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Released: 1-Feb-2017 3:00 PM EST
Super Bowl Champ Roland Williams Mentors Kids to Eat More Veggies on Meatless Monday
Monday Campaigns

Super Bowl champion Roland aims to call attention to the needs of underserved youth and their families. He works with celeb chef Danny Boome, and teaching artist for Young Audiences of Rochester Michelle Cardulla. They partner to inspire kids to move from fast foods to plant foods with Meatless Monday.

Released: 27-Dec-2016 9:00 AM EST
Give New Year’s Resolutions a Boost with a “Monday Resolution”
Monday Campaigns

Research shows that only 8% of people making New Year’s resolutions end up achieving them each year. Some health experts believe a more effective approach would be to follow New Year’s with a recommit strategy that capitalizes on the natural momentum of the weekly cycle.

Released: 12-Dec-2016 9:00 AM EST
Celeb Chefs to Judge “Oodles of Noodles” Recipe Contest for High School Chefs in Underserved Communities
Monday Campaigns

The 2017 nationwide Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) Meatless Monday Recipe Contest will challenge high school students from underserved communities, aspiring to become future celebrity chefs, to create innovative meatless noodle dishes. They will need to impress a distinguished panel of judges.

Released: 10-Nov-2016 11:55 AM EST
Monday Helps Quitters Stay Smoke Free for the Holidays
Monday Campaigns

The Quit & Stay Quit Monday goal is to use this year’s Great American Smokeout as the kickoff to kick the habit. In the weeks that follow, QSQM stands ready to provide proven tobacco cessation tips and tools to help quitters stay smoke free through the holidays and into the New Year. These resources are available for free at:

Released: 6-Oct-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Meatless Monday Endorsed by World Health Summit 2016
Monday Campaigns

The World Health Summit 2016 is endorsing Meatless Monday. WHS’ endorsement fits in with the summit’s session on “Planetary Health” that will explore the long-term health implications of changes in the environment caused for example through their effects on food and agriculture.

Released: 27-May-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Every Monday Should Be World No Tobacco Day
Monday Campaigns

On May 31st, the World Health Organization hopes to spur the nearly one billion smokers worldwide to put down their cigarettes for World No Tobacco Day. While this annual event generates media attention and is a potential starting point for many quit attempts, without a sustained effort these smokers will likely be puffing away again in a matter of weeks. Researchers say that one way to keep the momentum going after this once-a-year push to get smokers’ attention, is to use every Monday as a weekly opportunity to support smokers in their efforts to quit and stay quit.

Released: 5-Apr-2016 12:00 PM EDT
How to Keep Walking Beyond National Walking Day -- Start a Monday Mile Walking Group
Monday Campaigns

The Lerner Centers for Public Health Promotion at Syracuse, Johns Hopkins and Columbia universities all participate in the Monday Mile program. The Monday Mile is part of The Monday Campaigns, a nonprofit organization, which dedicates the first day of every week to health. The organization offers a free Monday Mile Starter Kit and resources for workplaces, campuses and community groups to start their own program.

Released: 23-Mar-2016 9:00 AM EDT and Caregiver Monday Launch Free Weekly “Caring Lunch Hour Chat”
Monday Campaigns

You're invited to chat with Caregiver Monday & every Monday beginning Monday, March 28th. The event takes place from 11 A.M. EST - 3 P.M. EST. Our Caring Lunch Hour Chat is open to anyone who cares for or has cared for a family member or friend with a chronic illness, disease or disability. To join the Caring Lunch Hour discussion, go to and click the orange “chat” button on the home page.

Released: 2-Feb-2016 1:00 PM EST
Fumble Your Diet on Super Bowl Sunday?Use Monday to Get Back on Track
Monday Campaigns

Diana Rice, a registered dietitian on staff with The Monday Campaigns (the nonprofit organization behind Meatless Monday), offers these tips to get your health back on track after an indulgent Super Bowl Sunday.

