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Released: 18-Feb-2021 9:00 AM EST
Social Tool Tracks Brand Reputation in Real Time and in the Long Term
North Carolina State University

An international team of researchers has developed a tool for assessing brand reputation in real time and over time. In a demonstration that looked at leading brands, the researchers found that changes in a given brand’s stock shares reflected real-time changes in the brand’s reputation.

Released: 4-Feb-2021 10:50 AM EST
“Stealthy” Stem Cells Better for Treating Tendon Injuries in Horses
North Carolina State University

Treating equine donor stem cells with a growth factor called TGF-β2 may allow them to avoid “tripping” the immune response in recipients, according to new research from North Carolina State University.

Released: 1-Feb-2021 3:50 PM EST
Lactobacillus Manipulates Bile Acids to Create Favorable Gut Environment
North Carolina State University

Probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria use enzymes situationally to manipulate bile acids and promote their own survival in the gut.

Released: 25-Jan-2021 2:35 PM EST
Survey: Barriers, Not Demographics, Affect Willingness to Pursue Veterinary Care
North Carolina State University

When it comes to seeking veterinary care for dogs, barriers to access – including a lack of trust – have more effect on the decision-making process than differences in race, gender or socioeconomic status.

Released: 25-Jan-2021 8:55 AM EST
Building a New Tool for Assessing Fair Labor
North Carolina State University

Researchers are creating a tool that incorporates the many existing fair labor programs and offers a single index that consumers, and companies, can look at and understand.

Released: 19-Jan-2021 11:15 AM EST
Inflamed Environment Is C. diff Paradise
North Carolina State University

A new study shows that the inflammation caused by Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infection gives the pathogen a two-fold advantage: by both creating an inhospitable environment for competing bacteria and providing nutrients that enable C. diff to thrive.

Released: 12-Jan-2021 9:05 AM EST
Study Finds NRA Stakeholders Conflicted in Wake of Shootings
North Carolina State University

A recent study finds that, in the wake of a mass shooting, NRA employees, donors and volunteers had extremely mixed emotions about the organization – reporting higher levels of both positive and negative feelings about the NRA, as compared to people with no NRA affiliation.

Released: 11-Jan-2021 1:35 PM EST
Analytical Measurements Can Predict Organic Solar Cell Stability
North Carolina State University

Researchers have developed an analytical measurement “framework” which could allow organic solar cell researchers and manufacturers to determine which materials will produce the most stable solar cells prior to manufacture.

Released: 11-Jan-2021 10:35 AM EST
Motherhood Does Not Drive Support For Gun Control
North Carolina State University

Moms are not more likely than other women to support gun control efforts. In fact, a new study finds that parenthood doesn’t have a substantial effect on the gun control views of men or women.

Released: 18-Dec-2020 10:15 AM EST
Study Sets Baseline for Sleep Patterns in Healthy Adult Dogs
North Carolina State University

A new canine sleep study could serve as a baseline for research on chronic pain and cognitive dysfunction in dogs, potentially improving detection and treatment of these conditions.

Released: 15-Dec-2020 7:55 AM EST
Study IDs Four Things That Make People Feel Good About Using Chatbots
North Carolina State University

A recent study has identified four factors that predict user satisfaction with customer service chatbots. The study also found that a positive chatbot experience was associated with customer loyalty, highlighting the importance of the findings to corporate brands.

Released: 10-Dec-2020 8:10 AM EST
Study Finds Strong Links Between Trust and Social Media Use
North Carolina State University

A recent study finds a powerful correlation between the extent to which users trust Facebook, and the intensity of their Facebook use. The study also finds what contributes to that user trust.

Released: 8-Dec-2020 1:35 PM EST
Study: Bartonella Infection Associated With Psychiatric Symptoms and Skin Lesions
North Carolina State University

A new study has found additional instances of Bartonella infection in humans who exhibited neuropsychiatric symptoms, a subset of whom also had skin lesions.

Released: 7-Dec-2020 10:55 AM EST
What Makes COVID Misinformation So Tough to Stop on Social Media
North Carolina State University

A recent study highlights two of the reasons that misinformation about COVID-19 is so difficult to tackle on social media: most people think they’re above average at spotting misinformation; and misinformation often triggers negative emotions that resonate with people.

Released: 1-Dec-2020 1:00 PM EST
Tackling Ethics Concerns Regarding Use of ‘Carebots’ to Assist Older Adults
North Carolina State University

A new analysis assesses how emerging artificial intelligence technologies can help older adults preserve their autonomy, and addresses ethical concerns that have been raised about the use of AI in so-called “carebots.”

Released: 12-Nov-2020 10:20 AM EST
In Mice, Cadmium Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Obesity, Metabolic Issues in Adult Female Offspring
North Carolina State University

In a mouse study aimed at modeling human exposure to the toxic metal cadmium, researchers found that female offspring of mice exposed to cadmium during pregnancy became obese in adulthood, developed fatty livers and could not process glucose normally. Male offspring were not affected in the same way.

Released: 12-Nov-2020 8:55 AM EST
The Strategic Stockpile Failed; Experts Propose New Approach to Emergency Preparedness
North Carolina State University

A panel of academic and military experts is calling for a more dynamic, flexible approach to emergency preparedness at the national level.

Released: 9-Nov-2020 9:40 AM EST
New Software Focuses On Better Targeting Mental Health Resources
North Carolina State University

Researchers have developed a prototype software system that aims to help policymakers and healthcare providers better address mental health challenges facing Hispanic populations across the United States.

Released: 15-Oct-2020 11:05 AM EDT
Ultrasound Technique Offers More Precise, Quantified Assessments of Lung Health
North Carolina State University

Researchers have developed a technique that uses ultrasound to provide non-invasive assessments of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary edema. The technique has been shown to both quantify lung scarring and detect lung fluid in rats. A study on pulmonary edema in humans is under way.

Released: 12-Oct-2020 12:35 PM EDT
Proactive Steps Linked To Reduced Medical Costs, Hospital Visits for Children With Asthma
North Carolina State University

A new study looking at data from tens of thousands of children with asthma finds that several widely available interventions are associated with both reduced medical costs and a reduced likelihood that the children will need to visit an emergency room or stay in the hospital.
