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Released: 18-Jun-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Canine Epilepsy
Texas A&M University

While great strides have been made through the years in treating the human side of epilepsy, it's only recently that progress has been made in diagnosing and treating epilepsy in the animal world.

Released: 28-Jul-1999 12:00 AM EDT
Drugs Using Gold Could Provide Arthritis Relief
Texas A&M University

A Texas A&M chemist, who has conducted research on gold for 25 years, has observed that when placed in an excited state, gold particles can become phosphorescent, and the light produced under such circumstances could be beneficial in medical treatments and in industrial usage.

Released: 3-Sep-1999 12:00 AM EDT
First-Ever Cloned Bull
Texas A&M University

Scientists have successfully cloned what is believed to be the first calf cloned from an adult bull, which is also the oldest animal ever cloned -- a 21-year-old Brahman.

Released: 24-Aug-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Researchers Reset Bacterial Clocks
Texas A&M University

The identification of a gene -- called the cikA gene -- that codes for a protein important in resetting the circadian clock in a species of cyanobacteria is reported by a Texas A&M University research group in the Aug. 4 Science.

Released: 13-Oct-2000 12:00 AM EDT
Cancer Patients Face Barriers Overlooked
Texas A&M University

For anyone facing cancer, effective treatment is usually the patient's foremost concern. But a host of non-treatment problems can present as much worry as the disease itself.

Released: 19-Apr-2002 12:00 AM EDT
Writing Email About Problems Can Improve Health
Texas A&M University

Sure, it's a fast and convenient form of communication and even a method for proliferating corny jokes and outrageous hoaxes, but email, according to a new Texas A&M University study, may actually benefit a person's health when used properly.

Released: 9-Jul-2004 6:40 AM EDT
Memorize This: We Can Remember Better
Texas A&M University

Your memory can be improved, but it needs a daily workout and motivation to do so, says a Texas A&M researcher who has written a book after studying memory - and lack of it - for almost 40 years.

Released: 13-Jul-2004 6:50 AM EDT
Building a Better Hospital Just What Doctor Ordered for Patients, Staff
Texas A&M University

Hospitals are unnecessarily risky and stressful places, but a number of improvements to the design of hospital facilities could reduce stress and risk for patients and staff, reveals research by Texas A&M University Professor of Architecture Roger Ulrich.

Released: 17-Feb-2005 12:50 PM EST
Humor Can Increase Hope
Texas A&M University

Laughter might be the best medicine for transforming the faintest of glimmers of hope into an eternal spring, reveals research at Texas A&M University that shows humor may significantly increase a person's level of hope.

Released: 22-Mar-2005 4:00 PM EST
Babies Use Their Own Names To Help Learn Language
Texas A&M University

A baby's understanding of language may begin with its own name, which a baby uses to break sentences into smaller parts so it can learn other words, according to new research by Texas A&M University psychologist Heather Bortfeld, who studies language development in infants and children.
