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Released: 9-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers Refine DNA Testing For Predisposition to Bipolar Disorder
Indiana University

Genetic testing may rise to a new level with the findings of Indiana University School of Medicine researchers whose “prototype” for laboratory testing for bipolar disorder appears today in the online edition of the American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics.

Released: 8-Apr-2010 11:00 AM EDT
IU's Carlson Among Team of Scientists Announcing New Species of Prehistoric Man
Indiana University

Indiana University anthropologist Kristian J. Carlson today (April 8) joined an international team of six other scientists announcing discovery of the fossil remains of a new species of early man that could help rewrite the path of human evolution.

Released: 7-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
IU to Establish a Presence in Beijing as a Result of Henry Luce Foundation Gift
Indiana University

The Henry Luce Foundation has awarded a three-year $250,000 grant to Indiana University for an initiative on China and global governance that will lead to the university's establishing a permanent presence in Beijing.

Released: 7-Apr-2010 8:00 AM EDT
IU's Little 500 Celebrates 60 Years of Cycling and Scholarships
Indiana University

Even before the 60th running of the men's Little 500 bicycle races at Indiana University take place, the competitive juices may be flowing for some alumni who are coming back to participate in special races for them. The event featured in "Breaking Away" is coming up April 22-24.

Released: 6-Apr-2010 4:35 PM EDT
Our Universe at Home within a Larger Universe? So Suggests Physicist's Wormhole Research
Indiana University

IU theoretical physicist Nikodem Poplawski in research published in "Physics Letters B" uses Euclidean-based mathematical modeling to suggest that all black holes may have wormholes inside which exist universes created at the same time as the black holes.

Released: 5-Apr-2010 12:35 PM EDT
Indiana U. Creates Ryan White Legacy Scholarship to Honor AIDS Education Advocate
Indiana University

Indiana U. has created a scholarship to honor Ryan White's legacy and will award it to IU Bloomington students pursuing a Master of Public Health, with preference to students studying AIDS/STD prevention or sexual health.

Released: 2-Apr-2010 10:00 AM EDT
Traces of Early Native Americans -- in Sunflower Genes
Indiana University

New information about early Native Americans' horticultural practices comes not from hieroglyphs or other artifacts, but from a suite of four gene duplicates found in wild and domesticated sunflowers. Indiana University Bloomington scientists learned duplications of the gene FLOWERING LOCUS T, or FT, could have evolved and interacted to prolong a flower's time to grow. A longer flower growth period means a bigger sunflower -- presumably an attribute of value to the plant's first breeders.

Released: 23-Mar-2010 10:45 AM EDT
Could Smell Play a Role in the Origin of New Bird Species?
Indiana University

Two recently diverged populations of a southern California songbird produce unique odors, suggesting smell could contribute to the reproductive isolation that accompanies the origin of new bird species. The Indiana University Bloomington study of organic compounds present in the preen oils of Dark-eyed Juncos is described in this month's Behavioral Ecology.

Released: 23-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Study Examines Impact of Education on Support for Suicide Bombings
Indiana University

A study by Indiana University researchers casts doubt on the idea that improving education and income would reduce support for suicide bombings.

Released: 23-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EDT
NSF Grant Funds Study of 'Fundamental Length'
Indiana University

The National Science Foundation has awarded a grant to Indiana University researcher Amit Hagar for the first comprehensive study of fundamental length, a concept that has intrigued physicists for nearly a century.

Released: 22-Mar-2010 9:00 PM EDT
Partisan Strategy Worked for Health Care, but Would be Dangerous in Future
Indiana University

While the vote on health care is good news for President Obama in the near-term, it would be dangerous to rely on a purely partisan strategy in the future, says former Bush official and current Indiana University dean John Graham.

Released: 18-Mar-2010 11:00 AM EDT
C. Everett Koop Presented with IU's Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award
Indiana University

C. Everett Koop, M.D., has been presented the 2010 Ryan White Distinguished Leadership Award by the Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention at Indiana University's School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

Released: 17-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Professor: U.S. Must Immediately Stop Funding Israeli Colonial Project
Indiana University

Vice President Joe Biden's rebuke of Israel over proposed settlement expansion is not only ineffective, it's hypocritical, said Professor Rafael Reuveny, a researcher on Middle East violence and political economy at Indiana University.

