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Released: 26-Apr-2005 2:05 PM EDT
New Laboratory Will Advance Voice Research
University of Iowa

A new laboratory aims to answer questions in voice research, such as why one schoolteacher wears out his or her voice faster than another teacher.

Released: 6-Apr-2005 12:40 PM EDT
VanderVelde Research Takes Her to Indian Anti-slavery Activist
University of Iowa

University of Iowa law professor Lea VanderVelde knows about many of the great anti-slavery leaders of the past as part of her research of labor laws and slavery. Recently, she worked with one of the present.

4-Apr-2005 2:50 PM EDT
Researchers Improve Huntington's Disease Symptoms in Mice
University of Iowa

Researchers have taken another step toward a potential treatment for Huntington's disease. A technique called RNA interference was used to reduce levels of the disease-causing HD protein in mice, significantly improving the movement and neurological abnormalities normally associated with the disease.

Released: 31-Mar-2005 12:40 PM EST
$1 Million Gift to Open Up Arts Avenue for Belin-Blank Center
University of Iowa

Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan has made a $1 million gift to the University of Iowa's Connie Belin and Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development to develop programs and scholarships to help students, teachers and parents across the country identify, nurture and develop artistic talents.

Released: 31-Mar-2005 12:00 PM EST
Exercise-Induced Shortness of Breath Not Always Asthma
University of Iowa

Asthma is the most common cause of exercise-induced shortness of breath in children and adolescents. While a diagnosis of asthma is often correct, pediatric pulmonary physicians caution that other unrelated conditions also can cause shortness of breath during exercise.

Released: 28-Mar-2005 12:10 PM EST
Suicide Still a Problem on College Campuses
University of Iowa

A small percentage of college students across the country continue to seriously contemplate, attempt or commit suicide, but a new study suggests the numbers may be inching up.

Released: 14-Mar-2005 4:00 PM EST
Brain Imaging Studies Investigate Pain Reduction by Hypnosis
University of Iowa

Researchers at the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine and the Technical University of Aachen, Germany used functional magnetic resonance imaging to find out if hypnosis alters brain activity in a way that might explain hypnosis-induced pain reduction.

Released: 14-Mar-2005 4:00 PM EST
Direct Link Between Residential Radon Exposure and Lung Cancer
University of Iowa

Two University of Iowa researchers were part of a large multi-center study that provides compelling direct evidence of an association between prolonged residential radon exposure and lung cancer risk.

Released: 3-Mar-2005 10:10 AM EST
Iowa Baby Is World's First To Receive Life-Saving Robotic Surgery
University of Iowa

Surgeons recently repaired a potentially lethal disorder in a six-day-old Iowa girl, making her the first neonate to have this type of defect corrected with a robotic surgical system, and the smallest person to ever receive robotic surgery of any kind anywhere in the world.

Released: 11-Feb-2005 12:20 PM EST
Libraries Acquire Huge Collection of Science Fiction Fanzines
University of Iowa

Thanks to an eBay-shopping English professor, the University of Iowa has acquired more than 250,000 science fiction fanzines and almost overnight has increased its stature as a prominent science fiction research center.

Released: 10-Feb-2005 12:10 PM EST
Teaching a Less Obvious Medical Skill -- Ethical Decision-Making
University of Iowa

One thing medical students paradoxically learn about ethical decision-making in patient care is that an "ethical" problem often isn't one. A medical ethicist identifies approaches physicians use to reason about ethical problems and communicate with patients about decisions and rationales.

Released: 1-Feb-2005 2:40 PM EST
Iowa MBA Students to Rate Best, Worst Super Bowl Ads
University of Iowa

A group of University of Iowa MBA students will be looking for the best and the worst TV commercials aired during the Super Bowl Feb. 6. The students will watch the game and rate the ads, saying which rank as the best and worst from both entertainment and business standpoints.

