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7-Sep-2011 1:15 PM EDT
Researchers Discover Blood Proteins Associated with Early Development of Lung Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A research team led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has discovered proteins in the blood that are associated with early lung cancer development in mice and humans. The advance brings the reality of a blood test for the early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer a step closer.

Released: 22-Aug-2011 3:40 PM EDT
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to Co-Lead One of Five NCI-Funded Proteomics Research Centers
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The National Cancer Institute today announced that a team co-led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and The Broad Institute in Cambridge, Mass., has been selected to participate in a National Cancer Institute-funded research consortium dedicated to understanding the molecular basis of cancer . The researchers will aim to identify and analyze proteins in the blood that are associated with genetic alterations that lead to cancer.

9-Aug-2011 6:00 PM EDT
Researchers Discover Five Inherited Genetic Variants That Could Help Identify the Most Lethal Prostate Cancers
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

An international team of researchers led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has identified five inherited genetic variants that are strongly associated with aggressive, lethal prostate cancer. The discovery ultimately could lead to the development of a simple blood test that could be given upon diagnosis to determine which men should receive aggressive treatment versus a more conservative “watchful waiting” approach.

Released: 9-Aug-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Adult Smokers Who Want to Quit Have Until Aug. 31 to Sign Up for WebQuit, a Free, Online Smoking-Cessation Study
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Adult smokers nationwide who want to kick the habit have until Aug. 31 to see if they are eligible to enroll in WebQuit, a free, online smoking-cessation study being conducted by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 3:45 PM EDT
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Receives $8.2M to Coordinate Major Initiative to Study Link Between Obesity and Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The National Cancer Institute has awarded $8.2 million over the next five years to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to extend its role as the coordinating hub of a nationwide research consortium that aims to better understand the link between obesity and cancer. The $45 million, five-year initiative also will study the underlying behavioral causes of obesity and ways to prevent it, particularly among children, cancer survivors and others at high risk.

Released: 28-Jul-2011 1:55 PM EDT
Using a 'Systems Biology' Approach to Look Under the Hood of an Aggressive Form of Breast Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Using a “systems biology” approach – which focuses on understanding the complex relationships between biological systems – to look under the hood of an aggressive form of breast cancer, researchers for the first time have identified a set of proteins in the blood that change in abundance long before the cancer is clinically detectable.

Released: 11-Jul-2011 10:30 AM EDT
Hutchinson Center to Lead a $20 Million Research Project to Explore a Potential Cure for HIV Infection
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Whether a stem cell transplant using an HIV-infected person’s own genetically modified immune cells can become a cure for the disease is the focus of a new $20 million, five-year research grant award announced today by the National Institutes of Health to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Released: 22-Jun-2011 12:25 PM EDT
Shanghai CDC and Hutchinson Center Establish Shanghai Breast Health Resource Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Shanghai CDC) and the Breast Health Global Initiative (BHGI), headquartered at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, jointly will establish the Shanghai Breast Health Resource Center as BHGI’s first “learning laboratory” in China. The project is a result of the two organizations formalizing their ongoing relationship by signing a collaboration agreement.

16-Jun-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Proof-of-Concept Study of Biomarker Development in Mice Provides a Roadmap for a Similar Approach in Humans
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have demonstrated in mice that the performance of a novel biomarker-development pipeline using targeted mass spectrometry is robust enough to support the use of an analogous approach in humans. The findings, by principal investigator Amanda Paulovich, M.D., Ph.D., an associate member of the Hutchinson Center’s Clinical Research Division, are published in Nature Biotechnology.

Released: 15-Jun-2011 1:30 PM EDT
Want to Quit Smoking? Study Seeks Adult Smokers Nationwide for a Free, Online Smoking-Cessation Study
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center announced today that it is relaunching an online study to help people quit smoking. The study, called WebQuit, is enrolling adult smokers nationwide. Participation is free to eligible individuals.

Released: 7-Jun-2011 11:00 AM EDT
A Decade Dedicated to Breast Cancer Care Advocacy Garners ASCO Award for Researcher
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Benjamin Anderson, M.D., a researcher in the Public Health Sciences Division of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and director of Seattle Cancer Care Alliance’s Breast Health Clinic, is the 2011 recipient of the Partners in Progress award given by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Released: 7-Jun-2011 8:00 AM EDT
Bankruptcy Rates Among Cancer Patients Increase Along with Survival Time
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

An analysis linking federal bankruptcy court records to cancer registry data from nearly 232,000 adult cancer cases in western Washington during a 14-year period has found a hidden cost to survival: Insolvency rates increase along with the length of survival.

