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Released: 24-Jul-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Report: Vulnerable Populations Disproportionately Affected by Food Security, Despite Public Programs
RTI International

Vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, ethnic minorities, and low-income households are disproportionately affected by food security, despite the extensive private and public food safety net in the United States, according to a new report by RTI International.

Released: 14-Jul-2014 2:00 PM EDT
Research Brief: Nutritional Education Can Improve Food Choices of Low-Income Americans Across Life Span
RTI International

The nutrition of low-income Americans can be improved across the life span through participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed), according to a new research brief published by RTI Press.

Released: 8-Jul-2014 9:25 AM EDT
Kansas Adults with Mental Illness Twice as Likely to Use Tobacco
RTI International

Kansas adults with mental illness are twice as likely to use tobacco as adults without mental illness, according to a new report by RTI International and funded by the Kansas Health Foundation.

Released: 26-Jun-2014 12:00 AM EDT
Nutrition Education Program Improves Preschoolers’ at-Home Consumption of Vegetables, Low-Fat/Fat-Free Milk
RTI International

A nutrition education program in low-income child care centers can improve a child’s at-home consumption of vegetables and low-fat/fat-free milk, according to a study by researchers from RTI International, Altarum Institute, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

29-May-2014 5:00 PM EDT
E-Cigarette TV Ads Targeting Youth Increased 256 Percent in Past Two Years
RTI International

In the absence of the kind of federal regulations that apply to tobacco cigarettes, television advertising for e-cigarettes has increased two-fold for youth and three-fold for young adults in the U.S. in the past two years, according to a study by researchers at RTI International and the Florida Department of Health.

Released: 29-May-2014 2:45 PM EDT
Global Health Research Efforts, Robust Disease Registries Needed to Address Kidney Disease of Unknown Origin
RTI International

An important and mysterious global public health concern is unfolding around chronic kidney disease of unknown origin.

Released: 29-Apr-2014 10:00 AM EDT
Electronic Cigarettes May Cause, Worsen Respiratory Diseases, Among Youth
RTI International

Electronic cigarette “vapors” are made of small particles containing chemicals that may cause or worsen acute respiratory diseases, including asthma and bronchitis, among youth, according to a new study by RTI International.

Released: 7-Apr-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Community-Living Seniors with Dementia Are More Likely to Be Hospitalized Than Those Without Dementia; Little Difference Found Among Nursing Home Residents
RTI International

Seniors living in the community who have dementia are more likely to be hospitalized and visit the emergency department than those who do not have dementia, according to a new study by researchers at RTI International.

Released: 4-Apr-2014 10:30 AM EDT
E-Cigarette Advertising Expenditures Tripled From 2011 to 2012, Study Finds
RTI International

Electronic cigarette advertising expenditures tripled in the United States from $6.4 million in 2011 to $18.3 million in 2012, according to a study by RTI International.

Released: 31-Mar-2014 12:30 PM EDT
Study: MOOCs Viewed Positively by Employers for Hiring, Training
RTI International

Many employers are still unfamiliar with massive open online courses, called MOOCs, but once they learned about them, they generally viewed them positively for recruiting, hiring and training employees, according to a new study by researchers at Duke University and RTI International.

Released: 20-Mar-2014 5:00 PM EDT
Policies Banning Tobacco Displays May Deter Adult Smoking; A Graphic Health Warning Sign at Pos Might Not
RTI International

Polices that ban tobacco product displays at point of sale may reduce adults smoking by deterring purchases, though a single graphic health warning sign at the POS may not, according to a study by researchers at RTI International and Tarheel Technologies.

Released: 10-Mar-2014 12:00 PM EDT
Canadian Public Investment in Medical Imaging R&D Pays Off, Study Finds
RTI International

Public investment in university-based medical imaging research results in better quality of life and a significant return on investment, according to a study conducted by RTI International.

Released: 5-Mar-2014 1:00 PM EST
RTI International Launches Global Gender Center to Address Gender Inequities
RTI International

RTI International has formed the RTI Global Gender Center to address gender inequities and disparities worldwide.

Released: 4-Mar-2014 9:00 AM EST
Advertisements Telling Smokers “Why” to Quit More Successful Than “How” Messages
RTI International

Brief exposure to anti-smoking television ads with messages about why to quit smoking can influence a smoker to quit within a month, while ads about how to quit smoking do not influence smoking behaviors, according to new research by RTI International.

Released: 7-Jan-2014 3:00 PM EST
Tubes, Adenoidectomy Reduce Fluid in the Middle Ear, Improve Hearing in the Short Term, but Long-Term Effects Unknown
RTI International

Implanting tubes in the ears of children who have persistent or recurrent episodes of otitis media with effusion (OME) improves hearing over a short period (up to 9 months post surgery), but this procedure is less likely to improve hearing, speech, language, or other functional outcomes over periods longer than that, according to results of a systematic review by the RTI-University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center.

Released: 12-Dec-2013 9:00 AM EST
New Initiative to Modernize Voter Registration Working Well
RTI International

The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a nonprofit group, improved voter registration and the accuracy of voter files in the seven participating states, according to a new report by RTI International.

Released: 9-Dec-2013 9:00 AM EST
Study: Strong Nutrition Education Can Lead to Healthier Food Choices Among Low-Income Families
RTI International

Well-designed nutrition education programs can lead to healthier food choices among low-income families who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), according to a study conducted by Altarum Institute and RTI International.
