Newswise — To better serve authors and subscribers alike, the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP), published by ASM International, The Materials Information Society, will expand to nine issues in 2009.

Published by ASM International, The Materials Information Society, JMEP covers all aspects of materials selection, design, processing, characterization and evaluation.

"We were approached by the leadership of the International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST), an ASM Affiliate Society, about doing a special issue of JMEP containing papers based on presentations at the annual SMST Conference," said Mary Anne Fleming, manager of ASM Technical Journals and APD Publications: Thom Passek, ASM's Associate Managing Director and the Executive Director of SMST, asked the JMEP Committee to consider a process "similar to what we have done for the last three years with the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology and the International Thermal Spray Conference," Mary Anne said.

"JTST prints a special double issue each year containing invited papers based on selected presentations at ITSC. This issue is then also printed in a hardcover version that is distributed to conference attendees."

For the SMST event issue, the SMST leadership will provide a group of associate editors to handle the bulk of the responsibility for reviewing the manuscripts, according to the journal's established peer review process and quality standards.

"Our partners at Springer were very excited about this growth opportunity, and they have adjusted our publishing schedule to include the SMST issue as a double issue, as it will be much larger than a normal issue," Mary Anne said. "In addition, they also added one regular issue so that we will now publish nine JMEP issues per year.

(The SMST event is scheduled to occur every 18 months. During "off" years, the extra pages will be put to good use, further reducing the journal's backlog of papers.)

The increased content will provide excellent value for JMEP subscribers, as no increase in the member subscription price is planned for 2009. An additional benefit to JMEP is that many of the SMST papers are about Nitinol and its use in medical devices. "These papers are expected to be highly cited, and this will have a very positive effect on JMEP's impact factor," Mary Anne said.

For more information about JMEP and other ASM journals, visit and click on Materials Information.

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