Released: 16-Mar-2010 2:00 PM EDT
IU Professor: U.S. must immediately stop funding Israeli colonial project
Indiana University

Vice President Joe Biden's rebuke of Israel over proposed settlement expansion in Greater East Jerusalem is not only ineffective, it's hypocritical.

Released: 13-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EST
Mathematical Model Can Help Communities Better Evaluate Sex Offender Policies
Indiana University

A new mathematical model developed by Indiana University Bloomington and Arizona State University geographers could help communities that are in the midst of passing or reforming sex offender laws. The researchers describe the model and report its first test in an Early View edition of Papers in Regional Science.

Released: 10-Mar-2010 5:15 PM EST
Renowned African Artist Prince Twins Seven-Seven Is Profiled in an IU Professor's New Book
Indiana University

A new book profiles acclaimed African artist Prince Twins Seven-Seven and presents the stories behind nearly 50 of his paintings.

Released: 10-Mar-2010 10:00 AM EST
Breast Cancer Drug Fulvestrant Appears More Effective in the Presence of CK8 and CK18
Indiana University

Women's responsiveness to the second-line breast cancer drug fulvestrant may depend on whether the cancer cells are expressing two key proteins, Indiana University Bloomington scientists report in this month's Cancer Biology & Therapy.

Released: 4-Mar-2010 1:55 PM EST
'Match' Madness: Picking Upsets a Losing Strategy
Indiana University

Soon Americans nationwide will begin poring over NCAA men's basketball tournament brackets as they attempt to pick winners. New research suggests sticking to the numbers and foregoing the temptation to pick the inevitable upsets.

Released: 4-Mar-2010 8:00 AM EST
Kelley School of Business to Honor Five IU Alumni on March 10 in Indianapolis
Indiana University

Five alumni of the Indiana University Kelley School of Business, including a business leader from South Korea, will be honored for professional achievement during an awards ceremony at the 64th annual IU Business Conference next Wednesday (March 10) in Indianapolis.

Released: 4-Mar-2010 12:05 AM EST
Study Finds No Consensus in Definitions of 'Had Sex'
Indiana University

When people say they "had sex," what transpired is anyone's guess. A new study from the Kinsey Institute found that no consensus existed when a representative sample of 18- to 96-year-olds was asked what the term meant to them.

Released: 1-Mar-2010 9:00 AM EST
Credit Scores a Factor in Home-Buying Disparities
Indiana University

Credit scores, developed to make loan processing faster and fairer, account for some of the racial disparities in the types of houses that Americans buy and the neighborhoods in which they live, according to a new study.

Released: 25-Feb-2010 12:00 AM EST
MBA Students Returning to Peru with Social Entrepreneurship Initiative
Indiana University

About 30 MBA students at IU's Kelley School of Business are going to Peru as part of the school's Global Business and Social Enterprise initiative, a social entrepreneurship consulting program.

Released: 24-Feb-2010 1:40 PM EST
Biggest Marathon, Half-Marathon Training Mistakes
Indiana University

Indiana U. distance running expert Robert Chapman discusses the four biggest mistakes runners make when training for 13.1- and 26.2-mile races, just as the training season for spring half-marathons kicks in.

Released: 24-Feb-2010 12:55 PM EST
Researcher, Hospital Study Potential Rehab Option Following 'Mini Stroke'
Indiana University

A study by Indiana U. prof Marieke Van Puymbroeck found that a modified version of cardiac rehab helped reduce risk factors for stroke after Transient Ischemic Attacks, or "mini strokes." No post-TIA rehab exists to help prevent future strokes.

Released: 24-Feb-2010 11:00 AM EST
Anti-Drinking Ads Can Increase Alcohol Use
Indiana University

Public service advertising campaigns that use guilt or shame to warn against alcohol abuse can actually have the reverse effect, spurring increased drinking among target audiences, according to new research from the Indiana University Kelley School of Business.

