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Released: 29-Jan-2010 1:00 PM EST
Ithaca College Faculty Member Willing To Discuss The Science Of Olympic Events
Ithaca College

How do Olympic figure skaters use angular momentum to achieve perfect toe loops? What precision moves do bobsled teams need to reach maximum velocity? How does the way cross county skiers metabolize oxygen increase their endurance? Ithaca College’s Deborah King, associate professor of exercise and sport sciences, is one of the experts NBC Learn and the National Science Foundation asked to answer those questions for their 16-part video series, “The Science of the Olympic Winter Games.”

Released: 18-Dec-2009 4:25 PM EST
Sports Play Vital Role in Women’s Health and Well-Being
Ithaca College

The findings of a Women’s Sports Foundation (WSF) research team led by Ithaca College faculty member Ellen Staurowsky are shedding new light on the social and physical benefits that sports programs offer to girls and women.

Released: 11-Dec-2009 1:00 PM EST
Nominations Open for Second Annual Izzy Award for Independent Media
Ithaca College

Nominations for the 2009 Izzy Award are officially open. The annual award for special achievement in independent media — named after legendary muckraker I. F. “Izzy” Stone — is a project of Ithaca College's Park Center for Independent Media. Last year’s inaugural award was shared by blogger Glenn Greenwald and “Democracy Now!” host/executive producer Amy Goodman.

Released: 9-Dec-2009 4:10 PM EST
Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) Offers Dead People a Chance to Chat about ‘Open Spaces’
Ithaca College

In its latest online rollout, Ithaca College’s Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) 2009–2010 invites everyone, everywhere to raise the dead, bring fantasy creatures to life, and join alternative reality gamers in collectively exploring “Open Space,” the theme of this year’s festival.

Released: 24-Nov-2009 4:50 PM EST
Ithaca College Students Participate in UN Climate Change Conference
Ithaca College

Ithaca College will be represented by students, faculty, and alumni at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 15th Conference of the Parties (COP-15), being held Dec. 5–18 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Released: 23-Nov-2009 10:35 AM EST
National Economy Threatened by Baby Boomer Retirement Boom
Ithaca College

As millions of baby boomers prepare to retire, “the inevitable talent drain threatens to alter the national economy,” said Ithaca College sociologist Stephen Sweet.

Released: 12-Nov-2009 10:35 AM EST
Ithaca College Faculty Member Named Visiting Professor at Leading Asian University
Ithaca College

Patricia Zimmermann—professor of cinema, photography and media arts at Ithaca College and co-director of the college’s Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF)—will spend the first six months of 2010 in Singapore as the Shaw Foundation Professor at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information (SCI) at Nanyang Technological University.

Released: 6-Nov-2009 12:00 PM EST
Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) ‘Map Open Space’ Exhibit: Call for Entries
Ithaca College

The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) 2010 is seeking entries for “Map Open Space,” the first of four online, juried competitions offered by FLEFF during its yearlong rollout of blogs, screenings and other online, user-generated events.

Released: 2-Oct-2009 12:55 PM EDT
Ithaca College Dedicates Sustainably Designed Administration Building
Ithaca College

Ithaca College will dedicate the new Peggy Ryan Williams Center on Thursday, Oct. 8. The building incorporates the highest principles of sustainable design.

Released: 30-Sep-2009 4:00 PM EDT
Ithaca College’s Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival 2010 Is Right Here, Right Now
Ithaca College

This year it won’t be necessary to wait until spring for Ithaca College’s Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF). In fact, FLEFF 2009–2010 has already started. Pop into your browser and take part.

Released: 21-Sep-2009 3:40 PM EDT
National Experts Assemble to Explore Creative Aging
Ithaca College

With 78 million baby boomers on the retirement horizon, gerontologists see quality of life for aging boomers as public imperative. National experts on aging will assemble to examine research and ways aging services can help keep older adults engaged and leading productive lives. Satellite uplink available on campus.

Released: 3-Sep-2009 2:30 PM EDT
It's a Surreal Health Care Reform Debate, Says Congressional Expert
Ithaca College

The alleged dangers Democrats and Republicans promise to avoid in the health care reform debate are commonplace for all but the wealthiest of Americans.

Released: 4-Aug-2009 1:30 PM EDT
Summer Workouts -- Check the Heat Index, Expert Advises
Ithaca College

Summer's here and you're ready to get outside and exercise. Before you do, you might want to check out the heat index. Whether a competitor or a weekend runner, cycler or hiker, when the heat index is high it will have an effect on the body. When you get into extremely high temperatures or high humidity, "It's wise to check the heat index before working out to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke," said Gary Sforzo, professor of exercise and sport sciences at Ithaca College. Satellite uplink available on campus.

Released: 17-Jul-2009 12:10 PM EDT
It's Fun, It's Energetic, It's a National Sport - It's Jump Rope
Ithaca College

Liz Butterfield, a senior clinical exercise science major at Ithaca College, is the best female single-rope freestyle jump roper in America. Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 16-Jul-2009 1:00 PM EDT
International Journalists Hone Multimedia Skills at Ithaca College Workshop
Ithaca College

Journalists from around the world will spend a week at Ithaca College learning how to use multimedia and alternative resources for gathering and disseminating news in their respective countries. Among those participating are journalists from Ukraine, Georgia, Venezuela, Kenya, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, and South Africa.

Released: 24-Jun-2009 10:45 AM EDT
Laughter Differs in Children with Autism
Ithaca College

Laughter differs in children with autism. A recent study recorded laughter during a series of playful interactions with an examiner. The results showed that children with autism exhibited only one type of laughter, compared to two types of laughter for nonautistic children. Expert available. Satellite uplink available.

Released: 12-Jun-2009 2:25 PM EDT
Tipping, The Server's Perspective
Ithaca College

If you receive below average service in a restaurant it may be because your server thinks you will be a poor tipper, according to a new study "Restaurant Servers' Perceptions of Customer Tipping Intentions," published in the "International Journal of Hospitality Management."

Released: 26-May-2009 1:10 PM EDT
FLEFF Launches International Consortium
Ithaca College

Ithaca College's Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) has gone global by forming a consortium with environmental and human rights film festivals in Spain, Mexico and India.

Released: 21-May-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Credit Card Legislation Not A Cure-All, Says Consumer Psychologist
Ithaca College

Legislation intended to protect consumers from the credit card industry by imposing new regulations on fees, disclosures and interest-rate changes may help but is no cure-all, says consumer psychologist Michael McCall.

Released: 18-May-2009 3:10 PM EDT
Apollo 13 Astronaut Jim Lovell Tells Ithaca College Graduates to Expand Their Horizons
Ithaca College

Jim Lovell"”the Apollo 13 commander who uttered the memorable phrase, "Houston, we've had a problem," before helping guide his crippled spacecraft back to earth"”stood before some 1,390 graduates and guests at Ithaca College's commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 17, and told them that they, too, have the ability to solve problems that at first seem unsolvable.

Released: 1-May-2009 3:00 PM EDT
Gel-Based Glue Fastens Snails to Wet Surfaces, Model for Surgical Adhesive
Ithaca College

A species of slug (Arion subfuscus) produces a defensive gel it can chemically convert into a remarkably strong glue. Similar gel-based glues attach some snails firmly onto slippery rocks; tools are needed to pry them off. The tenacity of these glues on wet surfaces is difficult to match with artificial adhesives. Following up on their original research identifying the key characteristics controlling this transition from a water-based gel into a powerful yet flexible adhesive, researchers at Ithaca College have shed new light on the nature of the adhesive mechanism.

Released: 29-Apr-2009 11:15 AM EDT
Consumer Belt-Tightening Likely Here for the Long Haul, Says Consumer Psychologist
Ithaca College

Though the economy shows signs of improvement, consumers will likely hang onto their new, thriftier spending behavior for the long-haul. Industries that survive will likely emerge from the crisis in a very different form.

Released: 28-Apr-2009 8:00 PM EDT
Expert Available to Discuss Specter's Switch as Step to Extinction of GOP in Northeast
Ithaca College

"Specter's party switch is a further step to the extinction of the Republican Party in the Northeast. Republicans now have only 3 of 22 Senators in the region," said Donald Beachler, associate professor of politics at Ithaca College.

Released: 20-Apr-2009 3:00 PM EDT
The Return Of The Golden Doorknob Awards
Ithaca College

In the world of film, there are the Golden Globes, the Golden Palm, the Golden Bear, and now after an 18-year sabbatical, the return of The Golden Doorknob Awards "” resurrected by request of doorknob alumni. The competition challenges film students to make a short film (up to 5 mins) that present the most imaginative ways to kill someone with a doorknob. Satellite uplink available on campus.