Released: 25-May-2011 3:50 PM EDT
Losing More than 15% Body Weight Significantly Boosts Vitamin D Levels in Obese Women
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Overweight or obese women with less-than-optimal levels of vitamin D who lose more than 15 percent of their body weight experience significant increases in circulating levels of this fat-soluble nutrient, according to a new study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

16-May-2011 3:00 PM EDT
Scientists Discover New Drug Target for Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have discovered a new drug target for squamous cell carcinoma – the second most common form of skin cancer. Scientists in the laboratory of Valeri Vasioukhin, Ph.D., have found that a protein called alpha-catenin acts as a tumor suppressor and they also have unlocked the mechanism by which this protein controls cell proliferation.

Released: 11-May-2011 1:45 PM EDT
HIV/AIDS Experts Available to Comment on Aids@30 Observance
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

HIV/AIDS vaccine experts from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and vaccine trial participants are available for interviews about the 30th anniversary of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s announcement of the nation’s first identified HIV infections.

Released: 3-May-2011 1:45 PM EDT
Cell Biologist Daniel Gottschling Elected to National Academy of Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Cell biologist Daniel Gottschling, Ph.D., a member of the Basic Sciences Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, has been elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. Election to NAS is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a U.S. scientist or engineer.

Released: 3-May-2011 10:25 AM EDT
Most Patients Recover from ‘Chemo-Brain’ by Five Years After Marrow Or Stem Cell Transplant for Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Many patients who undergo bone marrow or blood stem cell transplantation to treat blood cancers or a “pre-leukemic” condition called myelodysplasia experience a decline in mental and fine motor skills due to the toll of their disease and its treatment. A new study led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, published in the May 2, 2011 online edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, found that overall, these effects are largely temporary and that most patients can expect a return to normal motor and memory function within five years. However, the study also found that deficits in fine motor skills and verbal memory remained for a significant percentage of patients and warrant more attention by health care providers.

Released: 25-Apr-2011 1:05 PM EDT
High Percentage of Omega-3s in the Blood May Boost Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The largest study to examine the association of dietary fats and prostate cancer risk has found found those with the highest blood percentages of DHA, an inflammation-lowering omega-3 fatty acid commonly found in fatty fish, have more than twice the risk of developing aggressive, high-grade prostate cancer compared to men with the lowest DHA levels.

22-Apr-2011 2:30 PM EDT
Brain Cell Migration During Normal Development May Offer Insight on How Cancer Cells Spread
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

By shedding new light on how cells migrate in the developing brain, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center also may have found a new mechanism by which other types of cells, including cancer cells, travel within the body.

Released: 14-Apr-2011 2:20 PM EDT
Diet Plus Exercise Is Better for Weight Loss than Either One Alone
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A new study led by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has found that when it comes to losing weight and body fat, diet and exercise are most effective when done together as compared to either strategy alone.

6-Apr-2011 11:00 AM EDT
Haiti Cholera Epidemic Could Have Been Blunted with Use of Mobile Stockpile of Oral Vaccine
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Had a large stockpile of oral cholera vaccine been available and deployed to inoculate the majority of Haitians most at risk after the outbreak following last year’s earthquake, the illness and death from the cholera epidemic could have been reduced by about half, according to new research.

Released: 6-Apr-2011 12:10 PM EDT
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to Lead Immunotherapy Clinical Trials Network
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Research institutions at 27 sites in the U.S. and Canada have been selected to participate in the Cancer Immunotherapy Trials Network (CITN), a new initiative in immunotherapy funded by the National Cancer Institute and headquartered at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. CITN will establish a network of top academic immunologists to conduct multicenter research on promising new agents that boost patients’ own immune systems to fight their cancer.

30-Mar-2011 2:00 PM EDT
Breast Health Global Initiative Offers Unprecedented Tools for Developing Nations
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A landmark breast health care publication reveals a multitude of barriers that keep women of developing nations from being screened and treated for breast cancer – but offers tools to help countries improve their breast care programs.