Released: 23-Feb-2010 8:25 PM EST
New Book Explores the Joining of Race to Crime
Indiana University

In "The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Urban America," Indiana University historian Khalil Gibran Muhammad tells "an unsettling coming-of-age story" about the idea of black criminality.

Released: 23-Feb-2010 1:00 PM EST
Special Issue of Business Horizons Focuses on Healthcare and Life Sciences Issues
Indiana University

A special issue of Business Horizons, a bimonthly journal published by Indiana University's Kelley School of Business, in partnership with Elsevier, will focus on issues central to healthcare and life sciences.

Released: 22-Feb-2010 4:00 PM EST
Expert Can Comment on Proposed Changes to Autism Diagnosis
Indiana University

Cathy Pratt, director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism at Indiana University, comments on proposed changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - 5.

Released: 18-Feb-2010 8:00 AM EST
Leading Index for Indiana Languished in January
Indiana University

The unenergetic progress shown by the Leading Index for Indiana (LII) over the last couple of months came to a stop in January.

Released: 15-Feb-2010 2:20 PM EST
Winter Olympics: Experts Discuss Altitude and Performance
Indiana University

Indiana U. altitude training expert Robert Chapman discusses how altitude can affect Olympic winter skill sports such as snowboarding and ski jumping, not just endurance athletes, and can give sprinters an edge – but not this year.

Released: 11-Feb-2010 9:00 AM EST
Safety Expert: Toyota Problems Could Distract from Serious Issues
Indiana University

Toyota's recall problems may cause government and the public to steer away from more effective safety-improvement strategies, says auto safety expert John Graham at Indiana University.

Released: 9-Feb-2010 9:00 AM EST
Professor: Obama Should Issue Executive Order on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Indiana University

Rafael Reuveny, a professor of public and environmental affairs at Indiana University, says President Obama should bypass the gridlocked Congress and issue an executive order to cut greenhouse gases.

Released: 9-Feb-2010 12:00 AM EST
$1 Million Gift from 3M Will Create Sales and Communications Lab for IU Kelley School Students
Indiana University

Indiana University's Kelley School of Business has received $1 million from 3M Corp. and its foundation for a new professional sales and communications lab for students. It is the first major corporate gift for a $60 million capital campaign to transform the school's facilities for undergraduate students.

Released: 5-Feb-2010 10:40 AM EST
Equity and Opportunity Threatened by Growing National "Excellence Gap"
Indiana University

A new report from Indiana University finds that achievement gaps among high ability students from different economic, racial and linguistic backgrounds in the U.S. are large and growing.

Released: 4-Feb-2010 6:00 AM EST
Rather than the 'How,' Professor's New Book Examines the 'Why' of Photojournalism
Indiana University

There have been many books about what photographers see looking through the camera lens. A new book by an Indiana University journalism professor examines what drives the people who click the shutter.

Released: 2-Feb-2010 2:25 PM EST
Professors Assert That Benefits of Direct-To-Consumer Drug Ads Outweigh Criticisms
Indiana University

With their his-and-hers outdoor bathtubs (erectile dysfunction) and veiled references to a "growing, not going problem" (enlarged prostate), direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical ads are roundly criticized by consumer advocates, health professionals and elected officials. Yet two authorities on health care marketing consider these ads more honest than most other forms of consumer advertising and the most forthcoming type of pharmaceutical promotion.

Released: 1-Feb-2010 2:45 PM EST
Documentary 'Blacking Up' Examines Racial Identity Through Hip-hop Music and Culture
Indiana University

When young whites embrace rap and hip-hop culture, is it an example of America moving toward being a colorblind society. Or is it just another case of cultural theft and mockery? That's the fundamental question of a provocative new documentary produced by an Indiana University doctoral candidate, Blacking Up: Hip-Hop's Remix of Race and Identity, which is airing on public television stations nationally through early March.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 4:45 PM EST
Health & Wellness: Sports Gifts for Her and Other V-Day Tips
Indiana University

Indiana U. experts in sports marketing, relationships and aging offer tips on buying the perfect sports-related gift for Her, how to survive Valentine's Day hype when single or widowed and dating in the Golden Years.

