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Released: 18-Apr-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Drug Company, License Agreement for UI Discovery
University of Iowa

The University of Iowa Research Foundation has granted IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corporation exclusive, worldwide license to use a UI discovery that may help to treat prostate cancer.

Released: 31-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Brain Area Involved in Assessing Others' Emotions
University of Iowa

Facial expressions can reveal to us a lot about how another person is feeling; University of Iowa Health Care investigators have identified specific areas of the brain that aid in emotion assessment of facial expressions (Journal of Neuroscience, 4-1-00).

Released: 30-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Frequent Marijuana Use May Affect Brain Function
University of Iowa

Some people who frequently use marijuana have substantially lower blood flow to certain parts of their brains; however, smoking the illicit drug does not affect brain size or structure, indicate University of Iowa Health Care studies (NeuroReport).

Released: 21-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Improving Gene Therapy Delivery to Brain
University of Iowa

After one injection, a certain gene vector can effectively reach many brain sites, according to University of Iowa and National Institutes of Health investigators (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3-28-00).

16-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Answering Questions About How Breast Cancer Spreads
University of Iowa

Findings from a University of Iowa Health Care study may explain the basic mechanisms involved in triggering the spread of breast cancer (International Journal of Cancer, 3-00).

Released: 8-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
International Water Quality Conference in Chicago
University of Iowa

The University of Iowa Center for Health Effects of Environmental Contamination will host an international meeting, April 19-21 in Chicago, on issues related to the quality of drinking water.

Released: 8-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
First National Conference on Marijuana Therapeutics
University of Iowa

A national conference, titled "Medical Marijuana: Science-Based Clinical Applications," to be held at the University of Iowa April 6-8 will be the first to educate health care professionals and researchers on the medical use of marijuana.

7-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Antihistamine More than Alcohol Impairs Driving
University of Iowa

A first-generation antihistamine commonly found in over-the-counter cold and allergy remedies may cause more driving impairment than being legally drunk, say University of Iowa researchers (Annals of Internal Medicine, 3-7-00).

Released: 7-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Internet: Aid in Applying Tuberculosis Guidelines
University of Iowa

For tuberculosis prevention and care, University of Iowa Health Care providers have designed an Internet-based tool to make deciphering complex medical guidelines easier and more accurate (Medical Decision Making).

Released: 1-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Older Medication, Treatment for Post-Stroke Depression
University of Iowa

University of Iowa Health Care researchers found that for treating depression in individuals who had a stroke and did not have heart conditions, the tricyclic antidepressant nortriptyline is more effective than fluoxetine (American Journal of Psychiatry, 3-00).

Released: 29-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Physicians Reluctant to Allow Videotaping of Births
University of Iowa

Many Iowa obstetricians and family physicians are hesitant to allow patients to videotape obstetric procedures, such as childbirth, because of legal concerns, according to University of Iowa researchers (Archives of Family Medicine, 1-00).

Released: 5-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Insight on Mechanisms of Cancer Treatment
University of Iowa

University of Iowa Health Care researchers are beginning to fill in the basic science blanks of how a new alternative treatment for various cancers works, or doesn't work (Photochemistry and Photobiology).

Released: 1-Feb-2000 12:00 AM EST
Mutated Gene Associated with Blindness
University of Iowa

A research team led by the University of Iowa has identified a gene that, when mutated, causes a hereditary form of blindness (Nature Genetics, 2-00).

Released: 25-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Statewide Prison Telemedicine Project Assessed
University of Iowa

More Iowa prison inmates are receiving health care services at the University of Iowa without leaving the correctional facilities due to advanced, two-way video systems and diagnostic equipment that allow long-distance consultations between Iowa Department of Corrections (DOC) and UI medical staff.

Released: 19-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

The Iowa Electronic Markets have launched two new political futures markets in which traders can buy and sell shares in prospects of candidates in the 2000 presidential race.

Released: 15-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

Media covering the Iowa Caucuses are invited to two Des Moines events hosted by the University of Iowa. UI business professors will give demonstrations of the Iowa Electronic Markets Jan. 20 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Invista Capital Management.

