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21-Nov-2018 1:05 PM EST
The Tragedy of the Commons – Minus the Tragedy
Ohio State University

Sometimes, there is no “tragedy” in the tragedy of the commons, according to a new analysis that challenges a widely accepted theory. In an analysis of eight case studies from around the world, researchers found that people can successfully share and sustainably use resources, under certain conditions.

Released: 21-Nov-2018 12:05 PM EST
Ohio Against the Universe
Ohio State University

A planet discovered by a team co-led by Ohio State University astronomers spent this week crushing other planets in an international, intergalactic competition known as the ExoCup.

Released: 20-Nov-2018 9:00 AM EST
Vaping no boost to quit rates in smokers, study suggests
Ohio State University

People who vape and smoke cigarettes are no more likely to drop the nicotine habit than those who just smoke, a new study suggests. Researchers at The Ohio State University studied 617 tobacco users and found no differences in quit rates for “dual users” of both traditional and electronic cigarettes.

Released: 15-Nov-2018 2:05 PM EST
An evidence-based way to help fix our broken politics
Ohio State University

It is an idea for repairing our broken political system that is so promising that new members of Congress will learn about it before taking office in January. It is an idea tested with actual representatives and their constituents, with intriguing and positive results.

8-Nov-2018 6:05 AM EST
Why your number of romantic partners mirrors your mother
Ohio State University

A new national study shows that people whose mothers had more partners – married or cohabiting – often follow the same path.Results suggest that mothers may pass on personality traits and relationship skills that make their children more or less likely to form stable relationships.

Released: 13-Nov-2018 11:05 AM EST
Brain changes found in self-injuring teen girls
Ohio State University

The brains of teenage girls who engage in serious forms of self-harm, including cutting, show features similar to those seen in adults with borderline personality disorder, a severe and hard-to-treat mental illness, a new study has found.

8-Nov-2018 3:05 PM EST
How Nurses Rate Daily Job Difficulty Plays Key Role in Patient Care
Ohio State University

A nurse’s ability to provide optimal patient care is influenced by a variety of factors – not just how many patients he or she is caring for or how sick they might be, a new study suggests.

6-Nov-2018 10:00 AM EST
One type of brain cell might hold key to inflammation after head injury
Ohio State University

By eliminating one type of immune cell in the brain, researchers were able to erase any evidence of inflammation following traumatic brain injury, according to a new study from The Ohio State University.

6-Nov-2018 1:05 PM EST
Experimental compound reduces Gulf War illness-like behavior in mice
Ohio State University

n experimental drug is showing some promise in stopping mood abnormalities and cognitive disorders similar to those seen in people with Gulf War illness, an animal study suggests.

5-Nov-2018 3:00 PM EST
Study Uncovers Possible Link Between Immune System and Postpartum Depression
Ohio State University

The immune system might play an important role in the development of postpartum depression after a stressful pregnancy, new research suggests.

Released: 5-Nov-2018 4:00 PM EST
Study could help explain how childhood stress contributes to anxiety, depression
Ohio State University

New research could help explain why stress early in life can create vulnerabilities to mood and anxiety disorders later on. The study, led by researchers at The Ohio State University, was presented Nov. 5 in San Diego at the annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, and highlights the important role of mast cells.

Released: 2-Nov-2018 10:05 AM EDT
How one tough shrub could help fight hunger in Africa
Ohio State University

The trick to boosting crops in drought-prone, food-insecure areas of West Africa could be a ubiquitous native shrub that persists in the toughest of growing conditions. Growing these shrubs side-by-side with the food crop millet increased millet production by more than 900 percent.

Released: 29-Oct-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Ohio State to Lead National Study of Same-Gender Couples
Ohio State University

The Ohio State University, along with Bowling Green State University, has been selected to conduct a first-of-its-kind national, five-year study of health in same-gender couples.

Released: 25-Oct-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Why relationships – not money – are the key to improving schools
Ohio State University

Strong relationships between teachers, parents and students at schools has more impact on improving student learning than does financial support, new research shows. The study found that social capital had a three- to five-times larger effect than financial capital on reading and math scores in Michigan schools.

Released: 24-Oct-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Cluster of factors could help predict C. diff
Ohio State University

A cluster of factors may help predict which patients are likely to develop Clostridioides difficile, a potentially life-threatening disease commonly known as C. difficile or C. diff, a new study has found. And that could help in efforts to prevent infection, according to the researchers.

Released: 23-Oct-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Climate change, rising sea levels a threat to farmers in Bangladesh
Ohio State University

Rising sea levels driven by climate change make for salty soil, and that is likely to force about 200,000 coastal farmers in Bangladesh inland as glaciers melt into the world’s oceans, according to estimates from a new study.