Released: 28-Jan-2010 12:00 AM EST
Planners of Upcoming Life Sciences Conference Taking a More Theatrical Approach to the Topic
Indiana University

Shakespeare may have written, "The play's the thing," but chances are that the playwright never thought his sentiments could be applied to the life sciences.

Released: 27-Jan-2010 12:00 AM EST
Marshall Goldsmith, One of Today's Top Management Thinkers, to Keynote 2010 IU Business Conference
Indiana University

Marshall Goldsmith, an authority in working with successful leaders and author of the award-winning best-selling book What Got You Here Won't Get You There, will keynote the 64th annual Indiana University Business Conference in Indianapolis on March 10.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 11:55 AM EST
Indiana University Expert Available to Discuss Ongoing Impact of Google/China Dispute
Indiana University

International discussion and diplomacy continues in light of Google's announcement last week that it may pull out of China over concerns about censorship and security. Today (Jan. 21). a top Chinese official announced that the threat should not affect China's relations with the United States. Scott Kennedy, director of the Research Center on Chinese Politics and Business and an associate professor of political science and East Asian languages and cultures, is available for comment.

Released: 21-Jan-2010 12:00 AM EST
Leading Index for Indiana Continues "Unenergetic Climb," but Better than a Year Ago
Indiana University

While the Leading Index for Indiana (LII) for December continues "its unenergetic climb," for the first time since its release in October of last year, the state economic indicator was higher than it was a year earlier.

Released: 20-Jan-2010 12:00 AM EST
Pulitzer Prize Winner Bissinger Headlines Seminar on Investigating the Business of College Athletics
Indiana University

Pulitzer Prize winner H.G. "Buzz" Bissinger, author of one of the top-selling and most acclaimed sports books in history, Friday Night Lights, and contributor to Vanity Fair magazine, will headline a free, daylong seminar here on March 10 called "Investigating the Business of College Athletics."

Released: 14-Jan-2010 4:15 PM EST
Business Professor Co-Authors Global Study on Social Entrepreneurship
Indiana University

An international report on new business development released Thursday (Jan. 14) in Santiago, Chile, includes the first global study of social entrepreneurship, co-produced by a professor at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business.

Released: 14-Jan-2010 11:00 AM EST
Refinement of Glaucoma Testing, Treatment Expected from US, UK Study
Indiana University

An Indiana University School of Optometry researcher's ongoing work to improve testing for and treatment of one of the world's leading causes of blindness will advance with support from a $2.35 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Released: 13-Jan-2010 5:00 PM EST
Indiana University Experts Comment on Haiti Earthquake
Indiana University

A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti late Tuesday afternoon, causing widespread damage and many deaths and injuries. Indiana University experts comment on the quake and its likely aftermath.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 3:40 PM EST
Lack of Enthusiasm for Slated Directors in Uncontested Elections Can Lead to Ousted CEOs
Indiana University

As shareholders of publicly traded companies look ahead to corporate board elections this spring, new research at Indiana University's Kelley School of Business suggests that a lack of enthusiasm for slated directors can affect stock prices and lead to management turnovers.

Released: 12-Jan-2010 12:05 AM EST
Sticking to Diets Is About More than Willpower -- Complexity Matters
Indiana University

Cognitive scientists from Indiana U. and elsewhere compared the dieting behavior of women following two radically different diets. The more complicated people found their diet plans, the sooner they were likely to bail.

Released: 11-Jan-2010 9:00 AM EST
Indiana University to Launch Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
Indiana University

Indiana University will inaugurate its Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism this week. Alvin Rosenfeld, the Irving M. Glazer Chair in Jewish Studies, founded and directs the new institute.

Released: 7-Jan-2010 12:25 PM EST
For This Microbe, Cousins Not Particularly Welcome
Indiana University

A bacterial species that depends on cooperation to survive is discriminating when it comes to the company it keeps. Scientists from Indiana University Bloomington and Netherlands' Centre for Terrestrial Ecology have learned Myxococcus xanthus cells are able to recognize genetic differences in one another that are so subtle, even the scientists studying them must go to great lengths to tell them apart.