Released: 31-Mar-2009 11:20 AM EDT
Do "Full" Athletic Scholarships at Division I Schools Really Cover the Cost of Attendance?
Ithaca College

The answer is no, according to a study by the National College Players Association (NCPA). Released on March 26, the findings reveal estimated shortfalls between college athletes' full scholarships and the actual cost of attendance at Division I universities. ReadyCam Satellite uplink available.

Released: 13-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman Win Independent Media Award
Ithaca College

The Park Center for Independent Media (PCIM) at Ithaca College has announced that its first annual Izzy Award for special achievement in independent media will be shared this year by two pillars of independent journalism: blogger Glenn Greenwald and "Democracy Now!" host/executive producer Amy Goodman.

Released: 13-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Bloggers and Independent Media Gaining Clout, Says Journalism Professor
Ithaca College

As members of the mainstream media find themselves confronting economic woes, they also must face the emerging clout of bloggers and other independent media. Mainstream media must now compete with independent media as more people look to these sources for quality journalism on the major issues of our time. Satellite uplink on campus.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EST
Quality of Life for Aging Boomers a Public Imperative, Says Gerontologist
Ithaca College

Gerontologist John Krout has spent his professional life studying the elderly and aging. He is known for his work on quality of life for the elderly (including the impact of engagement and creativity), livable communities and aging, senior centers, retirement facilities, intergenerational partnerships, and rural elderly. Now as boomers come of age, he turns his attention to creativity and aging, and the changing perspectives of aging. Satellite uplink available on site.

Released: 6-Mar-2009 1:00 PM EST
Community Health Expert Finds Fear Is the Greatest Barrier to Screenings for Colorectal Cancer
Ithaca College

In her recent study to examine why some adults do not undergo a screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) "” the third leading form of cancer in the U. S. "” Ithaca College faculty member Srijana Bajracharya found that "fear" (fear of finding a problem and fear of a painful test) was the greatest barrier to adults over 50 seeking the screenings. Satellite uplink available on campus.

Released: 5-Mar-2009 11:25 AM EST
College Students Will Spend Spring Break Lending a Helping Hand to Those in Need
Ithaca College

Close to 45 students from Central New York's Ithaca College will be hitting the road during spring break (March 9 to 13), some traveling as far as 1,100 miles to do community service in four areas of need across the country. Their efforts are part of Ithaca College's Alternative Spring Break (ASB) program.

Released: 5-Mar-2009 11:10 AM EST
College Students Will Spend Spring Break Living in a Homeless Shelter in the Nation's Capital
Ithaca College

Instead of lounging on sunny beaches or enjoying the familiarity of home, six students from Central New York's Ithaca College will travel 250 miles to spend spring break (March 9 to 13) sleeping on open-bay bunks and volunteering at the Community for Creative Non-Violence.

Released: 4-Mar-2009 4:20 PM EST
How Do Culture and Sexuality Affect Athletes, Fans, and Coaches?
Ithaca College

Christine Brennan, sports columnist for "USA Today," and John Amaechi, whose 2007 book "Man in the Middle" revealed his life and career as a closeted gay man in the NBA, will join 125 scholars at Ithaca College on Wednesday and Thursday, March 18 and 19, for a conference on Sport, Sexuality, and Culture. Satellite uplink on campus.

Released: 16-Feb-2009 12:50 PM EST
New Economy Puts Dual-Income Couples in Double Jeopardy
Ithaca College

"Nine in ten dual-income couples in New York State feel there is some risk that one or both of their jobs might not exist in the next couple of years," says Ithaca College sociologist Stephen Sweet, lead author of the study "Dual Earners in Double Jeopardy: Preparing for Job Loss in the New Risk Economy." Satellite Uplink available on campus.

Released: 16-Feb-2009 11:30 AM EST
Physicist Uses Radio Signals to Search Downtown Las Vegas for Signs of Ancient Pit Houses
Ithaca College

Using radio signals instead of shovels, a physics faculty member from Ithaca College, along with local archeologists, has found evidence of additional 1,300-year-old pit houses five miles from the Las Vegas Strip. This recent find promises to give archaeologists new insights into how people who once lived in the Southwest transitioned from a foraging society to a sedentary one. Satellite Uplink available on campus.

Released: 11-Feb-2009 3:30 PM EST
Sports Ethicist Will Comment on Baseball and Steroids
Ithaca College

"The recent admissions by Alex Rodriguez about his prior steroid abuse, and Miguel Tejada concerning his lying to congress, should not be a surprise to anyone who has paid attention to entertainment sport for the past century." Said Stephen Mosher, professor of Sport Management and Media at Ithaca College. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available on site.

