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Released: 20-Apr-2020 2:10 PM EDT
Study Provides a Fresh Look at Mental Health Preparedness and Service Use Among Older Adolescents in Foster Care
New York University

Researchers interviewed hundreds of older adolescents in California shortly before their transition from the foster care system. Their use of mental health services is elevated, but not their sense that they feel prepared to manage their mental health.

20-Apr-2020 8:45 AM EDT
Undergraduate-Led Team Develops Low-Cost Ventilator Aimed at Assisting COVID-19 Patients with Varying Degrees of Lung Failure
New York University

A team of university students and engineers has developed a low-cost ventilator using off-the-shelf components that is designed to aid patients with varying degrees of lung failure.

14-Apr-2020 2:50 PM EDT
Children’s Fruit Drinks Need Clearer Labels, Finds NYU Study
New York University

The labels of drinks marketed to kids do not help parents and other consumers differentiate among fruit juice and sugar-laden, artificially flavored drinks.

Released: 16-Apr-2020 9:30 AM EDT
NYU Dentistry Awarded $2.2 Million NIH Grant to Investigate How Oral Cancer Causes Pain
New York University

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research has awarded NYU College of Dentistry’s Yi Ye, PhD, a $2.2 million, five-year grant to study the role of Schwann cells, the most prevalent type of cell supporting neurons in the peripheral nervous system, in oral cancer progression and pain.

Released: 14-Apr-2020 6:25 PM EDT
NYU Marron Institute report recommends ways to release prisoners early amid COVID-19 outbreak
New York University

The challenge of successful reentry of releasees into communities can be overcome, but many actions are needed first, the report says.

13-Apr-2020 11:30 AM EDT
NYU’s Carter Journalism Institute Names Maria Danilova Winner of Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award
New York University

NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute has named Maria Danilova, a journalist whose longform work has appeared in Harper’s Magazine and the Atlantic, the winner of its sixth Matthew Power Literary Reporting Award.

3-Apr-2020 1:10 PM EDT
Can the Government Stick Warning Labels on Soda Bottles?
New York University

NYU's Jennifer Pomeranz says that existing warnings on other products should offer a roadmap for labeling sugary drinks—without violating the First Amendment.

3-Apr-2020 8:10 AM EDT
The Coronavirus and The Cities
New York University

New data mapping shows that the path of the pandemic in U.S. is predictable, with date of outbreak and population density cited as key factors.

30-Mar-2020 4:40 PM EDT
New Report Explores Fiscal Issues Related to NYC Teachers Retirement System
New York University

Report looks at New York City Teachers’ Retirement System, the second largest of New York City’s five major employee pension plans.

26-Mar-2020 6:35 PM EDT
Mandatory Building Energy Audits Alone Do Not Overcome Barriers to Energy Efficiency, NYU Researchers Conclude
New York University

The pioneering requirement may be insufficient to incentivize significant reductions in energy use by owners of residential and office buildings, according to the study.

30-Mar-2020 9:00 AM EDT
Experimental AI Tool Predicts Which Patients with Pandemic Virus Will Develop Serious Respiratory Disease
New York University

An artificial intelligence tool accurately predicted which patients newly infected with the COVID-19 virus would go on to develop severe respiratory disease, a new study has found.

20-Mar-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Teeth Serve as “Archive of Life,” New Research Finds
New York University

Teeth constitute a permanent and faithful biological archive of the entirety of the individual’s life, from tooth formation to death, a team of researchers has found. Its work provides new evidence of the impact that events, such as reproduction and imprisonment, have on an organism.

Released: 23-Mar-2020 8:20 AM EDT
Teacher Evaluations Weed Out Low-Performing Teachers in Urban Schools
New York University

New research by NYU Steinhardt Assistant Professor Luis A. Rodriguez finds that statewide K-12 teacher evaluation systems have proven to phase out lower performing teachers and retain more effective teachers for longer periods of time - particularly in urban districts and low-performing schools.

Released: 4-Mar-2020 2:55 PM EST
Canceled: Susan Choi, Terrance Hayes, and Cathy Park Hong Among Those Featured at NYU’s Creative Writing Program Events in March
New York University

These events have been canceled: The NYU Creative Writing Program’s Spring 2020 Reading Series continues in March with events featuring Susan Choi (March 12), Terrance Hayes (March 13), and Cathy Park Hong (March 26), among others.

Released: 2-Mar-2020 10:20 AM EST
Biologists Capture Fleeting Interactions Between Regulatory Proteins and Their Genome-wide Targets
New York University

New York University biologists captured highly transient interactions between transcription factors—proteins that control gene expression—and target genes in the genome and showed that these typically missed interactions have important practical implications. In a new study published in Nature Communications, the researchers developed a method to capture transient interactions of NLP7, a master transcription factor involved in nitrogen use in plants, revealing that the majority of a plant’s response to nitrogen is controlled by these short-lived regulatory interactions.

19-Feb-2020 1:10 PM EST
Vaping Changes Oral Microbiome, Increasing Risk for Infection
New York University

Using e-cigarettes alters the mouth’s microbiome—the community of bacteria and other microorganisms—and makes users more prone to inflammation and infection, finds a new study led by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry.

Released: 25-Feb-2020 12:55 PM EST
How Many Tabs Do You Have Open Right Now? A Guide to (Potentially) Effective Multitasking
New York University

NYY's Emily Balcetis unpacks research she and others have conducted in vision science, cognitive research, and motivational psychology to offer an account of the habits and practices that successful people use to meet their goals.

19-Feb-2020 3:05 PM EST
Just as Tobacco Advertising Causes Teen Smoking, Exposure to Alcohol Ads Causes Teens to Drink
New York University

Exposure to alcohol advertising changes teens’ attitudes about alcohol and can cause them to start drinking, finds a new analysis led by NYU School of Global Public Health and NYU Grossman School of Medicine. The study, which appears in a special supplement of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, uses a framework developed to show causality between tobacco advertising and youth smoking and applies it to alcohol advertising.

Released: 20-Feb-2020 12:05 PM EST
NYU’s Ulrich Baer Available for Comment on Jack London—Environmentalist, Self-Made Millionaire, and Socialist
New York University

New York University’s Ulrich Baer, who authored the afterword to the new edition of The Call of the Wild (Warbler Press), is available for comment on the legacy of Jack London.
