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Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Names Sucheta Joshi, MD, MS, FAAP, FAES as Incoming Medical Director of Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
Released: 29-Jun-2023 6:00 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Names Sucheta Joshi, MD, MS, FAAP, FAES as Incoming Medical Director of Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Sucheta Joshi, MD, MS, FAAP, FAES, has been named as incoming Medical Director of the Neurological Institute Comprehensive Epilepsy Program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: Still the Best Pediatric Care in California and the West Coast
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:05 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: Still the Best Pediatric Care in California and the West Coast
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

For the 15th straight year, CHLA has been named to U.S. News’ prestigious Honor Roll of Best Children’s Hospitals. CHLA is again the No. 1 children’s hospital in California, No. 1 in the survey’s Pacific U.S. region—comprising Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington—and has risen to No. 7 nationwide in this industry standard of leading destinations for pediatric care. CHLA also ranked nationally in all 10 pediatric subspecialties assessed, including ranking No. 2 nationally for Orthopedics, No. 3 for Cancer and No. 5 for Gastroenterology & GI Surgery.

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: מחלקת רפואת הילדים 
הטובה ביותר בקליפורניה ובאזור הפאסיפי של ארצות הברית.
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:05 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: מחלקת רפואת הילדים הטובה ביותר בקליפורניה ובאזור הפאסיפי של ארצות הברית.
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA הוא שוב המס' 1 בבית החולים לילדים במדינת הבית שלו בלוס אנג'לס ובאזור הפאסיפי של ארצות הברית - אזור שכולל את כל המדינות לאורך החוף המערבי, כולל הוואי. CHLA טיפס גם למס' 7 בסך הכל בפריסה ארצית ברשימת הכבוד של בתי החולים הטובים ביותר לילדיםהשנה, תקן הזהב של היעדים המובילים לטיפול בילדים, והוא מדורג ארצית בכל 10 תת-ההתמחויות לרפואת ילדים שהוערכו - כולל מס' 2 בארצות הברית עבור אורתופדיה, מס' 3 עבור סרטן ומס' 5 בגסטרואנטרולוגיה וכירורגיה של מערכת העיכול

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles:美国加州和太平洋地区最佳的儿科医疗机构 《新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report) 将 CHLA 和美国第二大骨科医院和第三大癌症护理医院并列为全国顶级儿童医院
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:05 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles:美国加州和太平洋地区最佳的儿科医疗机构 《新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report) 将 CHLA 和美国第二大骨科医院和第三大癌症护理医院并列为全国顶级儿童医院
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA 再次在其家乡加利福尼亚州和美国太平洋地区(该地区包括西海岸的所有州,如夏威夷)荣登最优秀儿童医院之列。此外,CHLA 在今年的全国最佳儿童医院荣誉榜也上升到第 7 位,该榜单是衡量儿科护理领先目的地的黄金标准,CHLA 在所有 10 个儿科亚专科的全国排名都名列前茅 — 包括美国骨科排名第二,癌症科排名第三,胃肠外科排名第五。

Newswise: Children's Hospital Los Angeles: La Mejor Atención Pediátrica

en California y la Región del Pacífico de los EE.UU.
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:05 AM EDT
Children's Hospital Los Angeles: La Mejor Atención Pediátrica en California y la Región del Pacífico de los EE.UU.
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA vuelve a ser el hospital pediátrico Nro. 1 en su estado natal de California y en el Pacífico de los Estados Unidos, una región que incluye todos los estados a lo largo de la Costa Oeste, incluido Hawái. CHLA también ascendió al Nro. 7 en general a nivel nacional en el Cuadro de Honor de los Mejores Hospitales Infantiles de este año, el estándar de oro de los principales destinos para la atención pediátrica, y está clasificado a nivel nacional en las 10 subespecialidades pediátricas evaluadas, incluido el Nro. 2 en los EE. UU. en ortopedia, Nro. 3 en cáncer y Nro. 5 en gastroenterología y cirugía GI.

Newswise: مستشفى Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: صنف التقرير الصادر عن U.S. News & World Report مستشفى CHLA كأفضل رعاية أطفال في كاليفورنيا ومنطقة المحيط الهادي بالولايات المتحدة بين أفضل مستشفيات الأطفال الوطنية، بما في ذلك تصنيفها رقم 2 في الولايات المتحدة
Released: 21-Jun-2023 12:05 AM EDT
مستشفى Children’s Hospital Los Angeles: صنف التقرير الصادر عن U.S. News & World Report مستشفى CHLA كأفضل رعاية أطفال في كاليفورنيا ومنطقة المحيط الهادي بالولايات المتحدة بين أفضل مستشفيات الأطفال الوطنية، بما في ذلك تصنيفها رقم 2 في الولايات المتحدة
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

ومرة أخرى يأتي CHLA كمستشفى الأطفال رقم 1 في ولايتها كاليفورنيا وفي منطقة المحيط الهادي بالولايات المتحدة—منطقة تشمل كل الولايات بجانب الساحل الغربي، بما في ذلك هاواي. وقد ارتفع CHLA إلى المرتبة السابعة على مستوى الدولة في قائمة الشرف لأفضل مستشفيات الأطفال لهذا العام،، وهي المعيار الذهبي للوجهات الرائدة لرعاية الأطفال، وتم تصنيفه على المستوى الوطني في جميع التخصصات الفرعية للأطفال العشرة التي تم تقييمها—بما في ذلك رقم 2 في الولايات المتحدة لجراحات العظام ورقم 3 لرعاية السرطان ورقم 5 لأمراض وجراحات الجهاز الهضمي.