Released: 16-Dec-2004 11:10 AM EST
Gaps in Health Insurance Coverage of Iowa Children
University of Iowa

A new report on health insurance coverage of Iowa children indicates that nearly 90,000 children in the state are uninsured at some point in the year. Some programs, however, are available to help families, and more could be done to expand, as well as educate people about, options.

Released: 15-Dec-2004 10:00 AM EST
Brain Region Identified That Controls Collecting Behavior
University of Iowa

Most people have a collection of some kind at some point in their lives, but very little is known about what drives humans to collect. By studying patients who developed abnormal hoarding behavior following brain injury, researchers have identified an area in the prefrontal cortex that appears to control collecting behavior.

Released: 6-Dec-2004 8:00 AM EST
Physicians' Attitudes on End-Of-Life Care
University of Iowa

Doctors appear willing to use intensive treatment to lessen otherwise untreatable pain or other severe symptoms in dying patients even if the treatment, at least in theory, risks hastening the dying process, according to two studies on end-of-life care.

15-Nov-2004 5:00 PM EST
Community Living Causes Bacteria to Diversify
University of Iowa

Diversification strengthens forests and stock market portfolios. A study shows bacteria also use this strategy. When disease-causing bacteria assemble into biofilms, which can cause chronic human infections, the individual bacteria diversify and develop capabilities that make the group resistant.

Released: 8-Nov-2004 11:20 AM EST
Big Ten Football Injury Rates Not Reduced By NCAA Rule Change
University of Iowa

A study conducted by the Big Ten Sports Medicine Committee finds that an NCAA rule change, instituted in 1998, limiting the number and type of spring football practices did not have the desired effect of reducing the spring injury rates to levels equal to or lower than those of fall practices.

2-Sep-2004 9:00 AM EDT
Doctors Writing New Prescriptions -- for Using the Internet
University of Iowa

Having trouble finding quality health information on the Web? You might ask your doctor to write you an "information prescription." A University of Iowa study shows the nearly no-cost, quick effort is an effective way to put people in touch with quality health information on the Internet.

16-Aug-2004 1:40 PM EDT
New Model Can Aid In Understanding Immune System Diseases
University of Iowa

Epstein-Barr is a common virus that is often harmless but likely contributes to malignancies and autoimmnune disease in people with compromised immunity. A team has engineered a mouse that provides new insights into the virus.

13-Aug-2004 1:00 PM EDT
Why Hospitalists Improve Hospital Efficiency
University of Iowa

You may not be familiar with the term, but you might find yourself being treated by a "hospitalist" -- a physician who devotes all or most clinical time to the care of certain hospitalized patients. Researchers have identified some factors associated with efficiency of care by hospitalists.

30-Jun-2004 6:30 AM EDT
Gene Therapy Prevents Neurodegenerative Disease
University of Iowa

University of Iowa researchers have shown for the first time that gene therapy delivered to the brains of living mice can prevent the physical symptoms and neurological damage caused by an inherited neurodegenerative disease that is similar to Huntington's disease.

4-Jun-2004 2:50 PM EDT
Muscular Dystrophy Findings May Lead to New Treatments
University of Iowa

Expressing high levels of a sugar-adding protein called LARGE in mice that lack the protein can prevent muscular dystrophy. Furthermore, LARGE protein also restores function to a critical muscle protein disrupted by glycosylation defects in several different human muscular dystrophies.

Released: 21-Apr-2004 12:00 AM EDT
Some Infertile Couples Unaware of Multiple Birth Risks
University of Iowa

Multiple births -- twins or more babies in one pregnancy -- have more risks of infant death and long-term disabilities than births of single babies do. However, many couples seeking infertility treatments desire multiples and have poor knowledge particularly about the risks for twins.

Released: 20-Apr-2004 7:00 AM EDT
Research Bank Makes Good Use of Umbilical Cords
University of Iowa

After the delivery of a newborn, snipping the umbilical cord and then discarding the cord and placenta is the typical procedure. However, some new mothers at UI Hospitals and Clinics are accepting the invitation to donate their baby's umbilical cord blood to a new research bank.

