Latest News from: University of Kansas

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Released: 5-Apr-2017 11:05 AM EDT
Graduate Student Researching Parents and Children Facing Adversity Earns Doris Duke Fellowship
University of Kansas

In addition to $30,000 to support completion of her dissertation and related research, Bridget Cho will have the opportunity to participate in a peer-learning network of fellows, their academic and policy mentors, expert researchers and policymakers.

Released: 5-Apr-2017 10:05 AM EDT
Law Professor Part of Effort to Improve International Arbitration Cases
University of Kansas

Christopher Drahozal, a KU law professor, is helping lead an effort to improve international arbitration cases, which hold billions of dollars and government regulations in the balance. He's doing so by making more information available on people who arbitrate the cases, and helping boost diversity in the field.

Released: 29-Mar-2017 11:05 AM EDT
‘Weather Whiplash’ Triggered by Changing Climate Will Degrade Midwest’s Drinking Water, Researchers Say
University of Kansas

Researchers at the University of Kansas have published findings showing weather whiplash in the American Midwest’s agricultural regions will drive the deterioration of water quality, forcing municipalities to seek costly remedies to provide safe drinking water to residents.

Released: 29-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Products Can Be Pals When You’re Lonely, but It May Cost You, Study Finds
University of Kansas

According to a new study, it appears humanlike products do keep people from seeking out normal human interaction, which is typically how people try to recover from loneliness. However, there are limits to this phenomenon, and the long-term consequences are unclear, the researchers said.

Released: 28-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Recent Evolution of German Politics Is Window Into Fringe Parties' Gains
University of Kansas

A University of Kansas professor examines conditions in German politics dating back to 2013 to find a window into the recent gains of fringe parties in Europe and the United States, which includes the Trump election and the Brexit vote.

16-Mar-2017 4:00 PM EDT
Study Underscores Benefit of Smartphone Use to Track Children’s Health
University of Kansas

The research appears in JAMA Pediatrics on March 20. “The take-home message is that a smartphone can help a child be healthier across a number of health care behaviors, like making sure they get vaccines or eat a healthy diet,” said co-author Christopher Cushing.

Released: 15-Mar-2017 11:05 AM EDT
‘Herping’ St. Patrick’s Day! Herpetologists Ponder St. Patrick, Snake-Herding and Natural History of Emerald Isle
University of Kansas

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, a group of scientists in the University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute's Division of Herpetology flash their gift for the gab in pondering both the science and myth behind the Patron Saint of Ireland.

Released: 15-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Study Identifies Seven Health Behavior Patterns to Help Broaden Public Health Interventions
University of Kansas

A new study led by a University of Kansas researcher has identified seven health behavior cluster groups to make public health interventions more holistic and efficient.

Released: 13-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EDT
Sensitive Genotypes Yield Disadvantage in Poor Families, but Advantage in Wealthier Ones
University of Kansas

A University of Kansas study's results suggest that children with sensitive genotypes who come from low-income homes will be less financially successful than their same sex sibling without those genotypes. But children with those same genotypes from a high-income home would actually fare better economically as young adults than their brother or sister.

Released: 8-Mar-2017 10:05 AM EST
While Untangling History of Aquatic Beetle Group, NSF Graduate Researcher Discovers Flaw in Model Used by Biologists
University of Kansas

Baca determined the relationships of 53 species of Noteridae representing all subfamilies, tribes and 16 of 17 genera within the family. By sequencing and comparing DNA sequences, the team’s work has led to a “comprehensive phylogenetic reconstruction” of the evolutionary history of the aquatic beetles.

Released: 7-Mar-2017 9:00 AM EST
New Research Shows Split on How People Consider Transgender Rights Issues
University of Kansas

New study measuring attitudes on transgender rights issues finds significant support for protection of general civil rights for transgender people, but public opinion is more divided on policies that relate to the body and gender roles, such as people being able to choose which public restroom to use based on one's gender identity or the ability to change one's sex on a state-issued driver's license.
