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Released: 1-May-2018 5:00 PM EDT
Kids with Pets, Rural Upbringing Become Stress-Resilient Adults
University of Colorado Boulder

Men who were raised in the country with pets have more stress-resilient immune systems than those raised pet-free in the city, according to a new study released this week in the journal PNAS

Released: 19-Apr-2018 4:05 PM EDT
California's Next Major Earthquake Could Cause $100 Billion in Losses, Strand 20,000 in Elevators
University of Colorado Boulder

Northern California's next big earthquake could kill 800 people and cause more than $100 billion in economic losses. One in four buildings in the San Francisco Bay Area could be unsafe to re-enter after a major earthquake or would be otherwise limited in their usability.

Released: 19-Apr-2018 3:50 PM EDT
Black Hole and Stellar Winds Form Giant Butterfly, Shut Down Star Formation in Galaxy
University of Colorado Boulder

Researchers in the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Science have completed an unprecedented "dissection" of twin galaxies in the final stages of merging.

Released: 16-Apr-2018 4:30 PM EDT
Giving Morphine to Quell Pain After Surgery Can, Paradoxically, Prolong It, Study Shows
University of Colorado Boulder

Giving opioids to rats to quell pain after surgery prolongs pain for more than three weeks and primes specialized immune cells in the spinal cord to be more reactive to pain, according to a new University of Colorado Boulder study

Released: 2-Apr-2018 3:05 PM EDT
Ice-Free Arctic Summers Could Hinge on Small Climate Warming Range
University of Colorado Boulder

A range of less than one degree Fahrenheit (or half a degree Celsius) of climate warming over the next century could make all the difference when it comes to the probability of future ice-free summers in the Arctic.

Released: 29-Mar-2018 5:00 PM EDT
A Pill That Staves Off Aging? It's on the Horizon
University of Colorado Boulder

Nicotinomide riboside (NR) mimics caloric restriction, kick-starting the same pathways responsible for reducing cardiovascular aging.

Released: 27-Mar-2018 4:45 PM EDT
Future Electric Cars Could Recharge Wirelessly While You Drive
University of Colorado Boulder

Electric vehicles may one day be able to recharge while driving down the highway, drawing wireless power directly from plates installed in the road that would make it possible to drive hundreds—if not thousands—of miles without having to plug in.

Released: 23-Mar-2018 3:30 PM EDT
Rain or Snow? Humidity, Location Can Make All the Difference
University of Colorado Boulder

A new map of the Northern Hemisphere shows how and why different areas receive snow or rain at near-freezing temperatures.

Released: 21-Mar-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Twitter Users Unaware Their Data Can Be Used for Science
University of Colorado Boulder

A new CU Boulder study found that two-thirds of Twitter users are unaware their data can be used for science. Many think this would be against their terms of service agreement. It's not.

Released: 15-Mar-2018 3:15 PM EDT
How Cash Can Promote Tropical Forest Conservation
University of Colorado Boulder

Paying rural villagers to cut down fewer trees boosts conservation not only while the payments are being made but even after they’re discontinued, according to a new CU Boulder study.

Released: 14-Mar-2018 1:05 PM EDT
Shoebox-Sized Cube Satellite to Study Earth's Inner Radiation Belt
University of Colorado Boulder

A NASA-funded cube satellite built and operated by CU Boulder researchers will study the inner radiation belt of Earth’s magnetosphere, providing new insight into the energetic particles that can disrupt satellites and threaten spacewalking astronauts.

Released: 6-Mar-2018 5:05 AM EST
Bright Nighttime Light Kills Melatonin Production in Preschoolers
University of Colorado Boulder

A new CU Boulder study shows that one hour of bright light at night nearly eliminates melatonin production in young children and keeps it suppressed an hour after light's out. Structural differences may make children's immature eyes more vulnerable to body clock disruption from light.

Released: 1-Mar-2018 5:05 PM EST
Hold Hands to Ease a Lover’s Pain and Your Brains Couple Up Too, New Study Shows
University of Colorado Boulder

Reach for the hand of a loved one in pain and not only will your breathing and heart rate synchronize with theirs, your brain wave patterns will couple up.

Released: 22-Feb-2018 5:05 PM EST
Drier Conditions Could Doom Colorado Spruce and Fir Trees
University of Colorado Boulder

Drier summers and a decline in average snowpack over the past 40 years have severely hampered the establishment of spruce and fir trees in Colorado's Front Range.

Released: 22-Feb-2018 10:05 AM EST
Drier Conditions Could Doom Colorado Spruce and Fir Trees
University of Colorado Boulder

Drier summers and a decline in average snowpack over the past 40 years have severely hampered the establishment of two foundational tree species in subalpine regions of Colorado’s Front Range, suggesting that climate warming is already taking a toll on forest health in some areas of the southern Rocky Mountains.

Released: 21-Feb-2018 3:05 PM EST
Climate Warming Causes Local Extinction of Rocky Mountain Wildflower Species
University of Colorado Boulder

New University of Colorado Boulder-led research has established a causal link between climate warming and the localized extinction of a common Rocky Mountain flowering plant, a result that could serve as a herald of future population declines.

20-Feb-2018 4:05 PM EST
Climate Warming Causes Local Extinction of Rocky Mountain Wildflower Species
University of Colorado Boulder

New University of Colorado Boulder-led research has established a causal link between climate warming and the localized extinction of a common Rocky Mountain flowering plant, a result that could serve as a herald of future population declines.

Released: 16-Feb-2018 3:20 PM EST
Consumer and Industrial Products Now a Dominant Urban Air Pollution Source
University of Colorado Boulder

Household cleaners, pesticides, paints and perfumes, now rival motor vehicle emissions as the top source of urban air pollution, according to a surprising NOAA-led study by researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and other institutions.
