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Released: 12-Mar-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Staying in the Loop: How Superconductors Are Helping Computers “Remember”
University of California San Diego

To advance neuromorphic computing, some researchers are looking at analog improvements--advancing not just software, but hardware too. Research from the UC San Diego and UC Riverside shows a promising new way to store and transmit information using disordered superconducting loops.

Released: 12-Mar-2024 8:00 AM EDT
You Didn’t See It Coming: the Spontaneous Nature of Turbulence
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego Professor of Physics Nigel Goldenfeld has shown in theoretical models of turbulence that even molecular motions can create large-scale patterns of randomness over a defined period of time.

Released: 11-Mar-2024 8:05 PM EDT
How do neural networks learn? A mathematical formula explains how they detect relevant patterns
University of California San Diego

Researchers found that a formula used in statistical analysis provides a streamlined mathematical description of how neural networks, such as GPT-2, a precursor to ChatGPT, learn relevant patterns in data, known as features. This formula also explains how neural networks use these relevant patterns to make predictions. The team presented their findings in the March 7 issue of the journal Science.

Newswise: “Molecular Rosetta Stone” Reveals How our Microbiome Talks to Us
Released: 11-Mar-2024 8:10 AM EDT
“Molecular Rosetta Stone” Reveals How our Microbiome Talks to Us
University of California San Diego

Researchers from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science at the University of California San Diego have uncovered thousands of previously unknown bile acids, a type of molecule used by our gut microbiome to communicate with the rest of the body.

Newswise: The Health Impacts of Migrating by Sea
Released: 7-Mar-2024 11:15 PM EST
The Health Impacts of Migrating by Sea
University of California San Diego

A new study of migrant drowning deaths in the Pacific Ocean lays the groundwork for future research.

Newswise: New Deep-Sea Worm Discovered at Methane Seep off Costa Rica
29-Feb-2024 5:05 PM EST
New Deep-Sea Worm Discovered at Methane Seep off Costa Rica
University of California San Diego

Greg Rouse, a marine biologist at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and other researchers have discovered a new species of deep-sea worm living near a methane seep some 50 kilometers (30 miles) off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Rouse, curator of the Scripps Benthic Invertebrate Collection, co-authored a study describing the new species in the journal PLOS ONE that was published on March 6.

Newswise: This Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage to the Right Ventricle of the Heart
29-Feb-2024 7:00 AM EST
This Injectable Hydrogel Mitigates Damage to the Right Ventricle of the Heart
University of California San Diego

An injectable hydrogel can mitigate damage to the right ventricle of the heart with chronic pressure overload, according to a new study published March 6 in Journals of the American College of Cardiology: Basic to Translational Science.  The study, by a research team from the University of California San Diego, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, was conducted in rodents.

Newswise: UCSD-JSoE-20240221-Lui_Ping-sulfur_healable_cathode-02262-1200x628.jpg
5-Mar-2024 8:05 PM EST
Healable Cathode Could Unlock Potential of Solid-state Lithium-sulfur Batteries
University of California San Diego

UC San Diego engineers developed a cathode material for lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries that is healable and highly conductive, overcoming longstanding challenges of traditional sulfur cathodes. The advance holds promise for bringing more energy dense and low-cost Li-S batteries closer to market.

Newswise: Working Towards Toxic-Free AI
Released: 4-Mar-2024 8:00 AM EST
Working Towards Toxic-Free AI
University of California San Diego

Unlike existing work, which relies on training data from social media examples, a new benchmark, named ToxicChat, is based on examples gathered from real-world interactions between users and an AI-powered chatbot. ToxicChat is able to weed out queries that use seemingly harmless language but are actually harmful, which would pass muster with most current models.

Released: 29-Feb-2024 10:40 AM EST
When Planning Sustainable Energy Systems, Don’t Forget About People
University of California San Diego

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) shows that models commonly used to shape climate mitigation need to include human behaviors and rules—and shows models can be adapted to do so

Newswise: Sedentary Behavior Increases Mortality Risk
Released: 28-Feb-2024 10:00 PM EST
Sedentary Behavior Increases Mortality Risk
University of California San Diego

According to new research from UC San Diego, sitting for long hours without breaks increases risk of death.

Newswise: ‘Gene of Prejudice’ Demystifies Autism
Released: 28-Feb-2024 4:00 PM EST
‘Gene of Prejudice’ Demystifies Autism
University of California San Diego

Individuals with Williams syndrome have a gregarious “cocktail party” personality, while those with the opposite genetic alteration, in contrast, tend to have autistic traits and are prone to struggle socially. Research from UC San Diego sheds new light on the gene responsible.

Released: 27-Feb-2024 8:05 PM EST
Five Cutting-edge Advances in Biomedical Engineering and Their Applications in Medicine
University of California San Diego

Bridging precision engineering and precision medicine to create personalized physiology avatars. Pursuing on-demand tissue and organ engineering for human health. Revolutionizing neuroscience by using AI to engineer advanced brain interface systems. Engineering the immune system for health and wellness. Designing and engineering genomes for organism repurposing and genomic perturbations.

Released: 27-Feb-2024 11:15 AM EST
Having Self-Control Leads to Power
University of California San Diego

New research from the UC San Diego Rady School of Management and Texas A&M University finds that having self-control is often what leads to power.

Newswise: What Will It Take for China to Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2060?
23-Feb-2024 5:05 PM EST
What Will It Take for China to Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2060?
University of California San Diego

To become carbon neutral by 2060, as mandated by President Xi Jinping, China will have to build eight to 10 times more wind and solar power installations than currently exist in the country. Reaching carbon neutrality will also require major construction of transmission lines.

Newswise: Muscle as a Heart-Health Predictor
Released: 21-Feb-2024 2:05 PM EST
Muscle as a Heart-Health Predictor
University of California San Diego

Study shows greater muscle area in men leads increased risk of heart disease; it’s different for muscle density.

Newswise: Detecting Pathogens--and Sepsis--Faster and More Accurately by Melting DNA
20-Feb-2024 9:05 PM EST
Detecting Pathogens--and Sepsis--Faster and More Accurately by Melting DNA
University of California San Diego

A new analysis method can detect pathogens in blood samples faster and more accurately than blood cultures, which are the current state of the art for infection diagnosis. The new method, called digital DNA melting analysis, can produce results in under six hours, whereas culture typically requires 15 hours to several days, depending on the pathogen.

Newswise: These Tiny Power Converters Run on Vibrational Energy
Released: 20-Feb-2024 5:05 PM EST
These Tiny Power Converters Run on Vibrational Energy
University of California San Diego

Scientists at the University of California San Diego and CEA-Leti have developed a ground-breaking piezoelectric-based DC-DC converter that unifies all power switches onto a single chip to increase power density. This new power topology, which extends beyond existing topologies, blends the advantages of piezoelectric converters with capacitive-based DC-DC converters.

Newswise: Researchers Uncover Mechanisms behind Enigmatic Shapes of Nuclei
13-Feb-2024 11:00 AM EST
Researchers Uncover Mechanisms behind Enigmatic Shapes of Nuclei
University of California San Diego

White blood cells known as neutrophils feature a nucleus that is structured strikingly different than most nuclei. These unique shapes permit neutrophils to travel all over the body to combat invading pathogens.

Newswise: Type 2 Diabetes Alters the Behavior of Discs in the Vertebral Column
Released: 13-Feb-2024 8:00 AM EST
Type 2 Diabetes Alters the Behavior of Discs in the Vertebral Column
University of California San Diego

Type 2 diabetes alters the behavior of discs in the vertebral column, making them stiffer, and also causes the discs to change shape earlier than normal.
