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Newswise: New Poll: Over Half of Young People Extremely Likely to Vote; Youth Focused on the Economy Ahead of 2024 Election
Released: 29-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
New Poll: Over Half of Young People Extremely Likely to Vote; Youth Focused on the Economy Ahead of 2024 Election
Tufts University

Almost a year away from the 2024 presidential election, a majority of young people consider themselves extremely likely to vote. Overall, young people remain more supportive of a Democratic candidate and are concerned about major issues like the cost of living, gun violence, and climate change. These takeaways and trends come from the CIRCLE Pre-2024 Election Youth Survey conducted by the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, the preeminent nonpartisan research center on youth civic engagement based at Tufts University’s Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life.

Newswise: Reducing Inequitable Health Outcomes Requires Reducing Residential Segregation
Released: 28-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
Reducing Inequitable Health Outcomes Requires Reducing Residential Segregation
Tufts University

The U.S. must reduce racial residential segregation if it is to reduce racial disparities in health outcomes, according to a recently published study by researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine.

Newswise: When Occupational Therapy Becomes Occupational Justice
Released: 27-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EST
When Occupational Therapy Becomes Occupational Justice
Tufts University

Lindsey Hoffman, Tufts University alumna, is an occupational therapist with the National Health Service (NHS) in London, working at a hospital helping patients get back on their feet—sometimes quite literally.

Released: 27-Nov-2023 9:00 AM EST
Alcohol Consumption May Have Positive and Negative Effects on Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Tufts University

A new study finds that alcohol consumption may have counteractive effects on cardiovascular disease risk, depending on the biological presence of certain circulating metabolites—molecules that are produced during or after a substance is metabolized and studied as biomarkers of many diseases.

Newswise: Hybrid Transistors Set Stage for Integration of Biology and Microelectronics
Released: 21-Nov-2023 6:05 PM EST
Hybrid Transistors Set Stage for Integration of Biology and Microelectronics
Tufts University

Researchers create transistors combining silicon with biological silk, using common microprocessor manufacturing methods. The silk protein can be easily modified with other chemical and biological molecules to change its properties, leading to circuits that respond to biology and the environment

Released: 16-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EST
New Study Finds Schools Call Moms More Than Dads
Tufts University

Laura Gee, an associate professor of economics at Tufts, and her colleagues recently completed a study that looked at how calls and messages from children's schools are split along gender lines. One of their findings surprised exactly no one: Mothers get the lion’s share of the interruptions.

Newswise: The Next Phase in Monitoring Wild Animals for COVID-19
Released: 13-Nov-2023 12:05 PM EST
The Next Phase in Monitoring Wild Animals for COVID-19
Tufts University

Infectious disease researchers at Tufts University are helping the USDA launch stronger surveillance testing of wild animals for SARS-CoV-2

Newswise:Video Embedded tufts-wildlife-clinic-celebrates-40-years-of-impact-and-service
Released: 7-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EST
Tufts Wildlife Clinic Celebrates 40 Years of Impact and Service
Tufts University

Officially established in 1983, today Tufts Wildlife Clinic provides medical care for thousands of orphaned, sick, and injured New England wildlife each year. It serves as a regional information resource on wildlife health for the public, state and federal agencies, wildlife biologists, veterinarians, and health professionals, among others.

Newswise: Future-Proofing Health Against Climate Catastrophe
Released: 3-Nov-2023 11:05 AM EDT
Future-Proofing Health Against Climate Catastrophe
Tufts University

Professor at Tufts University, is leading an international, interdisciplinary team of researchers in identifying methods to prevent negative health outcomes after climate-related disasters like floods, typhoons, and droughts.

Newswise: Is Age Just a Number When it Comes to Oral Health?
Released: 2-Nov-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Is Age Just a Number When it Comes to Oral Health?
Tufts University

While gradual changes to the teeth and mouth are still part of normal aging, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine experts say today’s dental medicine means older mouths can still be healthy mouths.

Newswise: The Two-Way Relationship Between Nutrition and Aging
Released: 1-Nov-2023 1:05 PM EDT
The Two-Way Relationship Between Nutrition and Aging
Tufts University

What we eat affects how we age; aging affects our nutritional needs. Understanding how is key to better health as we get older, say Tufts University experts.

Newswise: How Scientists Are Solving the Mystery of Aging
Released: 31-Oct-2023 2:20 PM EDT
How Scientists Are Solving the Mystery of Aging
Tufts University

Researchers at Tufts University are studying why we get older, and how to stay healthy as we do--looking at everything from heart and dental health to the relationship between healthy aging and nutrition.

Newswise: Babesiosis: What to Know about this Tick-Borne Disease
Released: 31-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Babesiosis: What to Know about this Tick-Borne Disease
Tufts University

Tufts experts explain more about babesiosis, which is on the rise in the U.S.

Newswise: Getting X-rays at the Dentist? It’s Safer Than You Realize
Released: 30-Oct-2023 2:15 PM EDT
Getting X-rays at the Dentist? It’s Safer Than You Realize
Tufts University

Since dental X-rays became commonplace some seven decades ago, dentists and hygienists have been draping their patients with protective gear to shield them from the possibility of radiation exposure to body parts other than the jaw. But experts in dental radiology at Tufts University say it’s time to hang up those lead aprons for good.

Newswise: Powassan Virus: What to Know about this Rare Tick-Borne Disease
Released: 27-Oct-2023 1:05 PM EDT
Powassan Virus: What to Know about this Rare Tick-Borne Disease
Tufts University

Powassan cases are on the rise in parts of the U.S., says an expert at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Powassan is a life-threatening illness that can cause severe neurological symptoms.

Newswise: Exploring the Link Between Racism and Ill Health
Released: 26-Oct-2023 12:05 PM EDT
Exploring the Link Between Racism and Ill Health
Tufts University

Stress has been widely shown to harm people’s health by leading to problems such as cardiovascular disease, but how exactly different types of stress contribute to disease is less well known. Now a team of Tufts psychology researchers is focusing on stress caused by racism, tracking its neurological and other physiological pathways to ill health, thanks to a five-year, $2.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health.

16-Oct-2023 6:05 AM EDT
New ‘Subway Map’ of Lyme Disease Pathways Identifies Potential New Treatment Targets
Tufts University

Scientists at Tufts University School of Medicine have developed a genome-scale metabolic model or “subway map” of key metabolic activities of the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

Newswise: Pandemic Prevention Consortium Announces New Leadership Team
Released: 19-Oct-2023 8:15 AM EDT
Pandemic Prevention Consortium Announces New Leadership Team
Tufts University

STOP Spillover, a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and led by Tufts University, has announced that the interim leadership team that was put in place in March 2023 will take on a permanent role for the next two years of the project.

Newswise: New institute aims to address gap in nation’s health care system through highly effective yet overlooked nutrition interventions
Released: 18-Oct-2023 1:00 PM EDT
New institute aims to address gap in nation’s health care system through highly effective yet overlooked nutrition interventions
Tufts University

The Food is Medicine Institute at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University establishes a university-wide initiative aimed at transforming health care through scalable food-based interventions.

Newswise: What Happens to Aging Minds
Released: 16-Oct-2023 3:05 PM EDT
What Happens to Aging Minds
Tufts University

It’s an age-old paradox—as we get older and have more wisdom and life experiences to share, our minds start playing tricks on us, and we find it more difficult to retrieve the information we want.
