Newswise — In this report Jeffrey Harrow, principal technologist at the Harrow Group, discusses recent innovations that have allowed scientists to implant computer chips into the brains of monkeys and humans. He argues that as the synergy between human and artificial intelligence becomes clearer, the line between things that are mechanically "engineered" and those that are biologically "born" is blurring.

"The Line Between The Engineered and The Born" was written by Jeffrey Harrow, formerly chief technologist for the Corporate Strategy Groups of both Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation and currently principal technologist of the Harrow Group. Mr. Harrow's full report can be read at

About Jeffrey Harrow

Jeff, now Principal at The Harrow Group, was the chief technologist for the Corporate Strategy Groups of both Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation. As the author and editor of the Web-based multimedia technology journal and Webcast originally known as the "Rapidly Changing Face of Computing", Jeff has shared his fascination with the trends of contemporary computing and the technologies that drive them with tens of thousands of people globally for nearly twenty years. His new journal, The Harrow Technology Report, available on the Web at, continues and significantly expands on this tradition.

Jeff is the co-author of a book, "The Disappearance of Telecommunications," and his commentaries on technology have been carried in numerous electronic and traditional media around the globe including Discover Magazine, United Press International, NanoNews-Now, and many others. He has also been interviewed on technology futures for TV programs, such as the History Channel's "Modern Marvels," and is an ongoing judge for Disney's Discover Magazine "Innovation Awards."

Jeff has numerous patents issued and on file in the areas of network management and user interface technology, and he is a commercial pilot. He brings these and other technological interests together to help people "look beyond the comfortable and obvious," so that they don't become road-kill on the Information Highway.

About Future Brief

Quantum physics, terrorism, Moore's Law, global warming, increasing human migration, incurable deadly viruses, ever more sophisticated surveillance, the list goes on and on. We speak of "global community", but can forget that community-building has always been a painful experience in human history. The reward potential is balanced by the risk potential. Neither should be ignored.

Scientists today speak of the "NBIC convergence" - the interaction of advances in nanotechnology, biotechnology, the information sciences, and the cognitive sciences. Future Brief takes one step back and looks at the greater convergence of the accelerating changes in science and technology with the equally rapidly accelerating changes in society and politics.

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