists have identified a novel pathway that sustains the health of these cells. The study shows that the normal actions of swip-10 to protect dopamine neurons are indirect, derived from the gene’s action in support cells called glia that lie adjacent to the dopamine neurons. Glial cells are recognized to play a critical role in shaping neuronal development, structure, and function, however, this research offers a clear demonstration that they also keep dopamine cells alive.

Released: 3-Apr-2018 12:00 PM EDT
Considering An Employee for An Overseas Assignment? Study Says Personality Has a Big Impact on How Well They Adjust
Florida Atlantic University

A new FAU study shows that expatriates’ personality characteristics have a lot to do with how well they adjust and whether they succeed and provide a return on a company’s considerable investment in an individual.

Released: 3-Apr-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Could a Cup of Joe a Day Keep the Doctor and Death Away?
Florida Atlantic University

So what is it about the link between drinking coffee and living longer? Could it be the 200 plus organic compounds in the coffee bean itself and its proven benefits of reducing inflammation and regulating glucose levels? Or could it be something else?

Released: 28-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EDT
Gay, Bisexual, Sexually Abused Male Inmates More Fearful of Prison Rape, More Open to Therapy
Florida Atlantic University

Using data from male inmates in 23 maximum-security prisons, researchers looked at factors related to fear of rape and likelihood of requesting mental health treatment while incarcerated. They focused on those at most risk of being victimized: gay or bisexual inmates and those with a history of childhood sexual abuse.

Released: 14-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EDT
While A Candidate’s Voice Pitch Sways Voters, It Doesn't Result in Better Leaders
Florida Atlantic University

Individuals with lower-pitched voices are more likely to win elected office because they are believed to be superior leaders. But is voice pitch a reliable signal of leadership quality? And is the bias in favor of selecting leaders with lower voices good or bad for democracy? A novel study is the first to address these questions.

Released: 8-Mar-2018 2:30 PM EST
BH&J Buy vs. Rent Index Shows All Signs Pointing Toward a Peak in the U.S. Real Estate Cycle
Florida Atlantic University

Current signs indicate that most U.S. housing markets are approaching a peak in the real estate cycle, but there’s little evidence to suggest prices will plummet as they have in the past, according to the latest national index produced by FAU and FIU faculty.

Released: 5-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
Number of Paid Sick Days Directly Impacts How Americans Use Preventive Care Like Flu Shots
Florida Atlantic University

In the first study to measure the link between an employee’s number of paid sick leave days and the use of vital preventive health care services like getting a flu shot, researchers found a 26 to 85 percent increase in preventive health care use among those with at least 10 or more paid sick leave days. For the female-focused preventive services, they showed a 55 percent increase in the use of preventive mammography.

Released: 1-Mar-2018 9:00 AM EST
They’re Back! Shark Migration Kicks Off in S.E. Florida
Florida Atlantic University

For eight years, researchers have been tracking blacktip sharks using a boat, plane, acoustic monitoring devices, and drones. Water temperatures affect their migration patterns. In prior years, as many as 15,000 sharks were reported on any given day. That’s not the case this year.

Released: 28-Feb-2018 12:00 PM EST
FAU Poll Finds Floridians Support Ban on Assault-Style Rifles, Universal Background Checks and Raising Age to Buy Guns
Florida Atlantic University

In the wake of a mass shooting that took the lives of 17 students and teachers at a South Florida high school, a vast majority of Floridians support stricter gun laws, including a ban on assault-style rifles, universal background checks and raising the minimum age for gun purchasers, according to a statewide survey by the Florida Atlantic University Business and Economics Polling Initiative (FAU BEPI).

Released: 28-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
Sperm Analysis Kit Promises ‘Hassle-free’ Approach to Accurately Test Male Fertility at Home
Florida Atlantic University

To address embarrassing, inconvenient and costly male fertility testing, researchers from FAU are developing a home-based kit that accurately, quantitatively, and quickly, provides a complete semen evaluation using microfluidics, an app and a smartphone. After all, if women can use pregnancy tests in the comfort and privacy of their own homes, men also should be able to test their semen at home without any hassles.

Released: 21-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
Innovative Couples’ Intervention Significantly Helps People With Alzheimer’s Communicate
Florida Atlantic University

For couples with decades of shared memories, a partner’s decline in the ability to communicate because of dementia is frightening and frustrating. Communication strategies they’ve used before simply don’t work anymore. By getting creative, an in-home intervention to support couples affected by dementia is showing that “practice does make perfect,” both for the caregiver and the care receiver or person with dementia, and can improve their communication behaviors in just 10 weeks.

