Newswise — More than 3,000 physicians, researchers, nurses and other health care professionals from around the world have gathered in Boston starting today through Wednesday, Dec. 10, for the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society (AES).

Experts are sharing information about recent advances in genetic research, diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, a neurological disorder that affects 55 million people worldwide—even more people than Alzheimer's disease. More than 900 poster and platform presentations, lectures, workshops, satellite symposia, publications, scientific exhibitions and commercial exhibits will fill Boston's Hynes Convention Center for the next five days.

"The goal of this meeting is to stimulate research by bringing forward the recent advances in scientific discovery," explains Jeffrey L. Noebels, M.D., Ph.D., current president of the American Epilepsy Society. "We are dedicated to furthering clinical and basic research in the treatment of epilepsy and accelerating the application of this new knowledge by educating those involved in their care."

One of the highlights of the scientific program will take place on Monday with the Presidential Symposium, The Developing Epileptic Brain, chaired by Dr. Noebels. The symposium will discuss recent advances in understanding the genetics and molecular biology behind the development of neurons in the epileptic brain. Other research to be discussed includes:· Efficacy of the Atkins Diet for Intractable Epilepsy " The well-known, high-protein Atkins diet may be a well-tolerated alternative without the calorie or protein restrictions of the ketogenic diet, a very strict diet used to treat medically resistant epilepsy in children.· Treatment of Seizures in the Elderly " A large, nationwide study finds that tolerability is a key factor in selecting a drug therapy for elderly people with epilepsy and misdiagnosis represents a serious problem in these patients.· Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in Women with Partial Epilepsy " Premenstrual dysphoric disorder—which causes disabling behavioral and emotional symptoms around the time of menstruation—is more prevalent among women with epilepsy and even more common among those who suffer from seizures around the time of menstruation.

The educational program begins Friday night with the symposium, Neurobehavioral Changes in Epilepsy, chaired by Orrin Devinsky, M.D. Speakers will discuss the nervous system biology behind epilepsy and behavioral changes, and the recognition and treatment of non-epileptic seizures.

On Saturday morning, the 23rd Annual Merritt-Putnam Symposium, Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: The Current State of Knowledge, chaired by Daniel H. Lowenstein, M.D., will review recent advances in understanding the normal structure and function of the temporal lobes, the condition's functional basis and methods for imaging temporal lobe pathology.

The AES/Milken Family Foundation Epilepsy Research Awards, considered the most prestigious awards in the field of epilepsy, will also be presented at the meeting. These international awards recognize major contributions by researchers toward better understanding and treatment of epilepsy.

About AES: The American Epilepsy Society (AES) is one of the oldest neurological professional organizations in the nation, with roots dating to 1898. The Society promotes research and education for professionals dedicated to the prevention, treatment and cure of Epilepsy. Membership in the Society is made up of clinicians, researchers investigating basic and clinical aspects of epilepsy, and other health-care professionals interested in seizure disorders. Members represent pediatric and adult sides of epilepsy.

The Society is based in West Hartford, CT and holds an annual scientific meeting, offering symposia, lectures, poster presentations and exhibitions. The meeting attracts more than 3,500 professionals from throughout the U.S. and abroad and offers excellent opportunities for networking and sharing of ideas.

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American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting