Say Cheese: Taking Advantage of Cosmetic Dentistry

ROCHESTER, MINN. -- The field of cosmetic dentistry has become extremely popular in recent years -- so much so that almost 85 percent of dentists offer some kind of cosmetic procedures to their patients. There are many options available to people who want to correct dental problems, according to the February issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource. The prices range from several hundred to several thousand dollars depending on the procedure and the number of teeth involved.

* Bleaching -- Bleaching can be done in the dentist's office or at home. It can whiten stains from age, smoking or foods like coffee and tea. Teeth that are stained yellow respond better than teeth that have brown or gray stains.

* Veneers -- Porcelain veneers are shells of ceramic material bonded to the front of the teeth. They mask discoloration and brighten teeth. They can correct even severe shade problems, such as tetracycline-stained teeth. Veneers are highly resistant to new stains.

* Bonding, crowns and implants -- These procedures are options for more serious problems -- such as chipped and cracked teeth or badly shaped teeth or missing teeth.

If you are interested in improving the appearance and health of your teeth, consult with your dentist to choose the procedure that is right for you.

Shelly Plutowski507-284-5005(days)507-284-2511 (evenings)e-mail: [email protected]

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