Released: 12-Oct-2018 6:05 AM EDT
A New Way to Create Molecules for Drug Development
Ohio State University

Chemists at The Ohio State University have developed a new and improved way to generate molecules that can enable the design of new types of synthetic drugs.

Released: 9-Oct-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Trapping Toxic Compounds with ‘Molecular Baskets’
Ohio State University

Researchers have developed designer molecules that may one day be able to seek out and trap deadly nerve agents and other toxic compounds in the environment – and possibly in humans.

Released: 8-Oct-2018 8:00 AM EDT
How wasp and bee stinger designs help deliver the pain
Ohio State University

Next time you’re stung by a wasp or a honeybee, consider the elegantly designed stinger that caused you so much pain. In a new study, researchers found that the stingers of the two species are about five times softer at the tip than at the base to make it easier to pierce your skin.

Released: 1-Oct-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Should My Employer Require Me to Get a Flu Shot?
Ohio State University

Efthimios Parasidis, associate professor of law and public health at The Ohio State University, talks about whether or not it's a good idea for companies to mandate that their employees get a flu shot. Status of House Bill 193:

Released: 27-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Inexpensive TB test holds promise for low-income countries
Ohio State University

A low-cost, easy-to-replicate test for tuberculosis might help developing nations better identify and treat the infectious and sometimes deadly disease, new research suggests.

Released: 27-Sep-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Making Research Integrity a Priority
Ohio State University

Public trust in science depends on renewed efforts to protect the integrity of research, according to speakers at a Sept. 23 Ohio State University summit. Experts emphasized the need for a “culture of trust” around research and pledged to find ways to support that culture.

Released: 26-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Is That Selfie Edited? Why It May Matter for Women Viewers
Ohio State University

There’s a surprising upside to the fact that many people edit their selfies on Instagram and other social media sites to enhance their appearance. A new study found that when women believed that selfies of thin and sexualized women had been edited, viewing these images had less negative impact on one aspect of their mental health.

Released: 24-Sep-2018 8:00 AM EDT
Misuse of Stimulants Remains a Top Concern on College Campuses, Survey Finds
Ohio State University

Almost 16 percent of college students say they misuse prescription stimulants, often in the quest for better grades, a new survey of U.S. undergraduate, graduate and professional students has found.

Released: 21-Sep-2018 4:05 PM EDT
Does Your Gut Hold the Key to Your Mind?
Ohio State University

Researchers around the world are exploring the gut/brain axis in the quest for knowledge about mood disorders such as depression, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and chronic conditions such as Crohn’s disease.

Released: 20-Sep-2018 8:00 AM EDT
A Behavioral Intervention for Cancer Patients That Works
Ohio State University

This is a story about something rare in health psychology: a treatment that has gone from scientific discovery, through development and testing, to dissemination and successful implementation nationwide.

13-Sep-2018 10:40 AM EDT
One Big Reason Why Women Drop Out of Doctoral STEM Programs
Ohio State University

Many women in doctoral degree programs in fields like engineering and physics are in a class of their own – and that’s not a good thing. A new study found that the fewer females who enter a doctoral program at the same time, the less likely any one of them will graduate within six years.

Released: 11-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Stress Linked to More Advanced Disease in Some Leukemia Patients
Ohio State University

Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) who feel more stress also have more cancer cells in their blood and elevated levels of three other markers of more advanced disease.

Released: 5-Sep-2018 9:05 AM EDT
Graphic Images on Cigarette Warnings Stick with Smokers
Ohio State University

If you want smokers to remember cigarette-warning labels, include a graphic image of the results of long-term smoking, a new study suggests.

Released: 4-Sep-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Study Finds You Act Most Like “You” in a Time Crunch
Ohio State University

When they must act quickly, selfish people are likely to act more selfishly than usual, while pro-social people behave even more pro-socially, a new study found.

Released: 4-Sep-2018 7:00 AM EDT
A Terrain Map That Shows Antarctica in Stunning Detail
Ohio State University

Scientists have released the most accurate, high-resolution terrain map of Antarctica ever created. The new map has a resolution of 2 to 8 meters, compared to 1,000 meters, which was typical for previous maps. “It is the highest-resolution terrain map by far of any continent,” said Ian Howat, professor of earth sciences at The Ohio State University.

28-Aug-2018 9:30 AM EDT
New Program Boosts Use of HIV Medications in Injection-Drug Users
Ohio State University

A relatively simple effort to provide counseling and connect injection-drug users with resources could prove powerful against the spread of HIV in a notoriously hard-to-reach population, new research suggests.

