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10-Jun-2021 11:30 AM EDT
Urbanization drives antibiotic resistance on microplastics in Chinese river
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in Environmental Science & Technology have analyzed antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) on five types of microplastics at different locations along the Beilun River in China, finding much higher abundances in urban than rural regions.

10-Jun-2021 11:25 AM EDT
Ozone pollution has increased in Antarctica
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have analyzed more than 25 years of Antarctic data, finding that ozone concentrations near the ground arose from both natural and human-related sources.

28-May-2021 11:30 AM EDT
Mapping intermittent methane emissions across the Permian Basin
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology Letters have conducted an extensive airborne campaign with imaging spectrometers and identified large methane sources across the Permian Basin area.

13-May-2021 11:30 AM EDT
An illuminating possibility for stroke treatment: Nano-photosynthesis
American Chemical Society (ACS)

What if there was a way to make photosynthesis happen in the brains of patients? Now, researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have done just that in cells and in mice, using blue-green algae and special nanoparticles, in a proof-of-concept demonstration.

7-May-2021 12:30 PM EDT
Gold leaf could help diagnose viral infections in low-resource settings
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have developed gold leaf electrodes that, in combination with a CRISPR-based assay, could sensitively detect human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA in human samples.

7-May-2021 12:20 PM EDT
Earthworms could help reduce antibiotic resistance genes in soil
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Earthworms improve the soil by aerating it, breaking down organic matter and mineralizing nutrients. Now, researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have dug up another possible role: reducing the number and relative abundance of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) in soils from diverse ecosystems.

7-May-2021 12:20 PM EDT
Residential coal use in China results in many premature deaths, models indicate
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A new study in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology indicates that in China, indoor air pollution from residential coal burning causes a disproportionate number of premature deaths from exposure to tiny, inhalable pollutants known as PM2.5.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
ACS Spring 2021 Press Conference Schedule
American Chemical Society (ACS)

ACS Spring 2021 Press Conference Schedule Watch live and recorded press conferences at Press conferences will be held Monday, April 5 through Friday, April 16, 2021. Below is the schedule, which will be updated as needed.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Sweat sensor could alert doctors, patients to looming COVID cytokine storm (video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A “cytokine storm” can worsen the prognosis of COVID-19 and other illnesses. Now, scientists report a sweat sensor that acts as an early warning system for an impending cytokine storm, which could help doctors more effectively treat patients. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Snake species from different terrains surrender surface secrets behind slithering success
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Some snake species slither across the ground, while others climb trees, dive through sand or glide across water. Today, scientists report that the surface chemistry of snake scales varies among species that negotiate these different terrains. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Rescuing street art from vandals’ graffiti
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Street art adorns highways, roads and alleys around the world, but sometimes, vandals add unwanted graffiti on top. Now, scientists report an eco-friendly method that quickly and safely removes over-paintings on street art. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Making music from spider webs
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Spiders are master builders, expertly weaving strands of silk into intricate webs. Now, scientists have translated these complex structures into music, which could have applications ranging from better 3D printers to cross-species communication. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Toward a reliable oral treatment for sickle cell disease
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Only a few treatment options exist for sickle cell patients. Today, researchers report discovery of a small molecule that could treat sickle cell disease by boosting levels of fetal hemoglobin, a healthy form that adults normally do not make. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
An amyloid link between Parkinson’s disease and melanoma
American Chemical Society (ACS)

For nearly 50 years, doctors have recognized that Parkinson’s disease patients have an increased risk of melanoma. Now, scientists report a link between the two diseases in the form of protein aggregates known as amyloids. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Separating beer waste into proteins for foods, and fiber for biofuels
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The beer-making process yields a large amount of spent grain as a waste product. Today, scientists report a new way to extract the protein and fiber from brewer’s spent grain and use it to create new types of protein sources, biofuels and more. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Making cleaner, greener plastics from waste fish parts
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Derived from crude oil, toxic to synthesize, and slow to degrade, polyurethanes are not environmentally friendly. Today, researchers discuss a safer, biodegradable alternative derived from fish waste that would otherwise likely be discarded. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Doping by athletes could become tougher to hide with new detection method
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A new method for detecting doping could even the playing field for those trying to keep the Olympics and other competitions clean. Today, scientists report progress in detecting existing dopants and potential future “designer” compounds. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

30-Mar-2021 8:00 AM EDT
Paleopharmaceuticals from Baltic amber might fight drug-resistant infections
American Chemical Society (ACS)

For centuries, people in Baltic nations have used ancient amber for medicinal purposes. Now, scientists report compounds that help explain its therapeutic effects and that could lead to new medicines to combat antibiotic-resistant infections. They will present their results at ACS Spring 2021.

