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Released: 5-Nov-2006 11:10 AM EST
'Blogwars' Examines Growing Impact Blogs Have on Campaign Ads, Fundraising
University of Kansas

Upcoming book to examine effect of blogs on 2006 election and what to expect in 2008 election.

Released: 26-Oct-2006 4:55 PM EDT
No Birds, Just Bees: Genome Sequencing Project Reveals Honeybee Family Trees
University of Kansas

North American beekeepers love to have pedigreed bees, but the research now shows mixed ancestry. The sequencing indicates bees originated in Africa and spread from there to Europe, the Mideast and Asia Minor.

Released: 15-Oct-2006 12:05 PM EDT
Encyclopedia of Privacy Traces History, Defines Terms of Treasured American Principle
University of Kansas

The new Encyclopedia of Privacy takes a comprehensive look at the issue of privacy in the United States today and throughout history.

Released: 6-Sep-2006 3:45 PM EDT
Booming Monarch Butterfly Population Faces Obstacles, Expert Says
University of Kansas

This year's population is probably the biggest Monarch watchers have seen in 10 years, but extreme temperatures in Texas and Oklahoma pose dangers.

Released: 5-Jun-2006 1:40 PM EDT
Chemists Offer Promising Approach to Improve Cancer Chemotherapy
University of Kansas

The approach could allow cancer patients to tolerate higher and more effective doses of chemotherapy before normal cells are damaged to an extent that causes serious side effects and cessation of therapy.

Released: 13-Mar-2006 12:00 AM EST
Man-Made Ponds Have Dramatically Changed Landscape
University of Kansas

Man-made ponds in the U.S. have dramatically changed drainage patterns, collecting up to quarter of all run-off sedimentation that would have otherwise been deposited in river valleys and deltas.

Released: 3-Mar-2006 6:00 AM EST
Parents Sold Higher-Fee State College Savings Plans
University of Kansas

Researchers found that the state 529 college savings plans with the higher fees had attracted more accounts and assets. The plans were so complicated that brokers, when asked to recommend plans, were selling higher fee plans to parents. States are now lowering fees and the SEC is investigating.

Released: 15-Feb-2006 4:20 PM EST
Youth in Crisis Kick Off 'Bench by Road' Initiative to Honor Toni Morrison
University of Kansas

The Toni Morrison Society will present Morrison with an inaugural "bench by the road," as part of a new community outreach initiative. Ten signature benches are projected, each commemorating sites important in African American history and in Morrison's novels, the first from Kansas.

Released: 18-Jan-2006 7:55 PM EST
Sing Sing: Music Teacher, Researcher Sees Promise in Prison Choirs
University of Kansas

Prison choir director says the experience of learning to sing, following the discipline of rehearsals and learning to perform in harmony teaches many inmates to work in a community, an experience they may not have had before prison.

Released: 20-Oct-2005 12:35 PM EDT
Weight Loss by Telephone Can Work, Obesity Researcher Finds
University of Kansas

Study shows great promise for a weight-loss program that conducts patient counseling by telephone, compared to face-to-face counseling.

Released: 10-Aug-2005 1:50 PM EDT
Instructional Coaches Mentor Teachers, Improve Student Achievement
University of Kansas

Instructional coaches (ICs) partner with and guide the regular classroom teachers, helping them to identify and use the best teaching practices available based on research.

Released: 21-Jun-2005 10:55 AM EDT
Researchers Seek Non-hormonal Birth Control Pill for Men
University of Kansas

Researchers hope to identify chemical compounds that can be turned into safe, effective and reversible male contraceptives without using hormones.

12-Feb-2005 9:00 AM EST
Discovery Could Change Dates for Human Arrival on the Great Plains
University of Kansas

Dated by carbon-14 methods at 12,200 years old, recently discovered bones could be the oldest evidence of human occupation in Kansas, and they may be the oldest evidence of humans on the Great Plains.

Released: 23-Nov-2004 11:50 AM EST
Disaster Plans Lacking for People with Disabilities
University of Kansas

Researchers investigating 30 random communities across the nation found only 40 percent of emergency managers had specific guidelines in place to assist people with mobility impairments during emergencies.

23-Sep-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Glacier Thinning More Rapidly, Contributing to Faster Rise in Sea Level
University of Kansas

Glaciers in western Antarctica seem to be thinning more rapidly than in the 1990s, and the resulting flow of ice into the Amundsen Sea is contributing to a faster rise in the world's sea level.

Released: 23-Sep-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Cholesterol Medicine Breaks Down Prescription Drugs
University of Kansas

New research shows that a cholesterol-lowering herbal drug also produces an unwanted side effect: It accelerates the breakdown of prescription drugs that fight the effects of AIDS and cancer.

Released: 15-Sep-2004 11:20 AM EDT
High-tech Pacifier Being Tested in Hospitals May Help Preemies
University of Kansas

A new high-tech pacifier being developed to train premature babies to suck properly may allow them to leave intensive care units earlier. It also may reduce the incidence or severity of certain developmental disabilities that appear in early childhood and beyond as well as possibly boost IQ.

Released: 10-Sep-2004 11:20 AM EDT
Unusual Molecule Helps Reduce Greenhouse Gas
University of Kansas

Reseachers have discovered the crucial role an unusual molecule plays in helping bacterial enzymes break down methane. The molecule also has antibiotic properties and even potential use as a water-cleaning agent for the semiconductor industry.

Released: 14-Jul-2004 6:30 AM EDT
Kerry's Poet Langston Hughes: This Year's Comeback Kid
University of Kansas

Sen. John Kerry frequently quotes poems by Langston Hughes, notably his highly critical 'Let America Be America,' sparking renewed interest in the visionary African-American poet.

Released: 2-Mar-2004 4:40 PM EST
Conference Honors 1954 Landmark School Desegregation Case
University of Kansas

National civil rights leaders, educators, lawyers, and journalists, along with descendants of the 1954 Brown v Topeka Board of case, will gather this month to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the decision that declared segregation of public schools unconstitutional.
