Newswise — Just around the corner are events that provide ideal opportunities to highlight how ever-increasing access to food is helping alleviate hunger worldwide: including the World Food Prize, October 13; World Food Day, October 16; and the latest Food Day, October 24. At a special seminar on Capitol Hill this past Friday, Dr. Lowell Catlett, Regent's Professor in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business and Extension Economics and the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at New Mexico State University, spoke about the critical role modern food production plays in filling that role. “Increased food production to meet the needs of the growing global population will occur primarily through leveraging innovations in technology and efficiencies of large-scale production platforms,” said Catlett. “This increased productivity will be critical to helping solve the problems of food accessibility and hunger.”

The Alliance to Feed the Future is committed to raising awareness of the benefits of modern agriculture and large-scale food production for the purpose of expanding access to food and alleviating hunger. Modern food production employs the most sustainable practices and leverages the latest technology to produce more food using less land, fewer natural resources, and assures a safe, healthful choice of foods year round. For farmers, manufacturers and other producers, every day is spent working to provide safe and healthful food to consumers. Every day is Food Day!

“Americans can celebrate Food Day every day by learning more about how their foods are produced,” said David Schmidt, President and CEO at the International Food Information Council, which coordinates the Alliance.

A 5-part video series: Expert Perspectives on Food Production with Dr. Lowell Catlett is available on Short educational video topics include:

Celebrating Food DaysSustainabilityBenefits of Food ProcessingGrowing Global PopulationGolden Age of Agriculture

Additional resources on modern food production also are available at

For questions about celebrating Food Day every day or the Alliance to Feed the Future please contact [email protected] or 202-296-6540.

About the Alliance to Feed the FutureThe mission of the Alliance to Feed the Future is to multiply the impact of separate efforts that build understanding of food production and technology issues among key stakeholders to balance the public dialogue on modern agriculture and large-scale food production. Members of the Alliance include:

Agricultural Retailers Association; Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois; Agriculture Council of America; Agriculture Future of America; American Agri-Women; American Commodity Distribution Association; American Farmers for the Advancement and Conservation of Technology; American Feed Industry Association; American Frozen Food Institute; American Meat Institute; American Peanut Council; American Society for Nutrition; American Society of Agronomy; American Soybean Association; Animal Agriculture Alliance; Animal Health Institute; Association for Dressings and Sauces; Association of Equipment Manufacturers; Biotechnology Industry Organization; CA Institute for Food & Agricultural Research at UC Davis; Calorie Control Council; Can Manufacturers Institute; Center for Food Integrity; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Iowa State University; Corn Refiners Association; Council for Agricultural Science & Technology; Council for Biotechnology Information; CropLife America; Crop Science Society of America; Egg Nutrition Center; The Fertilizer Institute; Frozen Potato Product Institute; Grocery Manufacturers Association; Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation; Institute for Food Safety and Health; Institute of Food Technologists; Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils; International Food Additives Council; International Food Information Council; International Formula Council; Irrigation Association; Juice Products Association; Kentucky Livestock Coalition; Kentucky Soybean Association; Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board; National Agricultural Biotechnology Council; National Association of Margarine Manufacturers; National Association of Wheat Growers; National Chicken Council; National Coalition for Food and Agricultural Research; National Confectioners Association; National Council of Agricultural Employers; National Frozen Pizza Institute; National Institute for Animal Agriculture; National Livestock Producers Association; National Pasta Association; National Pecan Shellers Association; National Turkey Federation; New Mexico State University College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences; The Ohio State University, Department of Food Science & Technology; Pennsylvania State University, Department of Dairy & Animal Science; Pennsylvania State University, Department of Food Science; Pink Lady America LLC; Produce Marketing Association; Research Chefs Association; Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine & Food Science at UC Davis; Shelf-Stable Food Processors Association; Snack Food Association; Soil Science Society of America; Southern Food and Beverage Museum; United Egg Producers; United Fresh Produce Association; University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences; The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; University of Massachusetts Department of Food Science; USA Rice Federation; U.S. Custom Harvesters; Vinegar Institute