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Released: 24-Apr-2007 11:20 AM EDT
Key Found to Kill Cystic Fibrosis Superbug
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Researchers from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at The University of Western Ontario, working with a group from Edinburgh, have discovered a way to kill the cystic fibrosis superbug, Burkholderia cenocepacia.

Released: 9-Mar-2007 2:20 PM EST
Expert Alert - Colorectal Cancer: a Gut Issue
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR-funded researchers provide insights on colorectal cancer as Canada marks Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

26-Feb-2007 12:00 PM EST
Antidepressants Help Men Decrease Alcohol Consumption, but Not Women
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR-funded study explored the relationship between use of antidepressants and level of alcohol consumption, examining whether using antidepressants affected the link between depression and level of alcohol consumption. The research concluded that women suffering from depression consumed more alcohol than women who did not experience depression, regardless of antidepressant use. This finding differs significantly from rates found in male counterparts.

Released: 26-Feb-2007 9:00 AM EST
Hit the Slopes but Not Your Head This March Break
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

In 2003-2004, 16,811 Canadians were admitted to hospitals due to traumatic head injuries, 45% of those were caused by falls. Several CIHR experts available to comment on helmets and the prevention of head injuries.

Released: 30-Jan-2007 9:00 AM EST
Giving Nitroglycerin to Women in Premature Labour Improves Their Babies' Health
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Five-year clinical trial, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is first to show improved outcome from baby's point of view. A Queen's University-led study shows that giving nitroglycerin to women who enter labour early results in significant improvement to their babies' health. The improvement is most marked in babies who are born very prematurely (at 24 to 28 weeks).

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Where (And How) You Live Affects the State of Your Heart
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The further east in Canada you live, according to the Canadian Cardiovascular Atlas, the greater your chance of dying of heart disease. The Atlas also found that, across Canada, deaths from heart disease are highest in rural areas of Canada and lowest in major urban centres.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Some Heart Failure Cases Going Unrecognized in Emergency Rooms
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

What happens when you go to the emergency room, certain you're having a heart attack, but the tests used to diagnose heart failure indicate that you're not, since your ejection fraction - the percentage of blood leaving the heart every time it beats - is normal? Dr. Peter Liu looked at nearly three thousand patients admitted to hospitals in Ontario who had been diagnosed by the time they left hospital with heart failure.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Surgery Improves Survival in Patients with Heart Failure
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and carried out by Dr. Ross Tsuyuki of the EPICORE Centre at the University of Alberta should reassure patients that surgery is, indeed, well worth it. He took a look at Alberta heart failure patients, including those who had either bypass surgery or angioplasty compared to those who did not. He found that mortality rates among those who had the procedures were half that of those who did not.

Released: 10-Jan-2007 11:00 AM EST
Male Heart/Female Heart - It Makes a Difference
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

There's more that's different about women's and men's hearts than the way they deal with love. It turns out that men and women develop, have symptoms of, are diagnosed with and are treated for heart disease very differently.

Released: 2-Jan-2007 2:45 PM EST
Alzheimer's Disease: Let's Weigh-In on the Risks
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

January is Alzheimer Awareness Month. Two experts from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are available to comment on the effects of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and ongoing research focusing on risk factors and potential cures. The availability of our experts coincides with the 2007 "Heads Up for Healthier Brains" campaign of the Alzheimer Society of Canada.

Released: 13-Dec-2006 2:30 PM EST
Research in Kenya: Study Shows Circumcision Reduces Incidence of HIV
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A CIHR funded randomized controlled trial conducted in Kenya has demonstrated that male circumcision is an effective measure for reducing HIV incidence in young men. Dr. Stephen Moses from the University of Manitoba, along with Drs. J.O. Ndinya-Achola from the University of Nairobi in Kenya and Robert C. Bailey from the University of Illinois, presented their research results at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) meeting in Washington on December 12.

Released: 4-Dec-2006 2:10 PM EST
Experts Available: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) experts are available for interviews in light of the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women on December 6.

20-Nov-2006 9:00 AM EST
Study in 7 Canadian Cities Reveals Prescription Opioid Abuse More Prevalent than Heroin
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A new study conducted in seven Canadian cities reveals that prescription opioids, and not heroin, are the major form of illicit opioid use. These findings raise questions about the current focus of Canada's drug control policy and treatment programs.

