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Released: 5-May-2021 2:20 PM EDT
Antarctica Remains the Wild Card for Sea-Level Rise Estimates Through 2100
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A massive collaborative research project covered in the journal Nature this week offers projections to the year 2100 of future sea-level rise from all sources of land ice, offering the most complete projections created to date.

Released: 28-Apr-2021 11:00 AM EDT
Using cosmic-ray neutron bursts to understand gamma-ray bursts from lightning
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Analysis of data from a lightning mapper and a small, hand-held radiation detector has unexpectedly shed light on what a gamma-ray burst from lightning might look like – by observing neutrons generated from soil by very large cosmic-ray showers. The work took place at the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Cosmic Ray Observatory in Mexico.

Released: 22-Apr-2021 3:50 PM EDT
Machine learning model generates realistic seismic waveforms
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A new machine-learning model that generates realistic seismic waveforms will reduce manual labor and improve earthquake detection, according to a study published recently in JGR Solid Earth.

Released: 22-Apr-2021 8:10 AM EDT
Ultra-high-energy gamma rays originate from pulsar nebulae
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The discovery that the nebulae surrounding the most powerful pulsars are pumping out ultra-high-energy gamma rays could rewrite the book about the rays’ galactic origins. Pulsars are rapidly rotating, highly magnetized collapsed stars surrounded by nebulae powered by winds generated inside the pulsars.

Released: 20-Apr-2021 3:05 PM EDT
Cerreta Named President of Nation’s Professional Society for Minerals, Metals, and Materials Scientists and Engineers
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Ellen Cerreta, the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s division leader for Materials Science and Technology, has been named president of The Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society (TMS), a professional society for scientists and engineers in those fields.

Released: 19-Apr-2021 5:05 PM EDT
New pulsed magnet reveals a new state of matter in Kondo insulator
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A recent series of experiments at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (National MagLab) at Los Alamos National Laboratory leveraged some of the nation’s highest-powered nondestructive magnets to reveal an exotic new phase of matter at high magnetic fields.

Released: 19-Apr-2021 1:30 PM EDT
New AI tool tracks evolution of COVID-19 conspiracy theories on social media
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A new machine-learning program accurately identifies COVID-19-related conspiracy theories on social media and models how they evolved over time—a tool that could someday help public health officials combat misinformation online.

Released: 16-Apr-2021 2:35 PM EDT
Simulations reveal how dominant SARS-CoV-2 strain binds to host, succumbs to antibodies
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Large-scale supercomputer simulations at the atomic level show that the dominant G form variant of the COVID-19-causing virus is more infectious partly because of its greater ability to readily bind to its target host receptor in the body, compared to other variants.

Released: 14-Apr-2021 12:05 AM EDT
New method measures super-fast, free electron laser pulses
Los Alamos National Laboratory

New research shows how to measure the super-short bursts of high-frequency light emitted from free electron lasers (FELs).

Released: 12-Apr-2021 1:05 PM EDT
Los Alamos National Laboratory and NVIDIA announce next step in future-looking partnership
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Next-generation system powered by the Grace CPU will shape the future of the Laboratory’s computing strategy

Released: 12-Apr-2021 10:05 AM EDT
New research shows that Mars did not dry up all at once
Los Alamos National Laboratory

While attention has been focused on the Perseverance rover that landed on Mars last month, its predecessor Curiosity continues to explore the base of Mount Sharp on the red planet and is still making discoveries.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
Moving toward a clean-energy future by advancing fuel cell technology
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The U.S. transportation industry is the nation’s largest generator of greenhouse gases, accounting for nearly one-third of climate-warming emissions. To move towards a clean-energy future, developing zero-emissions technologies for heavy-duty vehicles is critical. A new partnership comprising Los Alamos National Laboratory, Advent Technology Holdings Inc., Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will work over the next few years to bring to market high-temperature proton exchange membrane (HT-PEM) fuel cells that convert hydrogen and other renewable fuels into electricity.

Released: 12-Apr-2021 9:00 AM EDT
New approach to blood-based tuberculosis diagnosis
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Optical biosensor device aids in biomarker identification

Released: 7-Apr-2021 2:05 PM EDT
Embed your start-up in the ‘Secret City’
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Innovators and start-up companies working to solve national security challenges through advanced materials, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and space technology are invited to apply for a two-year entrepreneurial fellowship at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Released: 7-Apr-2021 2:00 PM EDT
Colorado River basin due for more frequent, intense hydroclimate events
Los Alamos National Laboratory

In the vast Colorado River basin, climate change is driving extreme, interconnected events among earth-system elements such as weather and water.

Released: 1-Apr-2021 2:55 PM EDT
Translation software enables efficient DNA data storage
Los Alamos National Laboratory

In support of a major collaborative project to store massive amounts of data in DNA molecules, a Los Alamos National Laboratory–led team has developed a key enabling technology that translates digital binary files into the four-letter genetic alphabet needed for molecular storage.

Released: 31-Mar-2021 2:45 PM EDT
New Los Alamos technology detects thermal neutrons in aircraft
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A new technology developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory and Honeywell is providing needed atmospheric environment information to the aerospace industry.

Released: 29-Mar-2021 4:45 PM EDT
Probing Wet Fire Smoke in Clouds: Can Water Intensify the Earth’s Warming?
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A first-of-its-kind instrument that samples smoke from megafires and scans humidity will help researchers better understand the scale and long-term impact of fires—specifically how far and high the smoke will travel, when and where it will rain, and whether the wet smoke will warm the climate by absorbing sunlight.

Released: 26-Mar-2021 3:20 PM EDT
Uranium compound achieves record anomalous Nernst conductivity
Los Alamos National Laboratory

New research has demonstrated that a magnetic uranium compound can have strong thermoelectric properties, generating four times the transverse voltage from heat than the previous record in a cobalt-manganese-gallium compound.

Released: 25-Mar-2021 12:30 PM EDT
New class of versatile, high-performance quantum dots primed for medical imaging, quantum computing
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A new class of quantum dots deliver a stable stream of single, spectrally tunable infrared photons under ambient conditions and at room temperature, unlike other single photon emitters.