Released: 24-Mar-2011 4:00 PM EDT
Eskimo Study Suggests Diet Rich in Omega-3 Fats May Reduce Risk of Obesity-Related Disease
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

A study of Yup’ik Eskimos in Alaska, who on average consume 20 times more omega-3 fats from fish than people in the lower 48 states, suggests that a high intake of these fats helps prevent obesity-related chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Released: 16-Mar-2011 9:00 AM EDT
Radiation Exposure Expert Available from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

He can discuss short- and long-term effects of exposure to high levels of environmental radiation from nuclear accidents.

Released: 2-Mar-2011 8:00 AM EST
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Announces 2011 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award Recipients
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Twelve graduate students from institutes throughout North America have been chosen to receive the 2011 Harold M. Weintraub Graduate Student Award sponsored by the Basic Sciences Division of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Nominations were solicited internationally; the winners were selected on the basis of the quality, originality and significance of their work.

Released: 1-Mar-2011 11:15 AM EST
The Bottom Line on Colon Cancer: Get Screened
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Despite the fact that colon cancer screening saves lives, the majority of U.S. adults age 50 and over who are eligible for such screening fail to take advantage of it. Consider the numbers: In 2000, only 16.3 million of 80 million eligible adults (about 20 percent) received colon cancer screening such as the fecal occult blood test (the most popular choice), sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy.

Released: 24-Feb-2011 2:10 PM EST
Multiple Childbirth Linked to Rare but Aggressive 'Triple-Negative' Breast Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Full-term pregnancy has long been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer, but a new study finds that the more times a woman gives birth, the higher her risk of “triple-negative” breast cancer, a relatively uncommon but particularly aggressive subtype of the disease.

Released: 25-Jan-2011 3:30 PM EST
Menopausal Hot Flashes Linked to a Significant Reduction in Breast Cancer Risk
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Women who have experienced hot flushes and other symptoms of menopause may have a 50 percent lower risk of developing the most common forms of breast cancer than postmenopausal women who have never had such symptoms, according to a recent study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Released: 19-Jan-2011 1:30 PM EST
Does Our DNA Determine How Well We Respond to Stem-Cell Transplantation?
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Do genetic variations in DNA determine the outcome and success in patients who undergo stem-cell transplantation to treat blood cancers and predict complications? The National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute of the National Institutes of Health has awarded a $4.3 million, four-year grant to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to help find out.

Released: 11-Jan-2011 11:00 AM EST
Roger Brent and Robert Eisenman Named AAAS Fellows
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center basic scientists Roger Brent, Ph.D., a systems biologist, and Robert Eisenman, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and geneticist, have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS. Election as a fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.

Released: 20-Dec-2010 3:00 PM EST
Six Tips to Jump Start Weight Loss in the New Year
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Six research-based tips from investigators at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center that may help jump start one’s weight loss progress in the coming year.

Released: 11-Nov-2010 8:00 AM EST
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to Lead $11.5M Breast Cancer Consortium
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The National Cancer Institute has awarded $11.5 million to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to lead a five-year, Seattle-based breast cancer research consortium. The goal of the endeavor is to positively impact breast cancer prevention, detection, treatment and care of women who have or are at risk for the disease.

Released: 8-Nov-2010 6:00 PM EST
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Scientist Receives Presidential Early Career Award
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Muneesh Tewari, M.D., Ph.D., an oncologist and cancer researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, has been awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers – the nation’s highest honor for scientists at the beginning of their independent research careers. Tewari, an assistant member of the Hutchinson Center’s Human Biology Division, is among 85 researchers and engineers nationwide to receive the honor this year.

Released: 28-Oct-2010 6:00 PM EDT
Hutchinson Center and China CDC Sign Research and Training Agreement
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center today formalized an ongoing relationship by signing a collaboration agreement. It marks the first such agreement between the China CDC and a U.S. cancer research center.

26-Oct-2010 9:00 AM EDT
Uncovering the Cause of a Common Form of Muscular Dystrophy
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

An international team of researchers led by an investigator from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has made a second critical advance in determining the cause of a common form of muscular dystrophy known as facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, or FSHD.

