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Released: 22-Apr-2016 1:05 PM EDT
Cell-Penetrating Peptide Delivers Drugs on a Molecular Level
Kennesaw State University

A team at Kennesaw State University have developed a novel cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) technology capable of carrying other molecular “cargos” directly into living cells, coupling with them and then successfully uncoupling after delivering its payload. Cargos can be therapeutic molecules like antibodies that fight against parasites and diseases, or anti-cancer proteins.

Released: 6-Jul-2017 12:05 PM EDT
Drone Delivery
Kennesaw State University

When delivery companies like FedEx, Amazon and UPS launch drones to deliver packages in the near future, one Kennesaw State computer science professor may be at the crux of solving one of its most complicated problems.

Released: 27-Sep-2018 7:50 AM EDT
Kennesaw State University: Finding New Clues
Kennesaw State University

Black holes are mysterious, but new research into black holes may shed light on the origins of life in the universe. David Garofalo, Kennesaw State University assistant professor of physics, co-authored a paper published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The findings: the breaking up or ripping of magnetic fields near black holes may explain the way jets of energy come from black holes or contribute to that understanding.

Released: 1-Dec-2018 6:05 PM EST
Kennesaw State associate professor of exercise science conducts extensive CrossFit injury study
Kennesaw State University

The popular fitness program CrossFit is a safe training method for most people but could result in injuries for those who are new to it or don’t participate often, according to a four-year analysis conducted by Kennesaw State University associate professor of exercise science Yuri Feito.

Released: 5-Mar-2019 9:00 AM EST
Survey Reveals Georgia Construction Industry Outlook
Kennesaw State University

The third annual Georgia Construction Outlook Survey indicates that labor shortages and reliability from sub-contractors continues to be a looming concern for 83 percent of the state’s privately-held construction companies.
