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Newswise:Video Embedded live-press-conference-for-may-22-health-disparities-in-pulmonary-medicine
Released: 23-May-2023 7:00 AM EDT
VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE: Health Disparities in Pulmonary Medicine Live from the American Thoracic Society 2023 Annual Meeting

Are marginalized groups slipping through the cracks when it comes to lung cancer prevention? Pulmonologists looked into this question and will present their conclusions and recommendations in a live-stream Q&A direct from the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 19-May-2023 1:10 PM EDT
Experts Available on Race-Based Risk for Lung Cancer

Are marginalized groups slipping through the cracks when it comes to lung cancer prevention? Pulmonologists looked into this question and will present their conclusions and recommendations in a live-stream Q&A direct from the annual meeting of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 16-May-2023 2:00 PM EDT
May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Keep up with the latest news on skin in the Dermatology channel

Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the United States, with over 5 million cases diagnosed annually. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that melanoma alone accounts for more than 8,000 deaths each year. Thankfully, skin cancer is highly preventable, making it crucial to prioritize protection. Below are some of the latest headlines in the Dermatology channel.

Released: 12-May-2023 3:30 PM EDT
Immigration Nation: Research and Experts

Title 42, the United States pandemic rule that had been used to immediately deport hundreds of thousands of migrants who crossed the border illegally over the last three years, has expired. Those migrants will have the opportunity to apply for asylum. President Biden's new rules to replace Title 42 are facing legal challenges. Border crossings have already risen sharply, as many migrants attempt to cross before the measure expires on Thursday night. Some have said they worry about tighter controls and uncertainty ahead. Immigration is once again a major focus of the media as we examine the humanitarian, political, and public health issues migrants must go through.

9-May-2023 3:05 PM EDT
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Get your mental health news here

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Get your mental health news here.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-may-3-study-of-rebyota-fecal-microbiota-on-patients-with-c-diff-infection
Released: 5-May-2023 10:25 AM EDT
Video and transcript: Study of fecal microbiota on patients with C. diff infection

The researcher discusses the findings in a new study on the efficacy and safety of fecal microbiota (REBYOTA™), the first microbiota-based live biotherapeutic approved by the US FDA used to prevent recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection in adults.

Released: 2-May-2023 2:30 PM EDT
Climate change affecting allergies, and other allergy news

For millions of Americans that suffer from seasonal allergies (pollen and mold), climate change is exacerbating an earlier, longer, and overall worse allergy season.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-april-26-fake-news-effect-on-media-relations
Released: 27-Apr-2023 4:30 PM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE: Live Event for April 26: Misinformation and Media Relations

We are forming a panel to discuss misinformation and how it affects media relations. For the last two years, we have been looking at how Newswise can tackle issues around spreading and consuming fake news.

Newswise:Video Embedded live-event-for-april-21-sleeping-pill-reduces-levels-of-alzheimer-s-proteins
Released: 21-Apr-2023 3:10 PM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE Live Event for April 21: Sleeping pill reduces levels of Alzheimer’s proteins

Researcher will discuss the study which involved a sleeping aid known as suvorexant that is already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for insomnia, hints at the potential of sleep medications to slow or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Newswise:Video Embedded video-available-live-event-for-april-6th-can-pregnant-women-s-covid-infection-cause-brain-injury-in-newborns
4-Apr-2023 11:05 AM EDT
VIDEO AND TRANSCRIPT AVAILABLE: Live Event for April 6th: Can pregnant women’s COVID infection cause brain injury in newborns?

A group of physicians and scientists with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine are releasing an important study that will be published in the journal Pediatrics on Thursday, showing that COVID-19 can cross into the placenta of pregnant women and cause brain injury in newborns, as evidenced with 2 cases they treated here in Miami. One of the infants also died at about 13 months old. Further testing of the infant’s brain specimen showed that the virus was still present in the brain at the time of death—which was over a year after birth.

Released: 28-Mar-2023 2:20 PM EDT
From the doctor's office to the operating room: Keep up with the latest in healthcare here

From septic shock to sticker shock. Keep up with this ever-growing, changing sector. Below are some of the latest stories on healthcare on Newswise.

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This news release is embargoed until 20-Mar-2023 4:15 PM EDT Released to reporters: 27-Jul-2022 1:40 PM EDT

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Released: 20-Mar-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem. Learn all about it in the Drug Resistance channel.

Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridioides difficile, Candida auris, Drug-resistant Shigella. These bacteria not only have difficult names to pronounce, but they are also difficult to fight off. These bacteria may infect humans and animals, and the infections they cause are harder to treat than those caused by non-resistant bacteria. Antimicrobial resistance is an urgent global public health threat.

Newswise:Video Embedded newswise-live-event-for-march-15-what-can-we-expect-from-ai-and-chatbots-in-the-next-few-years
Released: 16-Mar-2023 10:55 AM EDT
TRANSCRIPT AND VIDEO AVAILABLE: Newswise Live Event: What can we expect from AI and Chatbots in the next few years?

We're thrilled to announce our upcoming expert panel on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on journalism. As a platform for verified news, Newswise often hosts such panels on trending topics. We invite both reporters and the public to join us and interact with our panelists.

Released: 15-Mar-2023 3:45 PM EDT
Don't keep hitting that snooze button! Get the latest research news and expert commentary on sleep here.

It's sleep awareness week, according to the National Sleep Foundation. It’s important to understand how sleep deprivation can impact your health. Most people recognize that if they don’t get enough sleep, their mood and memory will suffer the next day.

Released: 9-Mar-2023 1:30 PM EST
You can't put a price tag on knowledge. Read the latest news on finance and the world economy in the Economics channel

The U.S. economy is on people's minds as the government prepares for a showdown on the deficit and government spending. Find the latest research and expert commentary on money issues here. Below are some of the latest headlines in the Economics channel on Newswise.