Released: 22-Oct-2010 11:30 AM EDT
10 Tips for Breast Cancer Survivors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Today’s tip sheet, the fourth and final in the series, is “10 Tips for Breast Cancer Survivors” provided by Karen Syrjala, Ph.D., director of Biobehavioral Sciences and co-director of the Survivorship Program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Released: 15-Oct-2010 11:45 AM EDT
10 Tips for Breast Cancer Patients During Treatment
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Throughout October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, experts from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and its clinical care partner, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, are offering a series of weekly research-based tip sheets regarding a variety of topics related to breast cancer, including breast cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment, and survivorship.

Released: 8-Oct-2010 11:40 AM EDT
10 Tips for Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Today’s tip sheet, the second of four in the series, is “10 Tips for Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection” provided by Constance Lehman, M.D., Ph.D., director of Breast Imaging and medical director of Radiology at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

Released: 1-Oct-2010 1:05 PM EDT
10 Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Throughout October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, experts from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and its clinical care partner, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, are offering a series of weekly research-based tip sheets regarding a variety of topics related to breast cancer, including breast cancer prevention, screening and early detection, treatment, and survivorship.

9-Sep-2010 8:00 AM EDT
Radiation Exposure Poses Similar Risk of First and Second Cancers in Atomic Bomb Survivors
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The first large-scale study of the relationship between radiation dose and risk of multiple cancers among atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan reveals a similar risk in the development of first and second subsequent cancers.

Released: 14-Sep-2010 11:00 AM EDT
High School Football Penalty Flags Go Blue This Week in Five States to Mark Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Those familiar yellow football penalty flags that are thrown by referees will be replaced with special light blue ones this week during dozens of high school football games in five states.

27-Aug-2010 8:00 AM EDT
For the First Time, Researchers Identify and Isolate Adult Mammary Stem Cells in Mice
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

For the first time, researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have identified and isolated adult mammary stem cells in mice. Long-term implications of this research may include the use of such cells to regenerate breast tissue, provide a better understanding of the role of adult stem cells in breast cancer development, and develop potential new targets for anti-cancer drugs.

17-Aug-2010 4:30 PM EDT
International Research Team Closes in on Cause of Common Form of Muscular Dystrophy
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

An international team of researchers that includes investigators from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has made a critical advance in determining the cause of a common form of muscular dystrophy known as facioscapulohumeral dystrophy, or FSHD.

Released: 15-Jun-2010 2:45 PM EDT
Want to Quit Smoking? Study Seeks Adult Smokers Nationwide for a Free, Online Smoking-Cessation Study
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center announced today that it is launching a new online study to help people quit smoking. The study, called WebQuit, is enrolling adult smokers nationwide. Participation is free to eligible individuals.

Released: 10-Jun-2010 3:30 PM EDT
Suspended Animation Protects Against Lethal Hypothermia
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

How is it that some people who apparently freeze to death can be brought back to life with no long-term negative health consequences? New findings from the laboratory of Mark B. Roth, Ph.D., of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center may help explain the mechanics behind this phenomenon.

24-May-2010 8:30 AM EDT
Shape Matters: The Corkscrew Twist of H. Pylori Lets It Set Up Shop in the Stomach
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the human stomach and is associated with ulcers and gastric cancer, is shaped like a corkscrew, or helix. For years researchers have hypothesized that the bacterium’s twisty shape is what enables it to survive – and thrive – within the stomach’s acid-drenched environment, but until now they have had no proof.

Released: 3-May-2010 4:00 PM EDT
Hutchinson Center Receives $10.24M from NIH for Latina Breast Cancer Research
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

The National Institutes of Health has awarded $10.24 million to Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center to lead a five-year study that aims to understand and prevent breast cancer disparities in Hispanic women.

Released: 21-Apr-2010 4:55 PM EDT
Cell Biologist Daniel Gottschling Elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Cell biologist Daniel Gottschling, Ph.D., a member of the Basic Sciences Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, has been elected to membership in the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, or AAAS, one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and independent policy-research centers.

5-Apr-2010 8:50 AM EDT
Breast Cancer Patients with BRCA Mutations at 4x Higher Risk for Contralateral Breast Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Women with breast cancer before age 55 who carry an inherited mutation in the breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 are four times more likely to develop cancer in the breast opposite, or contralateral, to their initial tumor as compared to breast cancer patients without these genetic defects.
