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Released: 13-Jun-2013 1:15 PM EDT
SCOTUS Myriad Genetics Decision a Significant Shift From Status Quo
Washington University in St. Louis

In the Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics decision, the Supreme Court unanimously held that naturally occurring DNA sequences are “products of nature” and therefore cannot be patented.

Released: 13-May-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Supreme Court Decision Closes Loophole in Monsanto’s Business Model
Washington University in St. Louis

The Supreme Court’s unanimous opinion in Bowman v. Monsanto holds that farmers who lawfully obtain Monsanto’s patented, genetically modified soybeans do not have a right to plant those soybeans and grow a new crop of soybeans without Monsanto’s permission. “The Court closed a potential loophole in Monsanto’s long-standing business model, prevents Monsanto’s customers from setting up ‘farm-factories’ for producing soybeans that could be sold in competition with Monsanto’s soybeans, and it enables Monsanto to continue to earn a reasonable profit on its patented technology,” says Kevin Collins, JD, patent law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis

Released: 23-Apr-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Push for Corporate Board Diversity Set to Increase in the U.S. Due to European Pressure
Washington University in St. Louis

As Germany prepares to enact quotas that will mandate quotas for female participation on major corporate boards, the United States is feeling the pressure to improve board diversity, says Hillary A. Sale, JD, corporate governance expert and professor of law at Washington University School of Law.

Released: 12-Apr-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Senate Votes to Limit STOCK Act’s Web-Based Publication of Employees’ Financial Information
Washington University in St. Louis

On Thursday, April 11, the Senate voted to roll back the STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act, limiting the web-based publication of government employees’ personal financial information. This action comes in response to a federal court ruling that such publication violated employees’ right to privacy and a critical report by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). “The court recognized that the federal employees have a legitimate right to privacy regarding their personal financial information and ruled that the federal government failed to identify a compelling government interest that would justify posting that personal information on the internet,” says Kathleen Clark, JD, government ethics expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 12-Apr-2013 8:00 AM EDT
Are Human Genes Patentable?
Washington University in St. Louis

On April 15, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, a case that could answer the question, “Under what conditions, if any, are isolated human genes patentable?” Kevin Emerson Collins, JD, patent law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, believes that layered uncertainties make this case an unusually difficult case in which to predict the outcome.

Released: 2-Apr-2013 9:00 AM EDT
Three Challenges for the First Amendment
Washington University in St. Louis

A group of some of the country’s top scholars in First Amendment law recently gathered at Washington University in St. Louis to discuss pressing challenges being faced by the first of our Bill of Rights. Three issues rose to the top of the list for Washington University’s first amendment experts: free expression in a digital age; impaired political debate; and weakened rights of groups.

Released: 6-Mar-2013 4:00 PM EST
REINS Act Would Severely Impair Ability to Implement Laws
Washington University in St. Louis

Ronald M. Levin, JD, administrative law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, recently testified on the REINS Act before the House Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law. “Under the REINS Act, the dysfunction that now afflicts Congress in the enactment of laws would spread to the implementation of the laws,” he says.

Released: 15-Feb-2013 1:00 PM EST
Conflict of Interest Rules Must Extend to Government Contractors, Says Ethics Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

The American Bar Association’s House of Delegates recently adopted a resolution recommending that the federal government expand its protections against conflicts of interest among government contractors. The resolution was based in part on a report Kathleen Clark, JD, ethics expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis, wrote for the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS).“In recent decades, the federal government has greatly expanded its use of contractors to perform services, and spends hundreds of billions on services every year,” Clark writes. “While an extensive array of ethics statutes and rules regulate government employees to ensure that they make decisions in the interest of the government rather than a private interest, only a few of these restrictions apply to contractor personnel.”