Released: 14-Apr-2004 3:40 PM EDT
Researchers Investigate Vision Impairment And Driving
University of Iowa

That good vision is necessary for safe driving is just common sense, but scientists are looking beyond the standard vision tests in the hope of developing better tools to detect visually impaired drivers at greatest risk for a crash.

Released: 12-Apr-2004 7:00 AM EDT
Genetic Surprises Associated With Schizophrenia
University of Iowa

Nearly 2 percent of Caucasians have a gene polymorphism that causes a form of schizophrenia in a minority of carriers. A study reveals a good prognosis for this schizophrenia. The polymorphism also is associated with human survival, and the initial mutation occurred in a common ancestor.

Released: 24-Mar-2004 8:00 AM EST
Possible Cause of Asthma Exacerbations
University of Iowa

Viral infections can exacerbate asthma and, in turn, make people with the condition more sensitive to environmental exposures such as endotoxin. But how viral infections contribute to this sensitivity in airway cells has not been clear. A study reveals some possible answers.

Released: 4-Mar-2004 6:00 AM EST
Expert Explains Usefulness of Cognitive Tests
University of Iowa

Increasingly, older adults take cognitive tests to assess possible problems with their abilities to pay attention, learn, remember, and solve problems. Some are apprehensive about taking the tests or learning the results, but knowing more about the process may help alleviate worries.

25-Feb-2004 5:50 PM EST
Damaging Mechanism in Organ Transplants Identified
University of Iowa

A new study suggests that inhibiting a certain protein involved in inflammation might be of therapeutic benefit in organ transplantation, heart attacks, and possibly stroke. The study found that blocking this protein's action prevents the tissue damage caused by ischemia/reperfusion injury.

Released: 1-Mar-2004 7:00 AM EST
Graphic "Smoking Teens" Show Effects of Tobacco Products
University of Iowa

The images typically elicit a gasp or "ugh" from young people. Yet they can't help looking more closely at the "Iowa Smoking Teens," altered images of two teens that show the effects of smoking -- from blackened lungs to a 20 percent increase in the risk of cataracts to "dead toes."

Released: 30-Jan-2004 11:50 AM EST
New Mode Of Action Discovered For Tamoxifen
University of Iowa

First used to treat breast cancer more than 30 years ago, tamoxifen now is one of the most widely used breast cancer therapies. Researchers have discovered a new mode of action for tamoxifen, which could lead to better targeting of the therapy and possibly the development of new anti-cancer drugs.

Released: 28-Jan-2004 5:50 AM EST
New Activity Discovered in Cystic Fibrosis Protein
University of Iowa

Even well-studied proteins can reveal surprises. University of Iowa scientists have discovered a new enzyme activity for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The discovery helps solve a long-standing puzzle about how this important protein works.

Released: 21-Jan-2004 7:00 AM EST
Computer Resources Help Doctors Answer Patient Care Questions
University of Iowa

You bring questions to your physician, but if your doctor has questions about how to best provide care for you, where does he or she go for answers? Docs still use paper-based resources, however, a new study shows it takes less than one-third of the time to use the computer to find an answer.

Released: 14-Jan-2004 8:00 AM EST
Ophthalmologist Explains How To Treat Dry Eyes
University of Iowa

People usually know how to care for dry skin, but they may be unsure how to treat dry eyes, which can be equally or even more uncomfortable. An ophthalmologist explains causes and management of dry eyes.

Released: 5-Jan-2004 8:00 AM EST
Study Looks At Students' Drinking Misperceptions, Behavior
University of Iowa

College students' drinking behaviors are influenced more by their perceptions of their friends' drinking behaviors than by social norms marketing campaigns that encourage students to "go along with the crowd," according to a University of Iowa researcher who studies college students and alcohol use.

Released: 2-Jan-2004 1:00 AM EST
Study Examines Issues Related To Research Involving Prisoners
University of Iowa

Valid concerns have been raised whether research should be allowed in prison settings. However, a study indicates that even prisoners with mental illness, compared to non-prisoners without mental illness, generally are competent to decide to be in a study and do not feel coerced.

