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Released: 10-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
3-D Structure of Enzyme Involved in Gaucher Disease Solved
Weizmann Institute of Science

Discovery may help design effective therapies for the genetic disease that mainly affects Ashkenazi Jews.

Released: 13-Jun-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Reproducing Matter as It First Appeared Right after the Big Bang
Weizmann Institute of Science

Recent results of a joint experiment conducted by 460 physicists from 57 research institutions in 12 countries strongly indicate that the scientists have succeeded in reproducing matter as it first appeared in the universe; this matter is called the quark-gluon plasma.

Released: 11-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Psoriais and Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Passes Phase II Clinical Trials
Weizmann Institute of Science

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with as yet no cure that affects millions of people in the U.S. and Europe. About 10% of these people develop chronic inflammation of the joints called psoriatic arthritis. In clinical trials testing a drug the condition of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patients was greatly improved with no adverse effects.

Released: 11-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Scientists Report Why Taste and Smell Differ Among Individuals
Weizmann Institute of Science

"De gustibus non est disputandum" is a popular saying, conveying that one shouldn't argue about flavors. Now, a team has found why this is true.

Released: 11-Aug-2003 12:00 PM EDT
Scientists Find That Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow Become Liver Cells
Weizmann Institute of Science

Stem cells in our bone marrow usually develop into blood cells, replenishing our blood system. However, in states of emergency, the destiny of some of these stem cells may change: They can become virtually any type of cell "“ liver cells, muscle cells, nerve cells "“ responding to the body's needs.

20-Aug-2003 1:00 PM EDT
New Principle Guides Memory Dynamics
Weizmann Institute of Science

Finding may lead to new treatments for psychological trauma. It may well be that in the future, we will be able to wipe out, or at least dim, certain types of memories with controlled accuracy.

2-Sep-2003 2:00 PM EDT
New Blood Test Uncovers Individual Risk for Lung Cancer
Weizmann Institute of Science

Smokers carrying a newly found genetic marker are 5-10 times more likely to fall victim to the disease than other smokers; 120 times more than nonsmokers who don't carry the marker.

Released: 23-Sep-2003 5:50 AM EDT
Weizmann Scientist’s Invention Moves Forward: Cancer Diagnosis Technique Gets FDA Clearance
Weizmann Institute of Science

Thanks to a diagnostic imaging technique that should soon be finding its way to medical establishments, many patients could be spared the pain and risk of biopsies. The technique, called 3TP, has recently received FDA clearance for use in the detection of breast and prostate cancer, and is slated for distribution as early as next year. It will enable doctors to distinguish between malignant tumors and benign lumps by scanning instead of cutting.

Released: 31-Dec-2003 10:10 AM EST
“Smart Bomb” Delivery Destroys Tumors in Mice
Weizmann Institute of Science

Scientists have destroyed malignant tumors in mice using a chemical that occurs naturally in garlic. The key to the scientists' success lies in the development of a unique, two-step system for delivering the cancer-wrecking chemical straight to the tumor cells.

Released: 5-Jan-2004 3:30 PM EST
Metastasis of Colon Cancer Cells Reversed In Vitro
Weizmann Institute of Science

Scientists have succeeded in reversing the metastatic properties of colon cancer cells, in vitro. The findings uncover a key process involved in the metastasis of colon cancer cells and raise hopes that target-specific drugs might be devised to prevent, or reverse, the invasive behavior of metastatic colon cancer cells.
