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Released: 2-Apr-2015 11:05 AM EDT
Sounds from Helmets Colliding Explored as Alternative to Understanding Football Collisions
University of Alabama

When football helmets collide, they produce an unmistakable sound. College student Brandon McChristian hopes his research of those sound waves produces a better understanding of the forces involved in those collisions and, perhaps one day, inexpensive sensing methods for a safer game.

Released: 18-Dec-2014 2:00 PM EST
Educated Guesses: Top 15 Predictions for 2015
University of Alabama

For the 34th consecutive year, The University of Alabama’s Office of Media Relations offers predictions from faculty experts for the coming year. See our list of the Top 15 “Educated Guesses” for 2015.

Released: 6-Nov-2014 3:00 PM EST
UA Professor Developing Wearable Device to Track Diet
University of Alabama

Dr. Edward Sazonov, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at The University of Alabama, hopes to change that through development of a sensor worn around the ear that would automatically track diet, giving medical professionals and consumers accurate information that can be missed with self-reporting.

Released: 7-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Students’ Religiosity More Influential Than Education in Views on Evolution
University of Alabama

College students’ views on evolution are shaped significantly more by religiosity than education, according to a survey of Southern students.

Released: 6-Oct-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Med Students to Follow Patients Throughout Care in Pilot Program
University of Alabama

The Tuscaloosa Longitudinal Community Curriculum, or TLC2, is a program through The University of Alabama's College of Community Health Sciences that covers medical students’ third-year curriculum. Rather than the traditional rotation schedule, which consists of seven eight-week rotations through various the specialties, through TLC2 students spend most of their third-year working with a community physician and following patients throughout the diagnosis or disease.

Released: 30-Sep-2014 1:00 PM EDT
UA Researchers Develop Novel Method for Making Electrical Cellulose Fibers
University of Alabama

By using liquid salts during formation instead of harsh chemicals, fibers that conduct electricity can be strengthened, according to a patent issued to a team of researchers at The University of Alabama.

Released: 8-Sep-2014 11:00 AM EDT
Lipid Deficiency Linked to Neuron Degeneration in Lab Study
University of Alabama

A type of lipid that naturally declines in the aging brain impacts – within laboratory models used to study Parkinson’s disease – a protein associated with the disease, according to a study co-authored by researchers in Louisiana and Alabama.

Released: 20-Aug-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Sleepy College Students Stressed by Jobs
University of Alabama

College students are typically more sleep deprived than the rest of us and often ignore the health benefits of adequate slumber, said a researcher who studies the topic.

Released: 17-Jul-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Shrimp, 30,000 Volts Help Start-up Land $1.5 Million for Uranium Extraction
University of Alabama

The U.S. Department of Energy selected a start-up company for an approximate $1.5 million award to refine an alternative material to potentially extract uranium from the ocean.

Released: 29-May-2014 12:00 PM EDT
UA Engineering Professor Hopes to Improve Carbon-Capture with Patented Technology
University of Alabama

Less than a year after patenting a process that could improve stripping greenhouse gasses from industrial emissions, a University of Alabama professor was recently granted another patent with a different solvent to accomplish the same goal.

Released: 27-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Google Grant Helps UA Professor Offer Online Training to Teachers Nationwide
University of Alabama

Dr. Jeff Gray, professor of computer science at The University of Alabama, will lead a free, online course this summer to train more than 700 high-school teachers in a new computer-science course and College Board AP exam.

Released: 6-May-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Engineering Professor Awarded NSF CAREER Award for Robotic Prosthesis
University of Alabama

The National Science Foundation selected a University of Alabama mechanical engineering professor for a CAREER Award for his research into a robotic prosthesis that could help amputees walk better.

Released: 1-May-2014 12:25 PM EDT
Small Changes Could Save Structures, Lives During Tornadoes
University of Alabama

Light-weight garage doors can be the weak link to allowing high winds and pressure changes from a tornado into a home that can lead to the removal of the roof and collapsed walls.

Released: 21-Apr-2014 2:00 PM EDT
E. O. Wilson Donates Career Awards to UA, Endows Fellows Program for Research
University of Alabama

Dr. Edward O. Wilson, one of the most highly decorated scientists in the world and a University of Alabama alumnus, has made two major gifts to his alma mater with an approximate value totaling $500,000.

Released: 2-Apr-2014 10:00 PM EDT
Scientists Emphasize Metabolites’ Role in Understanding Disease
University of Alabama

Overreliance on genetic-centered approaches in predicting, diagnosing and treating disease will lead to few future scientific breakthroughs, cautioned a researcher who co-authored an article advocating for a greater emphasis on the body’s metabolites in understanding illnesses.

Released: 9-Jan-2014 10:15 AM EST
The Surgeon General's Report at 50: Not a Golden Anniversary
University of Alabama

A University of Alabama veteran anti-smoking strategist argues that efforts to reduce smoking have become more symbol than substance in a new documentary recently released online.
