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Released: 24-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
Ancient DNA Reveals How Farming Changed Our Height, Digestion, Immunity and Skin Color
Newswise Trends

A study published in the journal, Nature, adds to growing evidence that the people of Europe’s DNA underwent widespread changes, altering their height, digestion, immune system and skin color with the spread of agriculture.

Released: 23-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
A Cybernetic Rose with Self-Growing Circuits
Newswise Trends

Scientist led by Linköping University in Sweden have created cyborg roses with tiny electronic circuits threaded through their vascular systems.

Released: 19-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
STD's in America at an All-Time High - Experts Needed
Newswise Trends

According to a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis climbed considerably in the U.S. in 2014. The center called the increases "alarming." The new data also show that among the more than 3,000 counties in the nation, Los Angeles County had the most cases of all three diseases in 2014.

Released: 19-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
FDA Approves Genetically Modified Salmon For Human Consumption
Newswise Trends

On Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it has approved the first genetically modified food animal, the genetically engineered salmon. According to the FDA press release, "the AquAdvantage Salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered (GE) Atlantic salmon, and also as nutritious." Experts needed.

Released: 18-Nov-2015 3:05 PM EST
Ask Your Doctor If Pharma Ad Ban is Right For You
Newswise Trends

On Tuesday, the American Medical Association called a ban on direct-to-consumer prescription drugs ads. They say the ads drive up the demand for more expensive treatments. Experts Need for this topic.

Released: 18-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
DNA in Fossilized Tooth Reveals Mysterious Human Cousin, the Denisovans
Newswise Trends

A tooth fossil, believed to be about 110,000 years old, has yielded DNA from a vanished branch of the human tree, mysterious cousins called the Denisovans. The tooth was found in a cave in Siberia in 2010. Scientists describe their newest Denisovan DNA analysis in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Released: 18-Nov-2015 12:05 PM EST
Some Plants Entice Bees with Caffeine
Newswise Trends

Research led by University of Sussex suggest plants trick bees into repeatedly visiting their flowers by producing the caffeine in its nectar. The scientists believe the bees are fooled into thinking the nectar contains more sugar than it actually does. This compound encourages the bee to return to the flowers that give them their fix rather than the ones that do not contain the compound.

Released: 17-Nov-2015 4:05 PM EST
Chagas Disease, a Deadly Bug-Borne Infection, Is Spreading in Texas
Newswise Trends

Chagas Disease, all a deadly bug-borne infection, Is spreading in Texas. Chagas is transmitted via the "kissing bug."

Released: 17-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
Using Their Heavy Wings, Bats Flip Like an Acrobat to Land Upside-Down
Newswise Trends

Most bats roost by hanging from their feet, which means they must land upside down on cave ceilings. And to stick the landing, they employ similar mechanics as skateboarders and pirouetting figure skaters, according to a new study in PLOS Biology.

Released: 17-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
Delmarva Fox Squirrel Rebound, No Longer Endangered
Newswise Trends

The Delmarva fox squirrel (Sciurus niger cinereus) has recovered and will no longer need the protection of the Endangered Species Act. This rather large species of squirrel, spanning over 75cm in length, was one the first species to be protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1967. The massive squirrel was nearly wiped out by hunting and deforestation.

Released: 16-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
U.S. Pediatricians Warn That Antibiotics in Animal Feed May Endanger Children
Newswise Trends

A report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warns that the widespread practice of giving antibiotics to livestock for growth promotion and the prevention of disease among animals in agriculture is making the drugs ineffective when they are needed to treat infections in people.

Released: 16-Nov-2015 12:05 PM EST
World Bank Report Warns that Climate Change Could Lead 100 Million into Poverty by 2030
Newswise Trends

A new report by the World Bank reveals that climate change could force more that 100 million into living under the poverty line by 2030, thusly eliminating any gains.

Released: 16-Nov-2015 11:05 AM EST
A Fourth Strand of European Ancestry Discovered
Newswise Trends

Scientists have found the "fourth strand" of European ancestry. This population, discovered in the Caucasus mountains of Western Georgia survived for thousands of years, isolated from the rest of Europe due to the Ice Age. A small but significant portion of Europe's genome is derived from this unique population of hunter-gatherers, who came out of hiding, and mixed with the Yamnaya culture, which swept into Western Europe about 5,000 years ago.

Released: 13-Nov-2015 2:05 PM EST
First Years-Long Cyclic Gamma-Ray Emission Ever Detected From Any Galaxy
Newswise Trends

Astronomers using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have detected hints of periodic changes in the brightness of a so-called "active" galaxy, whose emissions are powered by a supersized black hole. If confirmed, the discovery would mark the first years-long cyclic gamma-ray emission ever detected from any galaxy, which could provide new insights into physical processes near the black hole.

Released: 13-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
Chinese City of Shenyang Reaching Record Levels of Pollution
Newswise Trends

Residents of the northeastern city of Shenyang in China donned gas masks and locked themselves indoors on Sunday after their city was enveloped by some of the worst levels of smog on record. Pollution readings were about 50 times higher than that considered safe by the World Health Organization.

Released: 13-Nov-2015 10:05 AM EST
Water Has Been on Earth Since the Beginning, New Study Suggests
Newswise Trends

In a study published in Science, researchers present new evidence that Earth has had its water since the very beginning, and did not arrive via asteroid as previously thought.

Released: 12-Nov-2015 4:05 PM EST
Construction of the Giant Magellan Telescope Begins
Newswise Trends

It is expected to be the largest telescope ever built. In a US led project, ground has been broken for the construction of the Giant Magellan Telescope, which will be built atop Cerro Las Campanas in Chile.

Released: 12-Nov-2015 3:05 PM EST
Mass Extinction is Hard on the Big Guys
Newswise Trends

A new study published in Science offers clues as to why large large vertebrates disappear and take quite a lot time to come back, and return in much smaller size.

Released: 11-Nov-2015 3:05 PM EST
Closest Earth-Size Alien Planet Found May Be a Hot, Hot Place
Newswise Trends

GJ 1132b is only 39 light years away. That's nearly a neighbor on the cosmic scale. It may be the closest Earth-size planet we've discovered. However, it most likely resembles Venus as far as surface temperatures.

Released: 10-Nov-2015 1:05 PM EST
Thermal Scans Reveal Anomalies in Egyptian Pyramids of Giza
Newswise Trends

New findings on Egypt's Khufu pyramid may indicate secret chambers.