Released: 15-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
FAU Brain Institute Awarded $780,000 from Stiles-Nicholson Foundation to Launch ASCEND Program
Florida Atlantic University

To address the national shortage in STEM (science-technology-engineering and math) career-oriented students, the FAU Brain Institute has received a $780,000 grant from the Stiles-Nicholson Foundation to launch an innovative program targeted at middle and high school students in Palm Beach County.

Released: 14-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
FAU Approved for First Fellowship in Cardiology
Florida Atlantic University

Just in time for Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month, FAU's College of Medicine has received initial accreditation from the national Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education for its first University-sponsored fellowship. The FAU Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship will be based at Tenet HealthCare system’s Delray Medical Center.

Released: 7-Feb-2018 12:30 PM EST
Who’s Your Daddy? Good News for Threatened Sea Turtles
Florida Atlantic University

A groundbreaking study of sea turtle nests and hatchlings using paternity tests to uncover “who are your daddies?” is the first to document multiple paternity in loggerhead sea turtle nests in southwest Florida. What started out as a study on female sea turtle promiscuity is proving to be very good news for this female-biased species facing rising risks of extinction due to climate change.

Released: 7-Feb-2018 9:00 AM EST
FAU Approved for Neurology Residency Program
Florida Atlantic University

FAU, in collaboration with Boca Raton Regional Hospital and Tenet HealthCare system’s Delray Medical Center, has received approval for a four-year, categorical neurology residency program.

Released: 6-Feb-2018 9:30 AM EST
Sleepless in Latin America: Blind Cavefish, Extreme Environments and Insomnia
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers have found that differences in the production of the neuropeptide Hypocretin, previously implicated in human narcolepsy, may explain variation in sleep between animal species, or even between individual people. It may also provide important insight into how we might build a brain that does not need to sleep.

Released: 25-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Leading Addiction Researcher and New Drug Discovery Scientist Joins FAU
Florida Atlantic University

Lawrence Toll's ground-breaking research on opioid-related systems, and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, as well as his identification and characterization of endogenous neuropeptides, have opened new avenues of research and identified novel drug targets.

Released: 23-Jan-2018 1:05 PM EST
Study Finds Bank Lending to Small Businesses Still Depressed Several Years After Financial Crisis Ended
Florida Atlantic University

Bank lending to small businesses, a major contributor to local economies and job creation around the country, is still depressed several years after the end of the U.S. financial crisis that started in 2008, according to a new FAU study.

Released: 22-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Double Trouble: Moisture, Not Just Heat Impacts Sex of Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Florida Atlantic University

Male sea turtles are disappearing and not just in Australia. FAU researchers found that 97 to 100 percent of hatchlings in southeast Florida have been female since 2002. They are the first to show why and how moisture conditions inside the nest in addition to heat affect the development and sex ratios of turtle embryos, using a novel technique they developed to estimate sex ratios with a male-specific, transcriptional molecular marker Sox9.

Released: 17-Jan-2018 8:00 AM EST
Study Says Some Nursing Homes Gaming the System to Improve Their Medicare Star Ratings
Florida Atlantic University

A new study of nursing homes in California, the nation’s largest system, found that some nursing homes inflate their self-assessment reporting to improve their score in the Five-Star Quality Rating System employed by Medicare to help consumers.

Released: 11-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Researchers to Develop Novel Real-time Undersea Wireless Communications and Surveillance Technology
Florida Atlantic University

Researchers will design, deploy and evaluate a first-of-its-kind software-defined testbed for real-time undersea wireless communications (data, voice, and video streaming) and surveillance.

Released: 9-Jan-2018 10:00 AM EST
FAU Online Graduate Business, Nursing and Education Programs Ranked in 2018 ‘U.S. News & World Report’
Florida Atlantic University

Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business, Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing and College of Education are listed in the 2018 U.S. News & World Report national rankings for “Best Online Graduate Programs.”

Released: 9-Jan-2018 9:00 AM EST
Study Finds Source of Toxic Green Algal Blooms and the Results Stink
Florida Atlantic University

Florida’s St. Lucie Estuary received national attention in 2016 as toxic green algal blooms wreaked havoc on this vital ecosystem. A new study contradicts the widespread misconception that periodic discharges from Lake Okeechobee were responsible. Water samples gathered and tested in the year-long study provide multiple lines of evidence that human wastewater nitrogen from septic systems was a major contributor to the high nitrogen concentrations in the estuary and downstream coastal reefs.
