Newswise — MAYWOOD, Il. – Michael Hutz, a second year student at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, has been invited to attend a prestigious Vatican conference on adult stem cell research.

The Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference: Regenerative Medicine – A Fundamental Shift in Science and Culture April 11-13 will explore the scientific, cultural and ethical implications of adult stem cells.

Researchers from around the world are studying how adult stem cells could be used to treat diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and heart disease. Unlike the use of embryonic stem cells, the use of Adult stem cells does not involve the destruction of human embryos.

“The potential medical benefits from using adult stem cells is immense,” Hutz said. “I am very much looking forward to learning about the ways in which the Church can more fully collaborate with the scientific community. And I am incredibly honored and excited to represent Loyola University Chicago at this conference.”

Hutz is from Whitefish Bay, Wi. He graduated from Loyola University Chicago with degrees in Biology and Religious Studies, with a minor in Bioethics. At Stritch, he is president of the student government, and is participating in a pilot program called "Physician's Vocation - Ignatian Medicine," which incorporates Ignatian philosophies into the study and vocation of medicine.

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