Released: 30-Aug-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Research to Examine How Blood Flow Influences Plaque Buildup
Ohio State University

Biomedical Engineering Professor Rita Alevriadou has spent most of her career, which spans two decades, on cardiovascular disease. Her current research on the effects of blood flow on our artery walls recently earned a $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Released: 28-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Close Ties with Fathers Help Daughters Overcome Loneliness
Ohio State University

Fathers play a key role in helping their young daughters overcome loneliness, a new study has found.

Released: 27-Aug-2018 4:05 PM EDT
Algae a Threat to Walleye Vision, Study Finds
Ohio State University

Walleye and the fish they eat struggle to see in water clouded by algae, and that could potentially jeopardize the species’ future if harmful algal blooms persist, according to a new study.

Released: 23-Aug-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Algal blooms a threat to small lakes and ponds, too
Ohio State University

Harmful algae isn’t just a problem for high-profile bodies of water – it poses serious, toxic threats in small ponds and lakes as well, new research has found.

Released: 21-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
How the United States Landed in a Debt “Danger Zone”
Ohio State University

The interaction of public and private debt in the United States reduced economic growth about 0.43 percentage points per year between 2009 and 2014, a new study suggests. In addition, growth declined an additional 0.40 percent due solely to high levels of private debt, taking into account public debt.

Released: 15-Aug-2018 8:05 AM EDT
How Ugly Marital Spats Might Open the Door to Disease
Ohio State University

Married people who fight nastily are more likely to suffer from leaky guts – a problem that unleashes bacteria into the blood and can drive up disease-causing inflammation, new research suggests.

Released: 14-Aug-2018 4:05 PM EDT
Immune Cells in the Brain Have Surprising Influence on Sexual Behavior
Ohio State University

Immune cells usually ignored by neuroscientists appear to play an important role in determining whether an animal’s sexual behavior will be more typical of a male or female, according to research.

Released: 13-Aug-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Why zebrafish (almost) always have stripes
Ohio State University

A mathematical model helps explain the key role that one pigment cell plays in making sure each stripe on a zebrafish ends up exactly where it belongs.

Released: 13-Aug-2018 10:05 AM EDT
When These Flies Want to Sniff Out Food and Mates, They Wing It
Ohio State University

Fruit flies don’t appear to use their tiny, translucent wings for optimal flight, as one might expect. The speedy appendages seem to be doing double duty, helping the insect sniff out food, mates and other important scents, according to new research from The Ohio State University.

10-Aug-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Black Male Youth More Fearful When Visiting Whiter Neighborhoods
Ohio State University

Young black males feel less safe when they go to neighborhoods with a larger white population than occurs in areas they normally visit, a new study suggests.

Released: 6-Aug-2018 10:05 AM EDT
Novel Vaccine Approach Proves Powerful Against Zika Virus
Ohio State University

A uniquely designed experimental vaccine against Zika virus has proven powerful in mice, new research has found.

Released: 26-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Black Holes Really Just Ever-Growing Balls of String, Researchers Say
Ohio State University

Black holes aren’t surrounded by a burning ring of fire after all, suggests new research.

Released: 25-Jul-2018 9:50 AM EDT
Unisexual salamander evolution: A long, strange trip
Ohio State University

The reproductive history of the unisexual, ladies-only salamander species is full of evolutionary surprises. In a new study, a team of researchers at The Ohio State University traced the animals’ genetic history back 3.4 million years and found some head-scratching details – primarily that they seem to have gone for millions of years without any DNA contributions from male salamanders and still have managed to persist.

Released: 23-Jul-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Paying Parents to Read to Their Children Boosts Literacy Skills
Ohio State University

Researchers have found a surprising way to help boost the skills of children with language impairment: Pay their parents to read to them.

17-Jul-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Most Americans Support Endangered Species Act Despite Increasing Efforts to Curtail It
Ohio State University

Roughly four out of five Americans support the Endangered Species Act, and only one in 10 oppose it, found a survey of 1,287 Americans. Support has remained stable for the past two decades, despite Congressional efforts to curtail the act, researchers report in the journal Conservation Letters.

Released: 17-Jul-2018 8:00 AM EDT
White Mass Shooters Receive Sympathetic Media Treatment
Ohio State University

White mass shooters receive much more sympathetic treatment in the media than black shooters, according to a new study that analyzed coverage of 219 attacks.Findings showed that white shooters were 95 percent more likely to be described as “mentally ill” than black shooters.

Released: 16-Jul-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Getting to Know the Microbes That Drive Climate Change
Ohio State University

A new understanding of the microbes and viruses in the thawing permafrost in Sweden may help scientists better predict the pace of climate change.

12-Jul-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Self-Control and Obesity: Gender Matters in Children
Ohio State University

A toddler’s self-regulation – the ability to change behavior in different social situations – may predict whether he or she will be obese come kindergarten, but the connection appears to be much different for girls than for boys.