Released: 12-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Chronic Fatigue: Prognostic Factors
University of Iowa

Though people with chronic fatigue usually don't know why they have the fatigue, when they will get better, or how to treat the fatigue, a recent University of Iowa study in the 11/12-99 Archives of Family Medicine identifies prognostic characteristics for improvement of chronic fatigue.

Released: 4-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Basic Mechanism of Blood Pressure Control
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa researcher has reported on a basic cellular mechanism involved in hypertension and how this plays a role in Liddle's syndrome, a rare, genetic form of the disease.

Released: 21-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

In recent years, televised debates have become a campaign season fixture, but debating today is far and away different from the format Lincoln and Douglas made famous generations earlier.

Released: 17-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

University of Iowa astronomy professor Robert Mutel announced today that an eight-month search using an Arizona-based telescope has failed to detect evidence supporting a 13-year-old theory that small comets composed of snow are continually bombarding the Earth.

Released: 15-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

University of Iowa psychologists say human infants cry because they are hungry, wet, cold, or otherwise in need of parental attention; rat pups cry involuntarily as a result of a physiological process.

Released: 9-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

The focus has been on the design of bridges and highways with little thought given to their day-to-day maintenance. Now, a winter highway maintenance class taught over the Internet by a University of Iowa College of Engineering professor may be changing all that.

Released: 1-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Gene Therapy to Treat Cystic Fibrosis: New Step
University of Iowa

A team of University of Iowa Health Care investigators has advanced understanding of how gene therapy might effectively treat the serious lung function loss associated with cystic fibrosis (CF).

Released: 1-Dec-1999 12:00 AM EST
Children with ADHD May Need Help with Memory
University of Iowa

Some children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also have memory problems that need separate assessment and treatment, according to a University of Iowa study.

Released: 25-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Unified Concept of Schizophrenia
University of Iowa

Schizophrenia has many different signs and symptoms, ranging from paranoid delusions to apathetic withdrawal. Yet, it remains a question how this one illness can have so many different manifestations, and how it can more effectively be treated or prevented.

Released: 23-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Questions about Cystic Fibrosis Complication
University of Iowa

Results from the continuing UI efforts to understand how the bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa lead to infection are being published in the Nov. 23 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 23-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Mental Health Policies Hamper Intermediate Care Facilities
University of Iowa

Mental health policy on the local, state and national levels has created a treatment system that is challenging for some consumers, according to a recent study led by a University of Iowa researcher.

19-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Antibiotic Resistance, Good and Bad News
University of Iowa

One University of Iowa Health Care study shows there may be a potent, new drug to combat bacteria resistant to existing antibiotics, but another investigation reveals that some strains of Staphylococcus aureus have become antibiotic-resistant globe trotters, spreading throughout the world.

Released: 3-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Common Glaucoma Treatment May Increase Other Eye Risks
University of Iowa

Beta-blocker eyedrops, commonly used to treat glaucoma, may put some people with the condition at increased risk for further visual loss by aggravating the fall of blood pressure during sleep, according to a University of Iowa Health Care study.

Released: 2-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
Evaluating Childhood Hip Disease May Be Unreliable
University of Iowa

A recent University of Iowa Health Care study is calling into question the reliability of a classification system that orthopaedic surgeons use to help them evaluate treatment outcomes in children with a hip condition known as Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease.

Released: 2-Nov-1999 12:00 AM EST
University of Iowa

A recent study by two University of Iowa economics researchers shows that college-educated workers with mathematical and verbal skills have the potential to earn the biggest paychecks.

Released: 28-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Improving Effectiveness of Gene Transfers
University of Iowa

Gene transfer is a promising strategy that may eventually help to reverse or prevent many diseases, but in some cases there are glitches that must first be worked out.

Released: 21-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Genetic Abnormality May Predict Ovarian Cancer Spread
University of Iowa

A specific type of mutation on the p53 tumor suppressor gene may predispose some women with ovarian cancer to distant -- and rapid -- tumor spread, according to a University of Iowa Health Care study.

Released: 19-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
University of Iowa

The percentage of college students who reported feeling depressed and having suicidal thoughts declined between 1987 and 1997 while suicide attempts remained constant, according to a 10-year follow-up study coauthored by a University of Iowa professor.

