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Released: 18-Mar-2010 3:00 PM EDT
Rare Hawaiian Monk Seal Brought to UCSC's Long Marine Lab for Study and Treatment
University of California, Santa Cruz

A young Hawaiian monk seal is providing researchers at UC Santa Cruz a rare opportunity to study the physiology of this critically endangered species.

2-Nov-2009 11:55 AM EST
Scientists Propose a "Genome Zoo" of 10,000 Vertebrate Species
University of California, Santa Cruz

In the most comprehensive study of animal evolution ever attempted, an international consortium of scientists plans to assemble a genomic zoo--a collection of DNA sequences for 10,000 vertebrate species, approximately one for every vertebrate genus.

Released: 5-Aug-2009 2:00 PM EDT
Astrophysicist Creates Award for Top Mexican Physics Student
University of California, Santa Cruz

One of the top physics students in Mexico is spending this summer studying astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz as the first winner of the John Bahcall Award, established by UCSC astrophysicist Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz to honor his mentor.

Released: 3-Apr-2009 1:00 PM EDT
Cancer Genomics Browser Gives Cancer Researchers a Powerful New Tool
University of California, Santa Cruz

A Cancer Genomics Browser developed by researchers at UC Santa Cruz provides a new way to visualize and analyze data from studies aimed at improving cancer treatment by unraveling the complex genetic roots of the disease.

9-Jan-2009 11:50 AM EST
Study Suggests Ways to Avoid Slaughter of Yellowstone Bison
University of California, Santa Cruz

Last winter, government agencies killed one third of Yellowstone National Park's bison herd due to concerns about the possible spread of a livestock disease to cattle that graze in areas around the park. Such drastic measures may be unnecessary, however, according to researchers who have assessed the risk of disease transmission from Yellowstone bison to cattle.

Released: 25-Sep-2008 6:40 PM EDT
Settlement Provides $457,000 in Financial Aid for Students in UC Santa Cruz's Computer Game Design Major
University of California, Santa Cruz

Students at UC Santa Cruz majoring in computer game design--an interdisciplinary program that provides a rigorous background in the technical, artistic, and narrative elements of creating interactive computer games--are the lucky beneficiaries of a settlement reached in a class action lawsuit involving video gaming employees at Sony.

Released: 22-Aug-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Election Experts Available to Provide Commentary and Analysis
University of California, Santa Cruz

From polling and party politics to taxes and global warming, the following experts at the University of California, Santa Cruz, are available to discuss the hot topics this election season.

Released: 22-May-2008 4:20 PM EDT
Peregrine Falcon Webcams Draw Crowds Online
University of California, Santa Cruz

Wildlife biologist Glenn Stewart is both pleased and amused at the huge popularity of the webcams he has set up to allow people to watch peregrine falcons in action.

Released: 14-Jan-2008 3:10 PM EST
Humanities Professor Investigates the Extraordinary Power of Insults
University of California, Santa Cruz

What kind of injury is an insult? What is its role in social and legal life? In his new book, Sticks and Stones: The Philosophy of Insults, Humanities Professor Jerome Neu examines how notions of insult shape our beliefs about character, honor, free speech, social interaction, and law.

Released: 15-Nov-2007 6:00 PM EST
Nations Embracing Jury System as Part of 'Wave of Judicial Reform'
University of California, Santa Cruz

Countries around the world are embracing the jury system in a wave of judicial reform that is democratizing jurisprudence in nations as diverse as South Korea, Mexico, and Japan, according to UC Santa Cruz jury expert Hiroshi Fukurai.

Released: 13-Nov-2007 2:50 PM EST
Environmental Protection Can't be Bought, Says Author of Shopping Our Way to Safety
University of California, Santa Cruz

Like a marketer's dream come true, Americans have responded to environmental hazards by shopping, as if buying bottled water and organic vegetables will protect them and their loved ones, but "buying green" offers little real defense, says sociologist Andrew Szasz.

Released: 2-Oct-2007 5:35 PM EDT
Survey of Distant Universe Releases Images on Google Sky
University of California, Santa Cruz

A massive project to map a distant region of the Universe in multiple wavelengths--from x-rays through ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio waves--is releasing its data this week to both fellow scientists and the general public. It is the first data release from the AEGIS survey and the first release of multiwavelength data to take advantage of the capabilities of Google Sky.

Released: 3-Aug-2007 1:45 PM EDT
New Program Color-codes Text in Wikipedia Entries to Indicate Trustworthiness
University of California, Santa Cruz

The online reference site Wikipedia enjoys immense popularity despite nagging doubts about the reliability of entries written by its all-volunteer team. A new program developed at the University of California, Santa Cruz, aims to help with the problem by color-coding an entry's individual phrases based on contributors' past performance.

16-May-2007 2:30 PM EDT
Scientists Reconstruct Prehistoric Behavior of Fur Seals
University of California, Santa Cruz

A team of researchers has documented major changes in the behavior, ecology, and geographic range of the northern fur seal over the past 1,500 years using a combination of techniques from archaeology, biochemistry, and ecology. Among their findings is evidence of reproductive behavior in the past that is not seen in modern populations of northern fur seals.

Released: 7-May-2007 2:40 PM EDT
UCSC Receives $157,000 to Support Open Archive of Congressional Proceedings
University of California, Santa Cruz

The University of California, Santa Cruz, received $157,000 from the Sunlight Foundation to support an online, open-source archive of U.S. House and Senate proceedings created by two graduate students--part of grants totaling $267,000 the foundation has distributed to advance transparency and openness in Congress.

Released: 7-Mar-2007 4:10 PM EST
HP Joins UC Santa Cruz and NASA in Collaborative Venture
University of California, Santa Cruz

HP has joined UC Santa Cruz and NASA in a new venture focused on developing revolutionary science breakthroughs in the coming decades. As the first industry affiliate of the Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute (BIN-RDI), a collaborative venture led by UCSC at its Silicon Valley Center, HP will play a key role in establishing the institute's policies and priorities.

Released: 13-Oct-2006 9:00 AM EDT
New Book Explores Culture’s Fascination with Body Modifications
University of California, Santa Cruz

Tattooing"¦piercing"¦anorexia"¦self-cutting"¦plastic surgery"¦body-building"¦the use of life extension technologies: A new book coedited by UC Santa Cruz professors explores our fascination with altering our bodies, offering a fresh perspective on the widespread and dramatic changes that have taken place over the past two decades in attitudes about the body.

Released: 8-Sep-2006 9:00 AM EDT
Grad Students Develop New Curriculum for U.S. History
University of California, Santa Cruz

Graduate students in history at UC Santa Cruz have developed a new globalized model curriculum for college-level survey courses in U.S. history. Under the direction of UC Santa Cruz history professor and UC Presidential Chair Edmund Burke III, four UCSC graduate students recently introduced the new curriculum through a panel titled "Globalizing the U.S. History Survey" presented at the 15th annual summer conference of the World History Association in Long Beach.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 5:10 PM EDT
Physics Encounters Consciousness in a New Book, Quantum Enigma
University of California, Santa Cruz

Quantum mechanics, one of the most successful theories in all of science, says some strange things about the fundamental nature of the world. In a new book, Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness, physicists Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner present a clear exposition and entertaining discussion of the baffling mysteries of quantum physics.

Released: 10-Jul-2006 2:10 PM EDT
New Major in Computer Game Design
University of California, Santa Cruz

The University of California, Santa Cruz, has approved a new major in computer game design, the first of its kind in the UC system. The new major, leading to a B.S. degree, provides students with a rigorous background in the technical, artistic, and narrative elements of creating interactive computer games.