Newswise: The Future of Low-Field MRI for Pediatric Imaging
Released: 5-Jun-2023 11:50 AM EDT
The Future of Low-Field MRI for Pediatric Imaging
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

John Wood, MD, PhD, Director of Cardiovascular MRI at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, co-authored a breakthrough research finding: the first real-time, diagnostic quality MRI images of fetal heart disease.

Newswise: A Potential Biomarker for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
Released: 2-Jun-2023 12:05 PM EDT
A Potential Biomarker for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

A tiny population of T-cells could serve as a much-needed biomarker—and a potential therapeutic target—for pediatric acute liver failure, according to new research from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Released: 31-May-2023 1:00 PM EDT
What Anatomic Factors Impact Complete Atrioventricular Canal Defects?
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles study assessed which anatomic features affect the clinical course for babies born with complete atrioventricular canal (CAVC) defects.

Newswise: A Surgical Rarity: Two Rotationplasty Procedures in One Month
Released: 16-May-2023 12:35 PM EDT
A Surgical Rarity: Two Rotationplasty Procedures in One Month
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Many pediatric orthopedic surgeons go their entire careers without performing a rotationplasty—a specialized surgery to remove bone tumors near the knee in children. But at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Alexander Christ, MD, recently performed two of these surgeries in the same month.

Newswise:Video Embedded asoci-ndose-con-familias-de-pacientes-para-proporcionar-un-mejor-cuidado-para-todos
Released: 15-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Asociándose con familias de pacientes para proporcionar un mejor cuidado para todos
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Los pacientes del CHLA y sus familias son socios imprescindibles para conseguir el cambio y prestar cuidados de primera clase. Cada año se llevan a cabo docenas de presentaciones en el Children's Hospital Los Angeles para asegurar que sus expertos siguen a la última respecto a los descubrimientos científicos y los avances clínicos.

Released: 12-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Partnering with Patient Families to Provide Better Care for Everyone
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

CHLA’s patients and families are integral partners in driving change and delivering world-class care. One of several groups that advocate for CHLA patients and families to optimize their overall experience, the Patient and Family Advisory Council is grounded in the core concepts of patient- and family-centered care: respect and dignity, information sharing, participation and collaboration. The council works with departments across the hospital to not only advocate for, but work with and teach the concepts of patient- and family-centered care.

Newswise: After ECMO, Nothing Can Stop Martin
Released: 11-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT
After ECMO, Nothing Can Stop Martin
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Martin is now 4 ½ and thriving.At birth, Martin went precious minutes without oxygen. A specialized team at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles raced to save his life—and his brain.

Newswise: Expecting a Baby? Consider These Tips Before Buying Swaddles, Carriers and Other Equipment
Released: 10-May-2023 9:00 AM EDT
Expecting a Baby? Consider These Tips Before Buying Swaddles, Carriers and Other Equipment
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

The wrong type of baby equipment—or using it incorrectly—could harm a child’s development and lead to hip issues. An orthopedic specialist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles explains what all parents should know

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Researchers Uncover New Clues to Origins of the Most Common Pediatric Kidney Cancer
Released: 1-May-2023 1:50 PM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Researchers Uncover New Clues to Origins of the Most Common Pediatric Kidney Cancer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles have now pinpointed a disruption in early kidney progenitor cell development that can be linked to the formation of Wilms tumor.

Newswise: Conrad Band Named Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Released: 19-Apr-2023 1:00 PM EDT
Conrad Band Named Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Conrad Band has been named permanent Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA).

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Names Kelly M. Johnson, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, as Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Released: 12-Apr-2023 2:15 PM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Names Kelly M. Johnson, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, as Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Following a comprehensive national search, Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) has named Kelly M. Johnson, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, as Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer.

Newswise: NANT Pediatric Cancer Consortium Spearheads Research That Identifies Targeted Therapy for High-Risk Neuroblastoma
Released: 4-Apr-2023 10:20 AM EDT
NANT Pediatric Cancer Consortium Spearheads Research That Identifies Targeted Therapy for High-Risk Neuroblastoma
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

The NANT pediatric cancer consortium at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has published results of a phase 1 trial for high-risk neuroblastoma.

Newswise: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Appoints Lara Khouri as Chief Operating Officer
Released: 28-Mar-2023 10:30 AM EDT
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Appoints Lara Khouri as Chief Operating Officer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) has appointed Lara Khouri, MBA, MPH, to be Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). In this role, Khouri is responsible for overseeing operational performance across the CHLA enterprise, working closely with clinical and administrative leaders to develop and improve processes, procedures and systems while addressing patient care needs, patient and team member experience, and CHLA’s impact in the broader community.