26-Mar-2021 10:00 AM EDT
Tree fungus reduces fertilizer requirement for ketchup tomatoes
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers report in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry they have recruited a fungus to bolster fertilizer efficiency, meaning tastier tomatoes can be grown with less fertilizer.

19-Mar-2021 12:00 PM EDT
Copper Foam as a Highly Efficient, Durable Filter for Reusable Masks and Air Cleaners
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have transformed copper nanowires into metal foams that could be used in facemasks and air filtration systems. The foams filter efficiently, decontaminate easily for reuse and are recyclable.

19-Mar-2021 12:00 PM EDT
Creating patterns spontaneously in synthetic materials
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have found an easy way to make patterned materials having complex microstructures with variations in mechanical, thermal and optical properties –– without the need for masks, molds or printers.

Released: 17-Mar-2021 11:30 AM EDT
Highlights for journalists at ACS Spring 2021 meeting
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Journalists may now apply for press credentials for the spring meeting of the American Chemical Society, one of the largest scientific conferences of the year. The meeting will be held online April 5-30.

12-Mar-2021 10:15 AM EST
Pressure Sensors Could Ensure a Proper Helmet Fit to Help Protect the Brain
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Sensors have developed a highly sensitive pressure sensor cap that, when worn under a helmet, could help reveal whether the headgear is a perfect fit.

5-Mar-2021 10:40 AM EST
Porous, ultralow-temperature supercapacitors could power Mars, polar missions
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have 3D printed porous carbon aerogels for electrodes in ultralow-temperature supercapacitors, reducing heating needs for future space and polar missions.

26-Feb-2021 11:45 AM EST
How ‘green’ are environmentally friendly fireworks?
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have estimated that, although so-called environmentally friendly fireworks emit 15–65% less particulate matter than traditional fireworks, they still significantly deteriorate air quality.

26-Feb-2021 11:45 AM EST
Dietary fats interact with grape tannins to influence wine taste
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have explored how lipids –– fatty molecules abundant in cheese, meats, vegetable oils and other foods –– interact with grape tannins, masking the undesirable flavors of the wine compounds.

19-Feb-2021 10:20 AM EST
Treating rheumatoid arthritis with micromotors
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have developed magnesium-based micromotors propelled by hydrogen bubbles, which improved rheumatoid arthritis symptoms when injected into the joints of rats.

12-Feb-2021 10:05 AM EST
Making swimming pools safer by reducing chlorine disinfection byproducts
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have found that using a complementary form of disinfection, known as copper-silver ionization (CSI), can decrease disinfection byproducts and cell toxicity of chlorinated swimming pool water.

12-Feb-2021 10:00 AM EST
An mRNA vaccine for cancer immunotherapy
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have developed a hydrogel that, when injected into mice with melanoma, slowly released RNA nanovaccines that shrank tumors and kept them from metastasizing.

29-Jan-2021 11:45 AM EST
Urban agriculture in Chicago does not allow consumers to rely solely on local food
American Chemical Society (ACS)

A study of food raised around Chicago has shown that buying local can’t provide all necessary nutrients for area residents, though it could fulfill their needs if some nutrients were supplied as supplements.

29-Jan-2021 11:35 AM EST
Standard water treatment technique removes and inactivates an enveloped virus
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have discovered that a standard water treatment technique, called iron (III) coagulation, and its electrically driven counterpart, iron (0) electrocoagulation, can efficiently remove and inactivate a model enveloped virus.

29-Jan-2021 11:30 AM EST
Load-reducing backpack powers electronics by harvesting energy from walking
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers have developed a prototype backpack that makes loads feel about 20% lighter and harvests energy from human movement to power small electronics.

