Newswise — On July 17, the University of Virginia Center for Politics will host its 12th Annual Virginia Political History Project, "With All Deliberate Speed? Massive Resistance in Virginia" at the Virginia Capitol in Richmond.

The conference, in recognition of the coincidence of the inauguration of the nation's first African-American president and the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the end of Massive Resistance in Virginia, will explore the events of the time and analyze how the commonwealth has evolved since the Massive Resistance era.

The conference will bring together students, journalists, civil rights leaders and elected officials who will focus on the Massive Resistance era, its political backdrop, and the life stories of the Virginians who were most impacted by Massive Resistance, as well as its lasting effects and legacies. The conference will feature the only statewide gathering of former students as they share their own personal histories.

Larry J. Sabato, University Professor of politics and director of U.Va.'s Center for Politics, will open the proceedings. All events will take place in the new extension of the Virginia Capitol Building in Richmond.

The schedule:

8:45 a.m. Doors open at the Virginia Capitol Building, Richmond

9:20 a.m. Introduction by Larry J. Sabato

9:30-10:45 a.m. Panel I: The Student Experience

Moderated by Margaret Edds

- Delores Brown, Norfolk

- Henry Cabarrus Jr., Prince Edward

- Suetta Freeman, Warren

- Andrew Heidelberg, Norfolk

- Alicia Lugo, Charlottesville

11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Panel II: Politics and Media during Massive Resistance

Moderated by Larry J. Sabato

- Brenda Andrews, New Journal & Guide (Norfolk)

- Luther Carter, formerly of The Virginian-Pilot

- Chief Justice Leroy Hassell, Supreme Court of Virginia

- James Hershman, Georgetown University

- Former Gov. A. Linwood Holton Jr. (1970-74)

- State Sen. Henry Marsh

- Jeff Schapiro, Richmond Times-Dispatch

1:05-1:45 p.m. Keynote Speech: Former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder (1990-94)

2:00-3:15 p.m. Panel III: The Student Experience

Moderated by Cassandra Newby-Alexander

- The Rev. Everett Berryman, Prince Edward

- Michael Jones, Arlington

- The Rev. James Kilby, Warren

- Donald Martin, Charlottesville

- Rita Mosely, Prince Edward

- Patricia Turner, Norfolk

3:30 - 4:45 p.m. Panel IV: What are the Lasting Effects of Massive Resistance?

Moderated by Daphne Maxwell Reid

- Ray Boone, Richmond Free Press

- Paul Gaston, University of Virginia

- State Sen. Yvonne Miller

- W. Ferguson Reid, former delegate

- Mildred Robinson, U.Va. School of Law

- Mr. Eugene Williams, Charlottesville civil rights leader

- Mr. Michael Paul Williams, Richmond Times-Dispatch

The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

Since 1998, the U.Va. Center for Politics has hosted the annual Virginia Political History Project. This event is an ongoing effort to preserve the rich history of government and politics in the commonwealth and to reflect upon the issues that affect its people.

About the University of Virginia Center for Politics

Founded in 1998 by political analyst and professor Larry J. Sabato, the U.Va. Center for Politics is a non-partisan institute that seeks to promote the value of politics, improve civics education, and increase civic participation through comprehensive research, pragmatic analysis, and innovative educational programs.