Released: 21-Jan-2009 12:35 PM EST
New Economy Needs a New Deal, Says Sociologist and Author
Ithaca College

"Make no mistake, there is a new economy," says sociologist Stephen Sweet, whose book "Changing Contours of Work" examines the structure of the new economy, including the dismantling of protections, and the effect on workers and families. He further calls for a "new deal" to address the lack of protection and upward mobility in the workplace as well as the racial and gender chasms. ReadyCam Satellite uplink on site.

Released: 12-Jan-2009 4:35 PM EST
Employee Free Choice Act Pits Labor Against Business, Says Expert
Ithaca College

Political Scientist Donald Beachler predicts business/labor battle in Congress over the Employee Free Choice Act. Satellite uplink available.

Released: 17-Dec-2008 3:50 PM EST
Nominations Open for Media Award Named for Maverick Journalist I. F. Stone
Ithaca College

The Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College is accepting nominations from journalists, academics and the public at large for the first annual Izzy Award, named after legendary maverick journalist I. F. Stone. The award will recognize an independent outlet, journalist or producer for "special achievement" in work created/distributed outside of traditional corporate structures.

Released: 16-Dec-2008 1:35 PM EST
’Fessing Up About Santa. When? How?
Ithaca College

Developmental psychologist advises parents when and how to discuss Santa with children. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 15-Dec-2008 3:45 PM EST
Republicans Need to Find Their Clinton, Says Expert
Ithaca College

Republicans need to find candidates more acceptable to middle America. "The question for a defeated party is "˜what, if anything should we change?...It often takes two or three elections for a party to figure out a new strategy," says Donald Beachler, associate professor of politics at Ithaca College. ReadyCam Satellite Uplink available.

Released: 5-Dec-2008 5:45 PM EST
Media Expert Urges Parents to Beware of False Promises in Toy Ads
Ithaca College

With the Christmas shopping season nearing its peak, toy ads fill the television airwaves. But as parents try to decide what to buy for their kids, a child psychologist and media expert warns that what they see might not be what they get. Cyndy Scheibe [pronounced 'shibe'] advises parents to help their children understand the tricks that advertisers use to get you to buy their product. ReadyCam satellite uplink available.

Released: 1-Oct-2008 4:25 PM EDT
Today’s Political Posters Recycle Yesterday’s Visual Ideas
Ithaca College

"The posters promoting Barack Obama are innovative and differ from the usual designs seen on such printed material. Yet many of them incorporate some past visual ideas. Shepard Fairey designed a poster for the Obama campaign with imagery depicting the candidate as a "˜visionary,' looking into the distance. But posters for Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter (and even Adolf Hitler) posed these candidates similarly," says visual literacy expert. ReadyCam on-site satellite uplink available.

Released: 24-Sep-2008 1:45 PM EDT
Punditry, Media Analysis and “Gotchas” Overshadow Actual Debates
Ithaca College

"Recent election history tells us that the punditry and media analysis following presidential debates is sometimes more important than the debates themselves," says Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media and former TV news political pundit who is available for comment. ReadyCam on-site satellite uplink available.

Released: 19-Sep-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Ithaca College Building is World First for Highest Green Standard
Ithaca College

The home of the Ithaca College School of Business is the first facility for a college or university business school in the world to attain platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) status. The college is also constructing a new administration building to platinum LEED standards.

Released: 15-Sep-2008 10:05 AM EDT
New Center Studies Growth and Impact of Independent Media
Ithaca College

New technologies and crises in corporate mainstream media are clearing a path for new voices and communities to be heard. The recently established Park Center for Independent Media is a national center for the study of these media outlets, and the tremendous impact they are having on journalism, politics and society.

Released: 10-Sep-2008 12:00 AM EDT
H.S. Students Decode Presidential Campaign Messages
Ithaca College

A media literacy kit, "Media Construction of Presidential Campaigns," provides High School teachers with a tool to teach the history of U.S. elections in a way that will prepare students to think critically about historical, political, and ethical issues related to media, democracy, and presidential campaign messages.

Released: 23-Jul-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Faculty/student Contingent Will be on the Sidelines at the Summer Olympics in Beijing
Ithaca College

Ithaca College Faculty and Students Working with Olympic News Service Are Willing to Share China Experience with Interested Media.

Showing results 201–247 of 247
