Newswise — Russel E. Kaufman, M.D., president and CEO of The Wistar Institute, today was formally inducted into the fellowship of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia " the nation's oldest professional medical organization.

"It's a tremendous honor to join this prestigious society, the birthplace of American medicine," said Kaufman. "I look forward to working with my College fellows in pursuit of our shared mission to improve public health by holding ourselves to the highest professional standards within our chosen fields."

Founded in 1787, The College strives to advance the cause of health while upholding the ideals and heritage of medicine. Established in Philadelphia by the leading physicians of the 18th century, The College is home to one of the world's finest medical libraries and museums. Kaufman's induction continues a legacy of fellowship among The Wistar Institute and The College of Physicians: Caspar Wistar (1761-1818), for whom the Institute is named, was elected a fellow in 1787; Institute founder Isaac Wistar (1827 " 1905) and his father Caspar Wistar (1801-1867) also were elected in the 1800s. Kaufman today joined approximately 1,500 esteemed physicians, academics, civic leaders, public health advocates, and other professionals as a College fellow.

Since 2002, Kaufman has served as president and CEO of The Wistar Institute, an independent, non-profit biomedical research center in Philadelphia. Wistar is a National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Center; Kaufman also serves as cancer center director. In addition to his administrative leadership of Wistar, Kaufman maintains an active research program at the Institute, investigating the genetics of blood diseases and cancer. He also serves as a Wistar Professor on the Adjunct Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. During Kaufman's tenure at Wistar, he has significantly raised the international profile of the Institute by recruiting top-notch scientists, developing new biomedical research centers and expanding scientific programs and facilities.

Speeding progress along the path of scientific discovery from the laboratory to treatments, preventions and cures for patients has been a hallmark of Kaufman's career and a point of focus. He has been a pace-setter for the growing life sciences industry in the greater Philadelphia region, serving in leadership advisory roles for the CEO Council for Growth, the Greater Philadelphia Life Sciences Congress, the University City Science Center, the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, BioAdvance " Biotechnology Greenhouse Corporation of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and others. Kaufman also shares his expertise in biomedical research compliance as a consultant to numerous organizations.

With long-standing interests in both basic and applied cancer research, Kaufman has held leadership positions in national academic organizations in internal medicine and on committees within the National Institutes of Health, the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association of Medical Colleges. He has received honors and awards for his work from the March of Dimes, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America, the Arthritis Foundation and others. The American Cancer Society awarded Kaufman with the 2008 Southeast Region Cancer Control Award, in recognition of his exemplary individual achievements in the field of cancer control. Kaufman was also named one of the first Searle Scholars, a prestigious program that supports top-flight academic research in biomedicine and chemistry.

Prior to leading The Wistar Institute, Kaufman was vice dean for education and academic affairs for the Duke University School of Medicine and associate vice chancellor for academic affairs for the Duke University Health System. He was also a professor of medicine and biochemistry at Duke.

The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research with special expertise in cancer research and vaccine development. Founded in 1892 as the first independent nonprofit biomedical research institute in the country, Wistar has long held the prestigious Cancer Center designation from the National Cancer Institute. The Institute works actively to ensure that research advances move from the laboratory to the clinic as quickly as possible. The Wistar Institute: Today's Discoveries " Tomorrow's Cures. On the Web at

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