Newswise — Elder abuse has devastating consequences, yet is rarely recognized as a national social issue. However, with Baby Boomers turning 60, life expectancy increasing, and prominent cases such as the abuse of philanthropist Brooke Astor generating national headlines, elder abuse awareness is starting to gain much needed attention.

To raise national awareness, the University of Delaware in its capacity as co-manager of the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) and as a leader in elder abuse information and prevention efforts for over 20 years, has produced a 15 second elder abuse information piece, featuring actor William Mapother of television's Lost. Showing on over 700 screens in more than 50 movie theaters around the country, this is the first time a single, uniform message regarding elder abuse will be released nationally. The piece will precede the movie trailers running before PG-13 and R rated films shown from May 22-June 18, 2009.

"Our older Americans deserve our respect and honor, not abuse and neglect," said U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Kathleen Sebelius. "This landmark awareness effort will help us focus on an important issue that has received far too little attention. Public awareness is a significant first step toward reducing the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of seniors."

Mr. Mapother has been a national spokesperson for elder abuse awareness since 2007. In addition to Lost, he has appeared on stage and screen in films such as In the Bedroom and television series such as Prison Break and Criminal Minds.

"National awareness of elder abuse is long overdue," commented Mr. Mapother. "We all have a role to play in generating awareness and prevention." Echoing this theme, Dr. Karen Stein, Project Supervisor of the NCEA public awareness and co-management functions at the University of Delaware, states "The public needs to see the issue of elder abuse as one of significant, personal relevance." Sharon Merriman-Nai, Project Director of the NCEA public awareness and co-management functions at the University of Delaware, adds "Civic engagement is essential to the elder abuse campaign."

The release of the elder abuse information piece also coincides with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (World Day) observed annually on June 15th. Many state and community organizations are mounting public events to observe the day and focus much needed attention on elder abuse. For more information on the video message or suggested community activities to observe World Day, please visit the National Center on Elder Abuse website at

The State of Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services played a vital role in securing the services of Mr. Mapother, and producing a series of public service announcements upon which the elder abuse information piece is based. The Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (90-AM-3146-02) partially funded the project.

Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Therefore, points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official Administration on Aging or DHHS policy.

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