Newswise — Materials Technology@TMS is a new Web interface for materials science and engineering professionals to network, share knowledge and utilize resources in technology-specific communities online. The site,, currently offers six communities: magnesium; materials for nuclear power; superalloys; integrated computational materials engineering; lead-free solders; and education.

The Web site houses a digital resource center, discussion boards, articles, features and news, as well as information on publications and conferences specific to each technical community. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) developed this site to enable materials professionals to search for and assess information more efficiently, according to TMS President Bob Shull of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. "Materials Technology helps to digest that information, by summarizing graphs, covering articles, course notes, etc., so the community's use of it is more efficient. . .it enables members of that community to interact in real time on bulletin boards to further digest that information and to address important questions in that area without waiting for the next international meeting on the topic to do so." Dr. Shull believes the site will especially be of benefit to those outside the United States to interact with colleagues when the expense of traveling to meetings is an issue. "I really foresee this site becoming very useful in the materials community and to serve as a paradigm for future Web-based professional society endeavors."

The digital resource center on the site includes databases, presentations, courses, books, reports, case studies, software, videos and animations. Users of the site may also submit resources, which are reviewed by technical site moderators before being posted. Each technical community is also guided by an advisory group comprised of experts in their field, representing industry, academia and government.

TMS is the professional organization encompassing the entire range of materials science and engineering, from minerals processing and primary metals production to basic research and the advanced applications of materials. Included among its professional and student members are metallurgical and materials engineers, scientists, researchers, educators and administrators from more than 70 countries on six continents.