Newswise — Summertime, and the eating (and cooking) is easy. But remember to follow basic food safety rules for barbecues and picnics. The June issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter offers tips to reduce the risk of food poisoning:

Plan ahead: Thaw meats and other frozen foods in the microwave or refrigerator, not on the counter.

Prepare food properly: Start by washing your hands with soap and water. Rinse produce thoroughly. Wash knives and cutting surfaces frequently, especially between handling raw meats and foods to be eaten raw. If possible, use separate cutting surfaces for meats and other foods.

Cook meats to a safe temperature: Use a meat thermometer. The internal temperature of red meat should be 160 F, and poultry 180 F. Cooked fish should flake easily. The yolks of cooked eggs should be firm.

Picnic safely: Pack your cooler full, distributing ice evenly. Pack perishable food in small containers for more thorough chilling. Pack raw meat so juices don't contaminate other foods in the cooler. Deli foods should be eaten within hours of purchase or bought the day before and refrigerated overnight. Don't leave foods with meat, eggs or dairy ingredients sitting out, as they spoil easily.

Mayo Clinic Health Letter is an eight-page monthly newsletter of reliable, accurate and practical information on today's health and medical news. To subscribe, please call toll free 800-333-9037, extension 9PR1.

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