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Newswise: Clever coating turns lampshades into indoor air purifiers
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Clever coating turns lampshades into indoor air purifiers
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Indoor air pollution may have met its match. Scientists have designed lampshades that transform pollutants into harmless compounds. The catalyst-coated lampshades work with halogen and incandescent lamps, and LEDs will be next. The team will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
ACS Fall 2023 media briefing schedule
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Recordings of media briefings will be posted by 10 a.m. Eastern Time on each day. Watch recorded media briefings at:

7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Detecting risk of metastatic prostate cancer in Black men
American Chemical Society (ACS)

To explore prostate cancer disparities, researchers looked to another disorder, diabetes. They conducted a clinical trial and report four biomarkers linked to a higher risk of metastatic prostate cancer in men of West African heritage. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Newswise: Discarded aloe peels could be a sustainable, natural insecticide (video)
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Discarded aloe peels could be a sustainable, natural insecticide (video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

While aloe sap is in high demand, the peels are thrown away as agricultural waste. Now, scientists who have identified several bioactive compounds in extracts from the peels that deter insects report that these peels can act as a natural insecticide. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Newswise: Microgreens and mature veggies differ in nutrients, but both might limit weight gain
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Microgreens and mature veggies differ in nutrients, but both might limit weight gain
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Young vegetables known as microgreens are claimed to be superfoods, but how do they compare to mature veggies? Their nutritional profiles and effects on gut bacteria differ, scientists say, yet tests in mice suggest that both could limit weight gain. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Newswise:Video Embedded treating-back-to-school-ear-infections-without-antibiotic-resistance-video
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Treating back-to-school ear infections without antibiotic resistance (video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

“Back-to-school” season means earaches. Today, a team reports a single-use nanoscale system unlikely to generate resistance. It can kill an ear-infection-causing bacterium in animals with a compound like bleach, and it could someday be used in a gel. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Newswise: Transforming flies into degradable plastics
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Transforming flies into degradable plastics
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Flies are being used as a source of chemicals to make bioplastics. Eventually, that same type of bug might one day biodegrade those plastics once their useful life is over. The researchers will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Newswise: 3D-printed vegan seafood could someday be what’s for dinner (video)
7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
3D-printed vegan seafood could someday be what’s for dinner (video)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

To create desirable and healthful vegan seafood mimics, researchers have 3D-printed an ink made of microalgae protein and mung bean protein. They air-fried their proof-of-concept calamari rings for a tasty, quick snack. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

7-Aug-2023 11:45 PM EDT
Indicator of PFAS found in some — but not all — period products
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Researchers analyzed over 100 period products for fluorinated compounds, an indicator of potentially harmful per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. While PFAS were absent from many products, they might be in others. They will present their results at ACS Fall 2023.

Released: 10-Aug-2023 9:00 AM EDT
ACS Fall 2023 media briefings
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Recorded media briefings from the fall meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), ACS Fall 2023, will be accessible starting on Monday, Aug. 14, by 10 a.m. ET (7 a.m. PT) here:

4-Aug-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Sugars in breastmilk could help treat infections, prevent preterm births
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Certain sugars naturally found in breastmilk could help prevent infections before a baby arrives. Researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have found that these sugars can stop a common prenatal infection in human tissues and pregnant mice.

4-Aug-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Human scent receptors could help ‘sniff out’ nerve gases in new sensor
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Just catching a quick whiff of certain chemicals known as nerve agents can be lethal. Researchers now reporting in ACS Sensors have developed a sensitive and selective nerve gas sensor using these human scent receptors. It reliably detected a substitute for deadly sarin gas in simulated tests.

28-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Mimicking the body’s own defenses to destroy enveloped viruses
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Viruses often mutate or hide themselves within cells. But by mimicking the way the immune system naturally deals with invaders, researchers reporting in ACS Infectious Diseases have developed a “peptoid” antiviral therapy that effectively inactivates three viruses in lab tests.

Released: 19-Jul-2023 5:00 PM EDT
Heroes of Chemistry recognized for advancement in global health and environment
American Chemical Society (ACS)

The American Chemical Society will honor researchers and companies as Heroes of Chemistry for developing products that have led to significant advancements in improving health and the environment.

Newswise: A quick and inexpensive test for osteoporosis risk
14-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
A quick and inexpensive test for osteoporosis risk
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Although early detection of osteoporosis could help physicians intervene as soon as possible, this type of detection is not yet possible with current diagnostic tests. Now researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have developed a biosensor that could help identify those at risk for osteoporosis.

14-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
A vegan way to stop damage from excessive ice build-up and freezer burn
American Chemical Society (ACS)

When thawed, foods damaged by excessive ice lose their texture and become mushy. Now, researchers reporting in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have shown that broken-down soy proteins can prevent ice crystal growth.

14-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
Espresso can prevent Alzheimer’s protein clumping in lab tests
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Coffee might do more than just wake you up. Research now published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows that, in preliminary in vitro laboratory tests, espresso compounds can inhibit tau protein aggregation — a process that is believed to be involved in Alzheimer’s disease.

7-Jul-2023 8:00 AM EDT
A new tactic to take on leprosy
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Though antibiotics can treat leprosy, researchers are concerned about the increase in drug-resistant strains. Now, a team reporting in ACS Central Science has begun to understand the role certain immune receptors play in leprosy, which could lead to new types of treatments for this disease.