12-Dec-2003 5:20 PM EST
Genome Sequence Reveals a Versatile Microbe
University of Iowa

A team of researchers has sequenced the genome of a highly versatile and potentially useful bacterium -- Rhodopseudomonas palustris. This bacterium may be useful for cleaning up toxic industrial waste or as a biocatalyst producing hydrogen as a bio-fuel.

Released: 2-Dec-2003 5:00 PM EST
Study Examines Anonymity Of Insider Trading
University of Iowa

Research suggests that trades by registered "insiders" of a corporation are less likely to be anonymous when the stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) than on NASDAQ.

1-Dec-2003 8:00 AM EST
Variations In State Laws Affect Elder Abuse Documentation
University of Iowa

How domestic elder abuse cases are detected and handled differs widely across states because the relevant state laws and regulations vary greatly. The study is believed to be the first to comprehensively relate domestic elder abuse rates to laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

17-Nov-2003 5:00 PM EST
Calcium Channel Involved in Coronary Artery Relaxation
University of Iowa

A genetically engineered mouse initially designed to explore muscle repair mechanisms instead helped scientists understand how a certain type of calcium channel helps coronary arteries relax.

Released: 31-Oct-2003 1:00 AM EST
Iowa Space Physicist Captures Sound Of Solar Storm
University of Iowa

Although no major electrical problems have yet resulted from the current series of solar flares bombarding the Earth, a professor recently used NASA's Cassini spacecraft to record the sound of one of the largest solar flares seen in decades as it moved outward from the sun.

Released: 10-Oct-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Study Finds Few Substance Abuse Programs For Elders
University of Iowa

Fewer than one in five existing substance abuse programs in the United States offers services specifically designed for older adults, according to an investigation. The study suggests substance abuse in the older population is a particularly serious health concern.

Released: 2-Oct-2003 1:00 AM EDT
"Voice Academy" Web Site Helps Teachers Address Voice Problems
University of Iowa

Teachers are 32 times more likely than people in other professions to have voice disorders. A Web site recently launched will help teachers prevent and treat voice problems:

Released: 29-Sep-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Post-Stroke Antidepressant Treatment Appears To Reduce Death Rate
University of Iowa

Antidepressant treatment for people who have had stroke -- whether the patients are depressed or not -- appears to increase their chances of living longer.

Released: 9-Sep-2003 1:00 AM EDT
Why You Should Avoid Trans Fatty Acids
University of Iowa

You've probably heard it by now: avoid trans fatty acids -- which are in fried foods, margarine and the "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" ingredient you see on the label of that tempting package of cookies or donuts. But what's all the fuss? Experts explain.

Released: 5-Sep-2003 1:00 AM EDT
What Makes Automated External Defibrillators A Good Buy
University of Iowa

Researchers evaluated the value of installing automated external defibrillators in various public locations. The team found that a defibrillator was a good investment if the specific location was expected to have at least one cardiac arrest every seven years.

Released: 21-Aug-2003 3:00 PM EDT
Researchers Study Driving Risk Factors
University of Iowa

Using a driving simulator, researchers attempt to answer questions such as when and how do age-related deficits make a person an unsafe driver?

Released: 14-Aug-2003 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Urge Advances In Meth Abuse Treatment
University of Iowa

People who use or abuse methamphetamine, or meth, do not necessarily need specialized treatment but do need more time in intensive outpatient or residential drug treatment than currently occurs.

Released: 11-Aug-2003 8:00 AM EDT
Elementary Schools Need A Lesson In Bathroom Breaks
University of Iowa

Kids don't give up only naps after kindergarten. Moving on to first grade often means less access to go to the bathroom -- which can lead to unnecessary accidents or other urination problems. However, better training for teachers about children's bathroom needs could help.

Released: 7-Aug-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Faith-Based Groups Help Ex-Offenders
University of Iowa

Nearly 500,000 people annually are released from prison in the United States. Faith-based groups play an informal but significant role in helping ex-offenders rebuild their lives.