22-Jan-2021 10:40 AM EST
Ultra-absorptive nanofiber swabs could improve SARS-CoV-2 test sensitivity
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have developed ultra-absorptive nanofiber swabs that could reduce the number of false-negative SARS-CoV-2 tests by improving sample collection and test sensitivity.

22-Jan-2021 10:35 AM EST
Detecting trace amounts of multiple classes of antibiotics in foods
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have developed a method to simultaneously measure 77 antibiotics in a variety of foods.

15-Jan-2021 11:25 AM EST
An anode-free zinc battery that could someday store renewable energy
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have made a prototype of an anode-free, zinc-based battery that uses low-cost, naturally abundant materials.

15-Jan-2021 11:00 AM EST
New antifungal compound from ant farms
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers have identified a new antifungal compound from attine ant farms.

4-Dec-2020 10:45 AM EST
Using light, red blood cells and a honey bee peptide to deliver therapeutic proteins
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have engineered red blood cell (RBC) carriers that release therapeutic proteins when stimulated by light, with the help of a honey bee peptide.

4-Dec-2020 10:40 AM EST
SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater solids could help monitor COVID-19 spread
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have discovered that measuring SARS-CoV-2 in settled solids from sewage treatment plants could be a more sensitive approach than measuring the virus in wastewater flowing into the facilities.

20-Nov-2020 10:00 AM EST
Patterning method could pave the way for new fiber-based devices, smart textiles
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have developed a method to pattern hundreds-of-meters-long multimaterial fibers with embedded functional elements.

13-Nov-2020 10:30 AM EST
Antibiotic resistance genes in three Puerto Rican watersheds after Hurricane Maria
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers monitored antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in three Puerto Rican watersheds after Hurricane Maria, finding that the abundance and diversity of ARGs were highest downstream of WWTPs. They report their results in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology.

13-Nov-2020 10:30 AM EST
A more sensitive way to detect circulating tumor cells
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Sensors have developed a method that could more sensitively detect circulating tumor cells within the complex environment of blood.

30-Oct-2020 10:45 AM EDT
Brown carbon ‘tarballs’ detected in Himalayan atmosphere
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology Letters have detected light-absorbing “tarballs” in the Himalayan atmosphere, which could contribute to glacial melt.

23-Oct-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects of PFASs could depend on the presence of estrogen
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have used a combination of laboratory experiments and computer modeling to reveal that PFASs can interact with the estrogen receptor in different ways to influence estrogen-controlled gene expression.

Released: 16-Oct-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Calcium bursts kill drug-resistant tumor cells
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Nano Letters have developed nanoparticles that release bursts of calcium inside tumor cells, inhibiting drug pumps and reversing MDR.

Released: 7-Oct-2020 8:00 AM EDT
American Chemical Society’s president comments on award of 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
American Chemical Society (ACS)

On behalf of the American Chemical Society (ACS), President Luis Echegoyen, Ph.D., congratulates today’s winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Emmanuelle Charpentier, Ph.D., and Jennifer A. Doudna, Ph.D. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the prize “for the development of a method for genome editing.”

2-Oct-2020 10:00 AM EDT
A hydrogel that could help repair damaged nerves
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers have developed a stretchable conductive hydrogel that could someday be used to repair peripheral nerves when there’s damage. They report their results in ACS Nano.

25-Sep-2020 10:05 AM EDT
How a toxic chromium species could form in drinking water
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS’ Environmental Science & Technology have investigated how hexavalent chromium, known as Cr(VI), can form in drinking water when corroded cast iron pipes interact with residual disinfectant.

25-Sep-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Small molecule targets SARS-CoV-2 RNA for destruction
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have identified small molecules that target a structure within the RNA genome of SARS-CoV-2, interfering with viral gene expression and targeting the RNA for destruction.

18-Sep-2020 10:00 AM EDT
Glycans in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein play active role in infection
American Chemical Society (ACS)

As researchers try to develop therapies/vaccines to combat SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus spike protein is a major focus since it can bind to cells. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have uncovered an active role for glycans in this process, suggesting targets for vaccines and therapies.

