Newswise — If you're looking to maintain a healthy weight, don't skip breakfast. Studies have shown that it's better to eat a low-fat breakfast that emphasizes whole grains and fiber than to skip the morning meal.

The July issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter says that eating a healthy breakfast has been associated with desirable cholesterol levels and helping to reduce your intake of fat and cholesterol throughout the day. It's also been shown to help you live longer. Here are some heart-healthy breakfast ideas:

Cereal: Hot or cold, choose one with a fiber content of 5 grams or more a serving, and a fat content of 0 to 3 grams a serving. Opt for skim milk.

Fruit: Slice a banana on your cereal or grab an apple for the road. If you enjoy fruit juice, buy 100 percent fruit juice without added sugar. Limit yourself to one serving of these calorie-rich beverages a day.

French toast: Dip whole-grain bread in a batter made of egg whites or egg substitute, a pinch of cinnamon and a few drops of vanilla. Fry on a nonstick skillet or use a nonstick spray.

Nontraditional: Make a vegetable sandwich using whole-grain bread. Microwave a potato and top with shredded, low-fat cheese.

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