Released: 11-Jan-2016 1:00 PM EST
Reboot Your New Year’s Resolutions with a Monday Health Reset
Monday Campaigns

Public health experts think the key to success to turn our New Year’s resolutions into reality is to bring the “fresh start” mindset of the beginning of the year to the beginning of every week. Research conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows that Monday is akin to a “mini-New Year.” Reinforcing this “fresh start” Monday mindset with weekly cues and reminders can be a powerful tool in helping people sustain healthy behaviors over time.

Released: 3-Dec-2015 3:00 PM EST
Global Meatless Monday Rallies Support For "Less Meat = Less Heat" Message at Paris Climate Talks
Monday Campaigns

The connection of meat consumption to climate change is not garnering the serious attention it deserves at the Paris climate talks. Representatives from 15 Meatless Monday countries including USA, Israel, Korea, Denmark, France, Italy, Nigeria, Jamaica and Kuwait, will join leading scientists, politicians and chefs at a session at COP21. Their goal: To underline the link between meat and climate change, and the impact that simple changes in our diet, like going meatless one day a week, can make in slowing global warming.

Released: 16-Nov-2015 9:00 AM EST
Quit with the Great American Smokeout --Stay Quit with the Magical Motivation of Mondays
Monday Campaigns

Quit and Stay Quit Monday (QSQM) and The Great American Smokeout are combating the number one cause of preventable deaths in the United States. On Thursday, November 19th the 39th annual Great American Smokeout celebrates smokers kicking the habit. Research shows smokers are most successful when they have continued support. Using weekly words of encouragement and accessible free materials, QSQM helps guide clients to success throughout the quitting process.

Released: 24-Aug-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Fitness Experts Share Safety Tips
Monday Campaigns

End the season on a positive note and stay safe while having fun and doing the Monday Mile in the summer sun. Fitness experts offer tips.

Released: 22-Jun-2015 12:00 PM EDT
Free E-Cookbook from Meatless MondayHelps K-12 Operations Kick Off the Healthy Habit
Monday Campaigns

The Monday Campaigns announces the publication of "Meatless Monday Goes to School" -- a beautifully designed, free collection of 30 meatless lunch recipes to help K-12 foodservice directors and community advocates implement the Meatless Monday initiative in schools. The e-cookbook addresses the need of K-12 schools for delicious vegetarian recipes that fulfill the meat/meat alternate component of the National School Lunch Program’s (NSLP) meal pattern.

Released: 2-Apr-2015 9:00 AM EDT
Non-Hormonal Intra-Vaginal Ring Contraceptive to be Developed by QPharma AB and BioRings LLC

Introducing a non-hormonal intra-vaginal ring for contraception – a novel approach to contraception – a multipurpose preventation technology (MPT) for women’s reproductive and sexual health.

Released: 4-Feb-2015 9:00 AM EST
LIU Students Toast Empire State's #1Resource: Tap Water
Monday Campaigns

LIU has adopted “I Love New York Water,” an initiative of the Monday Campaigns, which fosters healthy agendas on college campuses across the nation. Campus constituents signed pledges to forego bottled water, opting for economical and eco-friendly refillable water bottles that can be topped off at any of the dozens of water refill stations on campuses.

Released: 12-Nov-2014 9:00 AM EST
Quitters Do Relapse After Great American Smokeout
Monday Campaigns

Quit & Stay Quit Monday helps quitters take advantage of 52 chances a year to quit for good. Individuals can join Quit & Stay Quit on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest to access free tips and stay connected with the support community.

Released: 10-Nov-2014 9:00 AM EST
Why Monday Is a Good Day for the Health of Caregivers
Monday Campaigns

Caregiver Monday, an initiative of the nonprofit Monday Campaigns, emphasizes that key to staying healthy is for caregivers to carve out a dedicated time at the beginning of each week to focus on the tools they need to keep their healthy habits consistent. Diana Rice, registered dietitian for The Monday Campaigns, offers strategies to stay healthy:
