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Released: 29-Oct-2013 11:45 AM EDT
Texas Tech Paleontologist Presents Origin of Life Theory
Texas Tech University

Meteorite bombardment left large craters that contained water and chemical building blocks for life, which ultimately led to the first organisms.

Released: 25-Oct-2013 10:25 AM EDT
Texas Tech College of Media & Communication Accommodates Research Powerhouse
Texas Tech University

The Center for Communication Research houses state-of-the art technology for studying all facets of audience response to media messages—video, audio, online, commercial, informational and more. The center contains more than 6,000 square feet of research labs and provides research services to those both within and beyond the Texas Tech community.

Released: 8-Oct-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech CERN Physicists Celebrate Announcement of Nobel Prize in Physics
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech’s High Energy Physics Group played a significant role in advancing the theory and in discovering the particle at The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) that proves the existence of the Higgs boson, announced in March this year.

Released: 2-Oct-2013 3:20 PM EDT
Certain Type of Fat Could Help Humans Lose Weight
Texas Tech University

After studying genetically modified mice, the discovery could lead to supplements and a diet regime that will increase metabolism and decrease muscle fatigue in humans.

Released: 9-Sep-2013 12:35 PM EDT
Vehicle/Motorcycle Accident Regularity Possibly Linked to Brain Miscalculating Time of Impact of Smaller Objects
Texas Tech University

Results show that small, near objects can appear farther away than larger, farther objects.

Released: 28-Aug-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Private Donors Play Key Roles in Largest Quail Disease Decline Study Ever Undertaken
Texas Tech University

In the spring of 2010, hunters in Texas waited with baited breath for an excellent quail season. By October, the birds had flown the coop.

5-Aug-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Chinese Meditation Technique Shows 60 Percent Reduction in Smoking Habit
Texas Tech University

Smokers discovered they smoked less even when they didn't mean to reduce their habit.

Released: 31-Jul-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech Researcher: Terrorism Attacks Drive Voters to the Polls
Texas Tech University

The study found that terrorist attacks motivate citizens to vote.

Released: 31-Jul-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Texas Tech Researchers Find Surprising Result when Looking Into Effects of Carbon Nanotubes and Soil Sorption of Toxicants
Texas Tech University

When it comes to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the soil, recent research at Texas Tech University shows that the new materials do not affect the sorption of the toxic part of oil called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Released: 24-Jul-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Texas Tech Researchers Examine Facebook Infidelity in New Research
Texas Tech University

Researchers looked at instances of infidelity occurring through Facebook interactions to develop a process model for the stages of coping with knowledge of the infidelity.

Released: 10-Jul-2013 10:50 AM EDT
New Research Facility Will Address Wind Farm Underperformance, Turbine-to-Turbine Interaction
Texas Tech University

Scaled Wind Farm Technology (SWiFT) is collaboration between Texas Tech National Wind Institute, Department of Energy, Sandia, Vestas and Group NIRE.

Released: 28-Jun-2013 12:00 PM EDT
Researchers’ Epigenetics Study Discovers Cancer Risks Double When Two Carcinogens Present at ‘Safe’ Levels
Texas Tech University

New research conducted by Texas Tech University scientists has found that low doses of arsenic and estrogen – even at levels low enough to be considered “safe” for humans if they were on their own – can cause cancer in prostate cells.

Released: 29-May-2013 10:00 AM EDT
Texas Tech’s Microwave Technology Leads to Advances in Food Safety
Texas Tech University

New technology uses directional microwaves delivered at varying doses and intensities in order to target disease-causing microorganisms in food, water and even fabric, with great precision.

Released: 28-May-2013 3:30 PM EDT
U.S. Oil Predictions Inspire Next Generation of Petroleum Engineers
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech welcomes oil boom with new building and modern research facilities.

Released: 16-May-2013 11:35 AM EDT
Low-Grade Cotton Offers More Ecologically-Friendly Way to Clean Oil Spills
Texas Tech University

When it comes to cleaning up the next massive crude oil spill, one of the best and most eco-friendly solutions for the job may be low-grade cotton from West Texas.

Released: 10-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech University Leads the Nation in Wind Research
Texas Tech University

Department was born 43 years ago after F5 tornado hit Lubbock on May 11, 1970. The devastation also brought forth the nation’s leading facility for wind research at Texas Tech University.

Released: 7-May-2013 2:00 PM EDT
20-Million-Year-Old Amber Shatters Theories of Glass as a Liquid
Texas Tech University

Testing theories of glass transition using 20 million year old fossil amber. Results challenge classic theories.

Released: 3-May-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Expert: More Frequent Fires in California Changing Landscape
Texas Tech University

Dylan Schwilk can discuss the anatomy of the Springs Fire north of Los Angeles.

Released: 1-May-2013 3:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech Cotton Economists Unveil New Global Cotton Outlook Analysis
Texas Tech University

A new cotton outlook analysis from Texas Tech University’s Cotton Economics Research Institute notes that global growth is projected to remain at 3 percent over the next five years, then slow by half a point during the following five.

Released: 8-Apr-2013 3:40 PM EDT
Texas Tech Biologist Earns $508,000 from NSF to Study Eavesdropping Parasites in Panamanian Rainforests
Texas Tech University

Studying blood-sucking midge’s ear could lead to leaps in human hearing technology.

Released: 1-Apr-2013 4:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech Biologist Earns $1.6 Million NIH Grant to Find Weakness in Parasitic Leishmania
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech biologist earns $1. 6 million NIH grant to find weakness in parasite that causes ninth largest disease burden.

Released: 28-Mar-2013 4:25 PM EDT
Pirate Perch Probably Use Chemical Camouflage to Fool Prey
Texas Tech University

Dark and sleek, it hides beneath the water waiting for prey. A Texas Tech University researcher says the target will never know what hit them because they probably can’t smell the voracious pirate perch.

Released: 25-Mar-2013 1:10 PM EDT
Research Documents Lesser Prairie Chickens
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University scientists have been at the forefront of research on the lesser prairie chicken (LPC), a prairie grouse native to the West Texas landscape, for more than three decades. Now their research could be square in the middle of an ongoing debate whether to protect the bird as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.

Released: 8-Mar-2013 11:00 AM EST
Researcher Discovers Plankton Adjusts to Changing Ocean Temperatures
Texas Tech University

3D imaging reveals that marine plankton automatically adjusts swimming technique in dense viscosity, but only due to temperature changes, not pollution.

Released: 4-Mar-2013 11:35 AM EST
New Version of Texas Tech’s Fibertect® Proves Better at Decontaminating Nerve Gas Surrogate in Lab Testing
Texas Tech University

The results were published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics.

Released: 31-Jan-2013 3:00 PM EST
Texas Tech Professor Writes ‘Operation Screwtape’ as Sequel to C.S. Lewis’ Wartime Novel of Demon Soul-Stealing Correspondence
Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University professor of linguistics and evangelical pastor Andrew Farley has taken the tale and modernized it with new themes relevant to today’s society while incorporating classic themes of grace, forgiveness and identity.

Released: 23-Jan-2013 1:15 PM EST
Sociologists Find Similarities in Meanings Behind Protestant Work Ethic, Religious Tattoos
Texas Tech University

The reasoning behind getting religious-themed tattoos is strikingly similar to a 100-year-old theory about how the Protestant work ethic powered the Industrial Revolution.

Released: 3-Dec-2012 3:20 PM EST
‘Gold Standard’ Moms Best at Transmitting Political Ideologies
Texas Tech University

Warm moms who give their children lots of love and lots of rules serve as the best conduits.

Released: 16-Nov-2012 10:00 AM EST
Texas Tech Energy Commerce Students, Community Light up Tent City
Texas Tech University

More than two dozen Texas Tech University energy commerce students and Rawls College of Business faculty hosted Lubbock community members for a seminar in solar technology and all then spent a recent Saturday afternoon lighting up Lubbock’s Tent City homeless shelter with solar lighting systems.

Released: 7-Nov-2012 12:20 PM EST
Giant Pterosaur Needed Cliffs, Downward-Sloping Runways to Taxi, Awkwardly Take Off into Air
Texas Tech University

Quetzalcoatlus pushed the very boundaries of size to the brink, considered the largest flying animal yet to be discovered. Any larger, and it would have had to walk. But its bulk caused researchers to wonder how such a heavy animal with relatively flimsy wings became airborne.

Released: 24-Oct-2012 12:00 PM EDT
Texas Tech Researcher Teams with Joel Kotkin, Praxis to Discover Growth Potential of Great Plains in the 21st Century
Texas Tech University

Since early pioneer days, many have maligned the Great Plains of America as a hostile environment unfit for habitation. That unfavorable sentiment hardly changed for the next 200 years. However, new research conducted by Texas Tech University in conjunction with Joel Kotkin, the internationally recognized authority on global, economic, political and societal trends, and North Dakota’s Praxis Strategy Group predicts a boom in business for the once-defamed breadbox of the nation.

Released: 23-Oct-2012 1:25 PM EDT
Texas Tech Geographer, Author Joel Kotkin Foresee Rise of the Plains for 21st Century
Texas Tech University

Webinar about new e-book, “The Rise of the Great Plains: Regional Opportunity in the 21st Century” featuring author Joel Kotkin, Delore Zimmerman of Praxis Strategy Group and Kevin Mulligan, Texas Tech University Center for Geospatial Studies.

Released: 19-Oct-2012 8:00 AM EDT
Researchers Measure Debate Reactions in Real Time
Texas Tech University

Researchers in the College of Media and Communication are measuring audience reactions to the debates live, second-by-second, using state-of-the-art technology in the college’s Center for Communication Research. For the final debate, they will have people from the community participate. The research center will have 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats, a mix of men and women, watch and rate the debate performance in real time.

Released: 31-Aug-2012 3:30 PM EDT
Texas Tech Researcher Cites Complacency, Apathy For Recent West Nile Outbreak
Texas Tech University

A Texas Tech scientist who studies the disease warns the public to take precaution to keep from getting sick.

Released: 2-Aug-2012 1:30 PM EDT
Climate Warming Refuted as Reason for Plant Shifts in High-Profile 2008 Study
Texas Tech University

The simple model of how plants handle climate change doesn't always explain what's going on.

Released: 5-Jul-2012 11:35 AM EDT
Expert: Researchers Announce CERN Discovery of Possible Evidence of ‘God Particle’
Texas Tech University

Not ready to claim discovery yet, Texas Tech researchers discuss the "impression" or "shadow" left by some unknown particle.