Released: 16-Nov-2006 9:00 AM EST
Dr. Jane Aubin Appointed New Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Dr. Alan Bernstein, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), along with CIHR's Governing Council, announced today the appointment of Dr. Jane Aubin as incoming Scientific Director of the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA). This appointment is effective January 1, 2007.

Released: 15-Nov-2006 1:00 PM EST
VIDO Team Discovers Key Step in Flu Virus Replication
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

As public health officials around the world keep a nervous eye on the spread of avian influenza, the University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) has uncovered a key step in how the influenza virus causes infection.

Released: 20-Oct-2006 8:00 AM EDT
Induction Of Labour Increases Risk of Amniotic-Fluid Embolism
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A Canadian population-based cohort study has revealed that medical induction of labour increases the risk of amniotic-fluid embolism. The study was led by Dr. Michael Kramer, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Senior Investigator from McGill University, and will be published in the October 21st issue of The Lancet.

Released: 4-Oct-2006 5:05 PM EDT
First-ever CANADA-HOPE Scholarships Awarded
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

CIHR and sanofi aventis Canada Inc. today announced the first three recipients of a CANADA-HOPE Scholarship. The scholarship recipients are studying healthy aging, organ damage and stroke research.

Released: 15-Sep-2006 4:00 PM EDT
Experts Comments on DREAM Trial Results
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The DREAM trial were presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Dr. Diane Finegood, based in Vancouver, and the Scientific Director of CIHR's Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes is available to comment on the significance of the findings.

Released: 5-Sep-2006 9:30 AM EDT
Getting Serious About Suicide Prevention
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in Canada ahead of HIV/AIDS, diabetes and car accidents. It is also a prevalent problem within Aboriginal communities. With World Suicide Prevention Day approaching on September 10, 2006, two experts from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are available to comment on the health challenges posed by suicide, its causes and possible prevention strategies.

Released: 21-Aug-2006 6:50 PM EDT
Researchers Make a Major Strategic Breakthrough in Controlling the AIDS Virus
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A team of researchers have announced an important breakthrough in fighting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). For the first time, scientists have identified a defect in the immune response to HIV and found a way to correct the flaw. Dr. Rafick-Pierre Sékaly has confirmed the identification of a new therapeutic target (the PD-1 protein) that restores the function of the T cells whose role is to eliminate cells infected with the virus.

Released: 15-Aug-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Listen-Up Coaches! Kids Hockey Warm-Up Crucial
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Hockey season is less than two months away. Now is the time for parents and coaches to think long and hard about warm-ups to prevent the possible development of osteoarthritis. "Knee injuries are among the most common form of hockey injuries. A single knee injury as a teenager or young adult can triple the risk of osteoarthritis - the most common form of arthritis - in that knee by middle age," said Dr. Cy Frank, Scientific Director, Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and an admitted hockey addict.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Schools: Centres of Learning, Centres of Activity
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Fewer than half of Canadian children get the daily physical activity necessary for their healthy growth and development. They earned a "D" for the second year in a row from the Active Healthy Kids Canada 2006 Report Card on Physical Activity.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Back to School Means Back to Lunches
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Glow in the dark yoghurt. Fruit strips that are mostly sugar. For parents facing the back-to-school lunch crunch, it's hard to decide what to buy. And food manufacturers aren't making it any easier, according to research funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Balance the Key to Protecting Teenaged Athletes from Injury
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Staying active is important for teenagers "“ and so is staying injury free. Unfortunately, injury is all too common, according to one study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). But, according to another CIHR-funded study, innovative training techniques can help reduce the injury rate.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Getting the Goods on Peanut Allergies
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Policies banning peanuts from classrooms appear to be working "“ even in schools where they don't exist, according to research funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Released: 19-Jul-2006 12:00 PM EDT
Encouraging Laughter, Preventing Tears in the Playground
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

New playground equipment in 34 Toronto District School Board (TDSB) schools has given Dr. Andrew Howard an opportunity to test the effect of different surfacing materials on injury rates.