Released: 21-Jan-2013 8:00 AM EST
Time to Mandate Flu Vaccines for Healthcare Workers, Says Health Law Expert
Washington University in St. Louis

The widespread flu reports are a harsh reminder of the importance of influenza vaccines. This is particularly true for healthcare workers, says Elizabeth Sepper, JD, health law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. “One-third of healthcare providers fail to protect themselves, their patients, and the public from influenza.” Sepper says that it is time for a national flu vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

Released: 18-Jan-2013 12:20 PM EST
Panera Bread’s New ‘Hidden Menu’ Concept May Not Take Off
Washington University in St. Louis

Panera Bread Co. has rolled out a new “hidden menu” featuring protein-rich power foods. While this kind of marketing may make big fans of the chain feel special, it also increases the likelihood that the hidden items fail to take off, says a marketing expert at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 18-Jan-2013 12:15 PM EST
Obama’s Second Inaugural Offers Chance to Assert His Legitimacy Both as President and American
Washington University in St. Louis

As Barak Obama prepares for his second inaugural address Monday, Jan. 21, he faces a nation still bitterly divided over his “legitimacy,” suggests Wayne Fields, PhD, an expert on the history of presidential rhetoric and speechmaking at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 9-Jan-2013 8:00 AM EST
Who Pays? The Wage-Insurance Trade-Off and Corporate Religious Freedom Claims
Washington University in St. Louis

Corporations’ religious freedom claims against the Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage mandate miss a “basic fact of health economics: health insurance, like wages, is compensation that belongs to the employee,” says Elizabeth Sepper, JD, health law expert and associate professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. Sepper is featured in the current Harvard Law Bill of Health blog.

Released: 20-Dec-2012 11:00 AM EST
Privacy Law Expert Comments on Bork’s Legacy
Washington University in St. Louis

Robert Bork was a major figure in the history of American law, and of the Supreme Court, says Neil Richards, JD, professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis and former law clerk for Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist. “There is a great irony to Bork’s death this week, a day after the House of Representatives voted to relax the privacy protections in the so-called “Bork Bill,” the federal law that protects the privacy of our video records.”

Released: 17-Dec-2012 5:00 PM EST
Director of WUSTL’s Center for Violence and Injury Prevention Comments on School Tragedy in Connecticut​
Washington University in St. Louis

Melissa Jonson-Reid, PhD, professor at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, is director of the CDC-funded Center for Violence and Injury Protection. She responds to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 12:55 PM EST
‘Taking Christ Out of Christmas’ Is Nothing New, Historian Says
Washington University in St. Louis

While many may see “taking Christ out of Christmas” as a recent phenomenon, the roots of secular Christmas celebrations and commercialization go deep into American history, says Anne Blankenship, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate at the John C. Danforth Center for Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.

Released: 17-Dec-2012 12:30 PM EST
A ‘War on Christmas?’ Let’s Talk, Religious Historian Says
Washington University in St. Louis

Ah, the Christmas season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. A time to celebrate peace, love and the religious beliefs of America’s religious majority – whether you like it or not.

Released: 10-Dec-2012 11:50 AM EST
WUSTL Ethics Expert Comments on Stock Act
Washington University in St. Louis

Law requiring Internet posting of feds’ finances will not prevent Congressional insider trading, Kathleen Clark says.

Released: 14-Nov-2012 8:00 AM EST
Use Your Smartphone to Help You Quit Smoking, WUSTL Smoking Prevention Expert Sarah Shelton Says
Washington University in St. Louis

Smoking is both a physical addiction to nicotine and a learned psychological behavior, so the best way to quit is to attack it from both sides, says Sarah Shelton, manager of research and evaluation at the Center for Public Health Systems Science at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. And the answer may be right at your fingertips with your smartphone.

Released: 8-Nov-2012 8:00 AM EST
Pressure Mounting to Add Women to U.S. Corporate Boards
Washington University in St. Louis

Despite evidence supporting boardroom diversity as a driver of corporate performance, “the percentage of women directors on U.S. boards stagnated some years ago and remains at or near 12 percent, with fewer than 10 percent of boards having three or more women,” says Hillary A. Sale, JD, the Walter D. Coles professor of law at Washington University School of Law. “The pressure to add women directors is, however, growing.” Sale discusses options to grow board diversity.

Released: 28-Jun-2012 12:50 PM EDT
Health Economist Discusses How SCOTUS Decision Impacts ACA Implementation
Washington University in St. Louis

The Supreme Court’s decision today means the implementation of the Affordable Care Act can go forward, thus improving the delivery and affordability of medical care, says Timothy McBride, PhD, health economist and associate dean for public health at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis.