Released: 19-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Homocysteine, High-Protein Diet Linked to Heart attack, Stroke
University of Iowa

A UI Health Care study suggests that elevated homocysteine can rapidly affect small blood vessels, which likely contributes to high blood pressure. The study also adds evidence that vitamin C may prevent homocysteine from damaging both small and large blood vessels.

Released: 16-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Surgery Best Treatment for Severe Bell's Palsy Paralysis
University of Iowa

How to best treat patients with Bell's palsy who are at high risk of permanent loss of facial muscle control has remained a controversial subject among physicians for decades. However, results of a 15-year study led by University of Iowa Health Care researchers may help to finally settle the debate.

13-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Institute of Medicine Recognizes Schizophrenia Researcher
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa Health Care psychiatrist has received one of the highest honors awarded by the Institute of Medicine, a branch of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 9-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Eligibility for Cochlear Implantation Should Be Expanded
University of Iowa

How much hearing an individual has before receiving a cochlear implant may partially predict how beneficial the device will be, according to University of Iowa Health Care research findings.

Released: 5-Oct-1999 12:00 AM EDT
DNA Methylation Process May Lead to Oral Cancer
University of Iowa

Just like a light switch, a process known as cytosine methylation can turn off expression of tumor suppressor genes and lead to oral cancer, according to University of Iowa research findings.

Released: 28-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
University of Iowa

Modern dance master Paul Taylor will present the world premiere of his "Arabesque," set to music by Debussy, when the Paul Taylor Dance Company performs at 8 p.m. Oct. 15-16, in Hancher Auditorium on the University of Iowa campus.

Released: 28-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Physician's Questions Are Often Not Pursued
University of Iowa

Family doctors routinely have questions about patient conditions and procedures the doctors should take, but most of the time the answers are not pursued, according to a University of Iowa Health Care study.

Released: 25-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Adjusting Speech Pitch, Compensated Hearing Loss
University of Iowa

Compressing sound frequency -- decreasing its pitch -- through new computer technology seems to help people with high-frequency hearing loss better understand sounds, according to University of Iowa research findings.

Released: 23-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Breast Cancer Patients and Axillary Node Dissection
University of Iowa

The rate of breast-conserving surgery to treat breast cancer has increased steadily since the mid 1980s, but many women with early stages of the disease do not receive axillary node dissections as part of this treatment, which could mean a lower chance of survival after 10 years, according to a University of Iowa-led analysis.

Released: 23-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Natural Method to Possibly Induce Vascular Growth
University of Iowa

By lowering an individual's heart rate, doctors someday may be able to trigger the sprouting of new blood vessels without having to resort to invasive methods, according to results from a University of Iowa Health Care study.

Released: 22-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Variable Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Brain
University of Iowa

Fetal alcohol syndrome is associated with a smaller or nonexistent corpus callosum, a brain pathway for sense perception. However, a University of Iowa study suggests moderate (versus severe) alcohol overexposure can cause the corpus callosum to be larger than normal.

Released: 14-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
University of Iowa

Hancher is Sankai Juku's first American commissioner, with U.S. premiere of "Hibiki."

Released: 9-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
University of Iowa

A University of Iowa professor and space physicist has won a $4 million NASA contract in collaboration with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop and use radar in a search for underground water on Mars.

Released: 8-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Antimicrobials and Cystic Fibrosis-Related Infection
University of Iowa

A recent University of Iowa Health Care study suggests that high salt concentrations in the airways of people with cystic fibrosis prevent antimicrobial factors from protecting the lungs from infection caused by inhaled bacteria and other microorganisms.

Released: 4-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
University of Iowa

Some of the nation's best-known cartoonists will gather at the University of Iowa Oct. 14-16 for a symposium titled, "Drawing the Line: Political Cartooning under Pressure." Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Conrad will be the keynote speaker.

Released: 2-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Genetics and Gender Affect Endotoxin Response
University of Iowa

Endotoxin is a common contaminant of agricultural dust, air pollution and household dust. A recent University of Iowa Health Care study provides evidence that when it comes to healthy individuals, pulmonary responses to endotoxin can differ markedly, yet consistently.
