Latest News from: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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10-Jun-2016 2:00 PM EDT
New Mathematics Accurately Captures Liquids and Surfaces Moving in Synergy
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new mathematical framework developed at Berkeley Lab, published in the June 10 issue of Science Advances, allows researchers to capture fluid dynamics coupled to interface motion at unprecedented detail. The framework, called "interfacial gauge methods", developed by Robert Saye, a Luis W. Alvarez Fellow in the Mathematics Group at Berkeley Lab, rewrites the equations governing incompressible fluid flow in a way that is more amenable to accurate computer modeling.

Released: 8-Jun-2016 5:05 PM EDT
Massive Trove of Battery and Molecule Data Released to Public
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The Materials Project, a Google-like database of material properties aimed at accelerating innovation, has released an enormous trove of data to the public, giving scientists working on batteries, fuel cells, photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and a host of other advanced materials a powerful tool to explore new research avenues.

Released: 7-Jun-2016 8:00 AM EDT
New Chemical 'Sponges' Designed to Soak Up Toxic Cancer-Fighting Drugs After Targeting Tumors
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers at Berkeley Lab are developing and testing materials for a new device that can be inserted via a tiny tube into a vein and soak up cancer-fighting drugs after they deliver a dose to tumors—and before they can widely circulate in the body.

Released: 6-Jun-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Copper Is Key in Burning Fat
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new study led by a Berkeley Lab scientist and UC Berkeley professor establishes for the first time copper’s role in fat metabolism, further burnishing the metal’s reputation as an essential nutrient for human physiology.

19-May-2016 6:00 PM EDT
Cuing Environmental Responses in Fungi
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Sensory perception lies at the heart of adaptation to changing conditions, and helps fungi to improve growth and recycle organic waste, and to know when and how to infect a plant or animal host. New results from a comparative fungal genome analysis conducted by a DOE JGI-led team shed light on the evolution of sensory perception in fungi.

Released: 25-May-2016 9:00 AM EDT
Radiation 101: DoseNet Delivers Environmental Data as an Educational Tool
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

DoseNet, a radiation-monitoring outreach project supported by Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley, has a broad aim to inform and connect students and communities using science and data.

Released: 23-May-2016 3:05 PM EDT
A Rallying Call for Microbiome Science National Data Management
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Massive amounts of data require infrastructure to manage and store the information in a manner than can be easily accessed for use. In a paper published May 16, 2016 in Trends in Microbiology, DOE Joint Genome Institute researchers call for the formation of a National Microbiome Data Center to efficiently manage the datasets accumulated globally.

Released: 23-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Water-Energy Nexus New Focus of Berkeley Lab Research
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Billions of gallons of water are used each day in the United States for energy production—for hydroelectric power generation, thermoelectric plant cooling, and countless other industrial processes, including oil and gas mining. And huge amounts of energy are required to pump, treat, heat, and deliver water. This interdependence of water and energy is the focus of a major new research effort at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Released: 19-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab’s OpenMSI Licensed to ImaBiotech
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Two years ago, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) researchers developed OpenMSI—the most advanced computational tool for analyzing and visualizing mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data. Now, OpenMSI has been licensed to support ImaBiotech’s Multimaging™ technology in the field of pharmaceutical and cosmetic research and development.

Released: 18-May-2016 3:15 PM EDT
New Berkeley Lab Study Tallies Environmental and Public Health Benefits of Solar Power
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Solar power could deliver $400 billion in environmental and public health benefits throughout the United States by 2050, according to a study from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Berkeley Lab and National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Released: 13-May-2016 4:05 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab Participates in New National Microbiome Initiative
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The initiative will advance the understanding of microbiome behavior and enable the protection of healthy microbiomes, which are communities of microorganisms that live on and in people, plants, soil, oceans, and the atmosphere. Microbiomes maintain the healthy function of diverse ecosystems, and they influence human health, climate change, and food security.

Released: 12-May-2016 3:05 PM EDT
$40M to Establish New Observatory Probing Early Universe
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A new astronomy facility, the Simons Observatory, is planned in Chile’s Atacama Desert to boost ongoing studies of the evolution of the universe, from its earliest moments to today. The observatory will probe the subtle properties of the universe’s first light, known as cosmic microwave background radiation.

Released: 12-May-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Berkeley Lab Scientists Discover Surprising New Properties in a 2-D Semiconductor
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Researchers found how substantial linear defects in a new semiconductor create entirely new properties. Some of these properties indicate the defects might even mediate superconducting states.

Released: 11-May-2016 12:05 AM EDT
Scientists Take a Major Leap Toward a 'Perfect' Quantum Metamaterial
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Scientists have devised a way to build a “quantum metamaterial”—an engineered material with exotic properties not found in nature—using ultracold atoms trapped in an artificial crystal composed of light. The theoretical work represents a step toward manipulating atoms to transmit information, perform complex simulations or function as powerful sensors.

5-May-2016 3:05 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab Scientists Brew Jet Fuel in One-Pot Recipe
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists have engineered a strain of bacteria that enables a “one-pot” method for producing advanced biofuels from a slurry of pre-treated plant material. The achievement, described in a study to be published May 10 in Green Chemistry, is a critical step in making biofuels a viable competitor to fossil fuels.

Released: 9-May-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Berkeley Lab Scientists Part of New Particle-Hunting Season at CERN’s LHC
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Berkeley Lab scientists thousands of collaborators worldwide who will be sifting through loads of new data expected from this latest experimental run at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, which could reveal unexpected twists in the makeup of matter and shed more light on the known pantheon of particles including the Higgs boson.

Released: 6-May-2016 7:05 PM EDT
How Ameriflux Helped Determine the Impact of the 2012 U.S. Drought on the Carbon Cycle
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In 2012, the United States experienced the warmest spring on record followed by the most severe drought since the Dust Bowl. A team of scientists used a network of Ameriflux sites to map the carbon flux across the United States during the drought.

Released: 2-May-2016 12:00 AM EDT
Could Aluminum Nitride Be Engineered to Produce Quantum Bits?
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The leading method for creating quantum bits, or qubits, currently involves exploiting the structural defects in diamonds. But using NERSC resources, University of Chicago researchers found that the same defect could be engineered in cheaper aluminum nitride. If confirmed by experiments, this could significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing quantum technologies.

Released: 26-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Seeing Atoms and Molecules in Action with an Electron 'Eye'
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A unique rapid-fire electron source—originally built as a prototype for driving next-generation X-ray lasers—will help scientists at Berkeley Lab study ultrafast chemical processes and changes in materials at the atomic scale.

Released: 18-Apr-2016 2:05 PM EDT
What Screens Are Made Of: New Twists (and Bends) in LCD Research
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

A research team has directly measured a spiral molecular arrangement formed by liquid crystals that could help unravel its mysteries and possibly improve the performance of electronic displays.
