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Released: 15-Feb-1999 12:00 AM EST
Scientists Design Molecules That Stymie a Notorious Bug
NYU Langone Health

Scientists at NYU School of Medicine and The Rockefeller University have discovered the structure of a key compound that enables a dangerous bug to cause devastating infections. They have also designed molecules that block the compound's effects, opening a novel way to combat these infections.

15-Mar-1999 12:00 AM EST
Anti-AIDS Agent Found in Tears and Urine of Pregnant Women
NYU Langone Health

NYU School of Medicine and NIH researchers have identified an ordinary protein present in tears and saliva as the long-sought mystery substance in the urine of pregnant women that is a powerful anti-HIV agent.

Released: 7-May-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Combination Therapy Improves Esophageal Cancer Survival
NYU Langone Health

A combination of radiation and chemotherapy lengthens the life of esophageal cancer patients - and, for some, may add many years of life, according to a new, long-term study reported by a NYU Medical Center researcher and colleagues from many other institutions.

24-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Gene Discovered for a Dementing Brain Disease
NYU Langone Health

A mutation in a newly discovered human gene causes an unusual form of hereditary dementia characterized by amyloid deposits in the brain. The new study by NYU School of Medicine scientists may help lead to a better understanding of Alzheimer's and other dementias.

26-Jan-2000 12:00 AM EST
Women's Health Specialist to Comment on Hormone Study
NYU Langone Health

Steven R. Goldstein, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU School of Medicine, is available to comment on a major study that reports a greater risk of breast cancer with estrogen-progesterone combination hormone replacement compared with therapy with estrogen alone.

3-Mar-2000 12:00 AM EST
Key Molecule in Transmission of AIDS Virus
NYU Langone Health

Scientists have discovered a key molecule that the AIDS virus uses to hijack a special type of cell in the body's outermost tissues, providing vital information into how the virus is first transmitted in the body (Cell, 3-3-00).

9-May-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Jews Are Genetic Brothers of Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese
NYU Langone Health

If a common heritage conferred peace, then the history of conflict in the Middle East may have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years.

27-Jun-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Bone Marrow Is Source of Mature Liver Cells
NYU Langone Health

In a finding that opens a new avenue to treating liver disease and blood-clotting disorders, researchers have found that the bone marrow is the source of cells that are responsible for the liver's famous ability to regenerate itself (Hepatology, 7-00).

18-Aug-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Hair Follicles Provide Stem Cells for Entire Epidermis
NYU Langone Health

The hair follicle isn't just a hair factory. Researchers have now discovered that the hair follicle is the source of new cells for the skin's outermost layer, the epidermis, which is replenished throughout life (Cell, 8-18).

Released: 22-Nov-2000 12:00 AM EST
A Bladder Gene is Linked to a Common Birth Defect
NYU Langone Health

New York University School of Medicine researchers have discovered that a gene normally found in the bladder may contribute to a common birth defect that is the leading cause of kidney failure in children. (Journal of Cell Biology, 11-27-00)
