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Released: 14-Oct-2011 3:35 PM EDT
Independent Media Fueling Rise in ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Attention
Ithaca College

As the Occupy Wall Street movement appears to be gaining steam across the country, a media expert notes that it was independent media outlets that drove the coverage of the protests until the major networks and newspapers finally took notice.

Released: 23-Sep-2011 2:20 PM EDT
In Pro Sports, Losers Can Laugh All the Way to the Bank
Ithaca College

Losing Isn’t Everything; Losing Is the Only Thing. Ithaca College authority on sports ethics talks about situations in professional sports where coming in last puts your ahead.

Released: 14-Jul-2011 5:00 PM EDT
U.S. Is Next Stop for Murdoch Woes, Says Ithaca College Media Expert
Ithaca College

The phone-hacking scandal that has engulfed British newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch is starting to make waves in the United States as well, according to a media critic and former commentator for Fox News.

Released: 2-Mar-2011 4:45 PM EST
NFL’s Current Contract Negotiations: Brave New World or Business as Usual?
Ithaca College

Because of antitrust exemptions, an Ithaca College professor thinks the NFL’s current labor woes may have more in common with the union disputes in Wisconsin than you might think.

Released: 21-Feb-2011 12:30 PM EST
‘The King’s Speech’: Good Drama—but Accurate Science?
Ithaca College

With the Academy Awards due to be announced on Feb. 27, a speech-language pathologist at Ithaca College can discuss the methods Lionel Logue used to treat King George VI’s stutter in “The Kings’ Speech” and compare them with ones used today.

Released: 1-Feb-2011 1:00 PM EST
Social Media Boost Return on Super Bowl Ad Dollars
Ithaca College

Super Bowl advertisers are increasingly turning to social media to enlarge their audiences.

Released: 26-Jan-2011 4:45 PM EST
Authority on Sports Ethics Can Comment on the Comebacks of Michael Vick and Ben Roethlisberger
Ithaca College

This Thursday, Jan. 27, Michael Vick’s first paid endorsement contract since he got out of prison will be made public. Meanwhile, Ben Roethlisberger is getting ready for his third Super Bowl. Is all forgiven?

Released: 21-Dec-2010 11:00 PM EST
Political Winners and Losers from 2010 Census Not as Obvious as Some Claim
Ithaca College

One expert on electoral politics is throwing a little cold water on pundit predictions that Republicans are the big winners from the 2010 census, which will see “red” states picking up House seats and “blue” states losing representation as a result of the once-a-decade reapportionment.

Released: 30-Jul-2010 2:00 PM EDT
Health Care's Reliance on Women Calls for Flexible Work Arrangements
Ithaca College

During the economic downturn, the health care and social assistance sector experienced growth. With projected growth in the future, the health care sector may face skill deficits. Since 80 percent of the workforce is female, employees will require flexibility in the workplace to minimize work/family conflicts.

Released: 15-Jul-2010 10:45 AM EDT
Consumer Psychologist Examines Effectiveness Of Reward Programs
Ithaca College

Despite the proliferation of rewards programs and the enormous data collected through them, there is lack of evidence of their effectiveness in building customer loyalty. Retailers need to understand the psychology and desires of consumers and differentiate between particular groups.

Released: 8-Jul-2010 1:45 PM EDT
Authority on Fan Behavior Can Comment on the Impact of the Lebron James Decision
Ithaca College

As Lebron James prepares to announce “The Decision” on ESPN regarding his future team, what impact will his choice have with fans?

Released: 28-May-2010 2:45 PM EDT
Physics Professor Helped Produce First Images from NASA’s Newly Deployed Airborne Telescope
Ithaca College

NASA and the German Aerospace Center achieved a major milestone May 26 when their airborne astronomical observatory brought back never-before seen images. The Ithaca College faculty member who helped build the camera can talk about new insights the project will give on the evolution of the universe.

Released: 18-Feb-2010 10:25 AM EST
Tackling Childhood Obesity a Family Affair, Says Expert
Ithaca College

Childhood obesity expert available to weigh in on the childhood obesity crisis and discuss Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign.

Released: 9-Feb-2010 1:40 PM EST
Falling Temperatures Don’t Mean You Cannot Exercise Outdoors, Says Expert
Ithaca College

An expert in the physiology of exercise gives tips on how to exercise safely in cold temperatures.

Released: 2-Feb-2010 11:50 AM EST
Despite Economy, Expert Says Super Bowl Still the 'Super Bowl' of Ad World
Ithaca College

“There is nothing like it in the world for getting attention from consumers and media outlets,” says marketing expert Scott Hamula of the upcoming Super Bowl XLIV, which will be televised by CBS on Sunday, Feb. 7. Consequently, despite the continued difficulties in the economy, plenty of corporations will be shelling out big money to produce and air Super Bowl commercials.

Released: 29-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
Ithaca College Faculty Member Willing To Discuss The Science Of Olympic Events
Ithaca College

How do Olympic figure skaters use angular momentum to achieve perfect toe loops? What precision moves do bobsled teams need to reach maximum velocity? How does the way cross county skiers metabolize oxygen increase their endurance? Ithaca College’s Deborah King, associate professor of exercise and sport sciences, is one of the experts NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation asked to answer those questions for their 16-part video series, “The Science of the Olympic Winter Games.”

Released: 3-Sep-2009 2:30 PM EDT
It's a Surreal Health Care Reform Debate, Says Congressional Expert
Ithaca College

The alleged dangers Democrats and Republicans promise to avoid in the health care reform debate are commonplace for all but the wealthiest of Americans.

Released: 4-Aug-2009 1:30 PM EDT
Summer Workouts -- Check the Heat Index, Expert Advises
Ithaca College

Summer's here and you're ready to get outside and exercise. Before you do, you might want to check out the heat index. Whether a competitor or a weekend runner, cycler or hiker, when the heat index is high it will have an effect on the body. When you get into extremely high temperatures or high humidity, "It's wise to check the heat index before working out to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke," said Gary Sforzo, professor of exercise and sport sciences at Ithaca College. Satellite uplink available on campus.

Released: 17-Jul-2009 12:10 PM EDT
It's Fun, It's Energetic, It's a National Sport - It's Jump Rope
Ithaca College

Liz Butterfield, a senior clinical exercise science major at Ithaca College, is the best female single-rope freestyle jump roper in America. Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 16-Jul-2009 1:00 PM EDT
International Journalists Hone Multimedia Skills at Ithaca College Workshop
Ithaca College

Journalists from around the world will spend a week at Ithaca College learning how to use multimedia and alternative resources for gathering and disseminating news in their respective countries. Among those participating are journalists from Ukraine, Georgia, Venezuela, Kenya, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, and South Africa.
