Newswise — Protecting Your ChildrenSummertime is usually filled with children riding their bicycles and skateboards. In order to prevent an injury from occurring during these activities parents should be aware of proper bike helmet safety. The following are a list of tips that can keep your child safe while choosing a helmet.

* Helmets should be snug, level, and stable.* Pick white or a bright color for visibility for motorists.* Helmets should not move more than an inch in any direction.

Make sure your helmet has a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) sticker to ensure that it meets the highest standards. A team of experts from Sinai Hospital can explain ways to keep kids safe.

Take a Deep Breath - MaybeThis is the time of year when two little words cause some people to flee indoors, close windows tight and slam doors shut. Those two words are "Code Red" and they refer to pollution and air quality. Air pollution affects the quality of the air we breathe. People with asthma and other respiratory issues must be especially alert as well as the very young, the elderly, and anyone who likes to exercise outside. What makes some people more susceptible to respiratory disorders? How do you know if it is a pulmonary disease and, if so, what can be done about it? Are there other things, besides remaining indoors during "Code Red" days, that can provide relief?

Northwest Hospital Division of Pulmonary Medicine provides comprehensive care to patients with respiratory system disorders. This division offers broad-based consultation, diagnosis, and treatment in pulmonary diseases for patients on both an outpatient and inpatient basis.

The Naked GardenerGo naked " as in, free yourself from the burdens of fertilizers and pesticides. For many people, allergies stem from chemicals put on their lawns and flowerbeds. But you can enjoy a beautiful outdoor garden without a lot of the sneezing and itching. When choosing plants, think native and natural by selecting ones that naturally thrive in your region. These plants will require little " or no " fertilizers and pesticides to blossom and bloom. There are other steps to alleviate allergy symptoms when gardening. * Have one special gardening outfit that you wear outside when digging in the dirt including shoes and gloves.* Place everything in the wash when done. * Consider wearing a dust mask and hat.* Take a shower when finished gardening for the day. These are little steps for a better quality of life that includes enjoying a beautiful garden the entire summer season.

Wondering what kind of allergies you have? What other ways can allergies be treated? Do people ever outgrow allergies or is it a lifelong "sentence?" Sinai Hospital's Division of Allergy and Immunology has experts on hand to help you find out. For an interview contact:

Take the Bark Out of Summer's Dog Days Summers in Maryland sizzle. Sweltering temperatures and high humidity not only feel uncomfortable but also can be downright dangerous, especially as we get older. The hot weather can cause health challenges and even deaths. For instance, would you know if you or your loved one had heat stroke? How can you treat it? Are there ways to prevent it?

A team of experts from Levindale Hebrew Geriatric Center and Hospital in Baltimore, Md. can explain ways the beat the heat for people of all ages.

The Good News: It's Swimsuit Season. The Bad News: DittoIf there is one thing more important than looking good in a swimsuit, it's getting and maintaining a healthy weight and Body Mass Index for the rest of your life. In the United States, 65 percent of the population is overweight or obese, according to the American Heart Association. Unless you are blessed with a lifelong incredible, super fast metabolism, getting and maintaining that healthy weight will take know-how and discipline. Some overweight and obese people may need additional medical help. It could be a matter of life or death.

Want to find out who makes a good candidate for surgery? Are there age limits for patients requesting surgery? What are the new options for weight loss surgery? Sinai Hospital Division of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery experts take a comprehensive approach including monthly support groups where medical experts discuss various topics on obesity.