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Newswise: Unlocking the genetic secrets of red-flesh apples: a bittersweet discovery
Released: 12-Sep-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Unlocking the genetic secrets of red-flesh apples: a bittersweet discovery
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pivotal study has revealed the genetic drivers of red pigmentation in apple flesh, highlighting the critical role of anthocyanins and flavan-3-ols. By mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) across diverse apple families, researchers identified key genetic regions linked to this vibrant coloration, setting the stage for developing apples with deeper hues and enhanced health benefits.

Newswise:Video Embedded cannabis-and-older-adults-poll-shows-current-use-patterns-beliefs-and-risks
9-Sep-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Cannabis and older adults: Poll shows current use patterns, beliefs and risks
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan

One in 5 older adults used cannabis products that include THC in the last year. Among them, 20% said they drove within 2 hours of using cannabis, and a similar percentage said they experience at least one potential signs of addiction.

Newswise: Strengthening crop stems: new insights from pepper plant genetics
Released: 12-Sep-2024 7:05 AM EDT
Strengthening crop stems: new insights from pepper plant genetics
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A recent study has identified CaSLR1, a gene in pepper plants, as a key regulator of stem strength by controlling cell wall development. This discovery offers significant potential for agriculture, paving the way for breeding crops with enhanced resistance to lodging. Such improvements can lead to increased yield stability and reduced production costs, providing substantial benefits for farmers.

Released: 12-Sep-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Insuficiência cardíaca relacionada à gravidez é pouco detectada; estetoscópio habilitado para IA ajudou médicos a diagnosticar o dobro de casos
Mayo Clinic

A insuficiência cardíaca durante a gravidez é uma condição perigosa e muitas vezes pouco detectada porque os sintomas comuns – falta de ar, fadiga extrema e dificuldade em respirar enquanto se está deitada – são facilmente confundidos com os desconfortos típicos da gravidez. Uma pesquisa de última hora apresentada no Congresso da Sociedade Europeia de Cardiologia sobre um estudo da Mayo Clinic mostrou que um estetoscópio digital habilitado para inteligência artificial (IA) ajudou os médicos a identificar o dobro de casos de insuficiência cardíaca em comparação ao grupo de controle que recebeu cuidados obstétricos e triagens habituais. Todos os resultados do estudo estão publicados na Nature Medicine.

Released: 12-Sep-2024 5:00 AM EDT
Insuficiencia cardíaca relacionada con el embarazo es poco detectada; el estetoscopio habilitado para IA ayudó a los médicos a diagnosticar el doble de casos
Mayo Clinic

La insuficiencia cardíaca durante el embarazo es una afección peligrosa y, a menudo, no se detecta porque los síntomas comunes – dificultad para respirar, fatiga extrema y dificultad para respirar mientras está acostada – se confunden fácilmente con las molestias típicas del embarazo. Una investigación de última hora presentada en el Congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología sobre un estudio de Mayo Clinic mostró que un estetoscopio digital habilitado para inteligencia artificial (IA) ayudó a los médicos a identificar el doble de casos de insuficiencia cardíaca en comparación con el grupo de control que recibió atención obstétrica y exámenes de detección habituales. Todos los resultados del estudio están publicados en Nature Medicine.

Released: 12-Sep-2024 1:00 AM EDT
فشل القلب المرتبط بالحمل غالبًا ما يتم تجاهله أو عدم اكتشافه بشكل كافٍ؛ حيث ساعدت السماعة الطبية المزودة بالذكاء الاصطناعي الأطباء على تشخيص عدد مضاعف من الحالات.
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، مينيسوتا — يُعتبر فشل القلب أثناء الحمل حالة خطيرة وغالبًا ما لا يتم اكتشافها بشكل كافٍ، لأن الأعراض الشائعة مثل ضيق النفس والتعب الشديد وصعوبة التنفس أثناء الاستلقاء يمكن بسهولة أن يُساء تفسيرها على أنها أعراض طبيعية مرتبطة بالحمل. أظهرت أبحاث حديثة قُدمت في مؤتمر الجمعية الأوروبية لأمراض القلب، استنادًا إلى دراسة من مايو كلينك، أن السماعة الطبية الرقمية المزودة بالذكاء الاصطناعي ساعدت الأطباء في تشخيص ضعف عدد حالات فشل القلب مقارنة بمجموعة الضبط التي تلقت الرعاية والفحوصات التوليدية التقليدية. نُشرت النتائج الكاملة للدراسة في مجلة "نيتشر ميديسن".

Released: 11-Sep-2024 10:05 PM EDT
New Study Explores Effects of Salinity Eustress on Microgreens in Controlled Environments Introduction
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team investigates how varying levels of salinity, commonly found in municipal tap water, affect the growth and nutritional content of microgreens.

Newswise: Novel Microbial Treatments Boost Rice Yields in Africa
Released: 11-Sep-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Novel Microbial Treatments Boost Rice Yields in Africa
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team reveals the potential of microbial treatments in significantly increasing rice yields in Africa, particularly in Tanzania and Kenya.

Newswise: Revitalizing pak choi: unveiling the genetic mechanisms behind drought tolerance
Released: 11-Sep-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Revitalizing pak choi: unveiling the genetic mechanisms behind drought tolerance
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scientists have discovered a genetic mechanism in pak choi that boosts drought tolerance by regulating ascorbic acid levels. By silencing the BcSRC2 gene, researchers found that the plant’s ascorbic acid content decreased, reducing its drought resistance. Conversely, overexpressing BcSRC2 raised ascorbic acid levels, enhancing the plant’s tolerance. This finding could guide future breeding strategies to help crops cope with water scarcity.

Newswise: Optimal combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers enhances rice yield and sustainability in rice ratooning systems
Released: 11-Sep-2024 10:05 PM EDT
Optimal combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers enhances rice yield and sustainability in rice ratooning systems
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A research team has revealed that the strategic combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers significantly improves soil nutrient supply, enhances rice growth, and boosts grain yield in rice ratooning systems.