Released: 29-May-2006 10:00 AM EDT
Health Researchers Working to Improve the Lives of the Most Vulnerable Canadians
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The Honourable Tony Clement, Canadian Minister of Health has announced the recipients of 20 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) health research grants worth over $14 million to study health inequalities faced by children, rural and northern youth, seniors, and aboriginal peoples.

Released: 29-May-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Researchers Open Door to Potential Treatments for Type 2 Diabetes
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) have identified an unsuspected role of a protein named SHP-1 that could constitute a new therapeutic path against Type 2 Diabetes.

12-May-2006 9:20 AM EDT
$900,000 for First Canadian Chair in Hypertension Prevention and Control
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Canada's Research-based Pharmaceutical companies (Rx&D), sanofi-aventis and Blood Pressure Canada (BPC) are announcing today an investment of $900,000 over five years to fund the first Canadian Chair in Hypertension Prevention and Control. Dr. Norm Campbell, MD, FRCPC, from the University of Calgary, is the recipient.

Released: 8-May-2006 1:30 PM EDT
New Research to Help Canadians Breathe Easier
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

New research initiatives announced just in time for both Allergy/Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Awareness Months will focus on developing a better understanding of the ways in which people respond to exposure to infectious agents in the lungs.

Released: 3-May-2006 5:55 PM EDT
Everyday Should Be No Diet Day
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

"Saturday, May 6 is International No Diet Day but every day should be about lifestyle changes designed to improve your health instead of simply dieting," says one of Canada's leaders in nutrition research, Dr. Diane Finegood.

Released: 30-Apr-2006 12:40 PM EDT
Study to Address HIV-related Deaths in Downtown Eastside Vancouver
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

More than $750K will go to a new study addressing barriers to injection drug users (IDUs) accessing essential HIV or hepatitis C medical care, the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS formally announced today. The five-year study is funded by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Released: 24-Apr-2006 4:00 PM EDT
FRSQ and Its Partners Invest Over $1.2 Million for Research on C. difficile
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

The Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) and its partners are investing $1,230,000 (plus a service contribution valued at $260,000) to set up a Quebec consortium for research on C. difficile in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the factors related to recent outbreaks in Quebec and find solutions to this major problem.

13-Apr-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Metabolism and Appetite Suppression Linked, Opening Door to Obesity Treatments
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A team led by a Canadian researcher has discovered a process by which a small protein acts directly within muscles to increase the body's metabolism to burn fat while simultaneously suppressing appetite. These findings suggest that the protein, known as the ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), could play a key role as a weight loss agent.

Released: 28-Mar-2006 4:15 PM EST
Two Casebooks Launched Today by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

1) Improving healthcare for newborns; 2) Reducing workplace injury; 3) Shaping community action plans for early childhood development; 4) Helping Canada's minority communities cope with the Tsunami disaster: these and other Canadian stories found in two casebooks launched today by CIHR.

Released: 24-Mar-2006 6:30 PM EST
Improving Survival from Cardiac Arrest, Severe Trauma Is at Heart of “ROC”
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Today marks the official launch of a massive Canada-U.S. research collaboration aimed at dramatically improving survival rates after cardiac arrest and severe trauma when they occur in the community.

Released: 16-Feb-2006 1:25 PM EST
Researchers Discover a Natural Defence Mechanism for Alzheimer’s Disease
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

A Canadian team of researchers has discovered a natural defence mechanism that the body deploys to combat nerve cell degeneration observed in persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Released: 13-Feb-2006 8:00 AM EST
Team Discovers Possible “Universal Strategy” to Combat Addiction
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

An international research team has discovered a signaling pathway in the brain involved in drug addiction, together with a method for blocking its action, that may point to a single treatment strategy for most addictions.

Released: 6-Feb-2006 5:00 PM EST
Helping Damaged Heart Cells to Heal
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Researchers sought to clarify how and what types of cells can be mobilized to aid the heart in repairing itself after a heart attack. What they found surprised them.

Released: 11-Jan-2006 2:35 PM EST
New Vaccine Candidate Against Hepatitis C
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) have developed a vaccine candidate for hepatitis C, leading to hope in the fight against a disease for which no vaccines are yet available.

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